Data Nerds Rejoice! CA Precinct Analysis Released

California precinct index offers detailed political information.


by Brian Leubitz

Geeks around California rejoice! David Latterman, who now works at USF’s McCarthy Center has been known around San Francisco for his progressive precinct index. Today he released his 2011 version of the California version. As you can see from the image to the right, much of the data is as you would expect it. There is a dark blue core around the coast, and red elsewhere. what that really translates to is that a fairly strong majority, as population, of somewhat progressive voters. Much of that red area exists in large, unpopulated districts. If you look closely, you will see a growing blue section in the central valley of progressive voters.

You can get the full details of Latterman’s California 2011 Politcal Precinct Index at this PDF release.


3 thoughts on “Data Nerds Rejoice! CA Precinct Analysis Released”

  1. comprise a huge % of the voters in the central valley. it’s like a population density map, every blue patch is a city.

  2. Areas do have a bigger number of wild animals than Humans, People think cause they see no Humans or at least not many, that these areas are empty(like their heads), these so called empty areas are not empty, their just populated differently…

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