Prop 32 Panned Across the State

Newspapers editorialize, columnists argue against Prop 32

by Brian Leubitz

If you’ve been paying attention to the California ballot this year, you’ll see that many newspapers have editorialized on the initiatives already. And across the state, major newspapers are saying No on Prop 32, the Special Exemptions Act. There are a variety of reasons in the editorials and columns, but they all boil down to the fact that the measure is not really political reform.

Let’s start with the Sacramento Bee:

Proposition 32 would do nothing to curb independent expenditures.

Nor would Proposition 32 increase transparency of campaign money. It offers no additional tools to help the Fair Political Practices Commission and prosecutors investigate corruption. It makes no attempt to deal with ballot measure spending.(Sacbee)

You see, while the proponents argue that Prop 32 will reform the political system, the truth is that it not only exempts many businesses, but it also unfairly singles out labor. From the San Francisco Chronicle’s editorial against Prop 32:

Meanwhile, organized labor has made defeat of Prop. 32 its highest priority in California because of what is unquestionably its most consequential element: A prohibition on the use of payroll deductions for political purposes. …  The measure does not attempt to put similar constraints on the ability of corporations and other interests to raise money. It does prevent corporations from using payroll deductions – but, in reality, that is rarely where they go for political money.(SF Chronicle)

And in the end, Prop 32 just isn’t what it seems. That’s why you see words like the following from the San Jose Mercury News:

If Proposition 32 did what supporters claim — limit all special interest money from corrupting the political system — we would heartily endorse it. It doesn’t. It is a deceptive sham that would magnify the influence of wealthy interests while shutting out many middle-class voters. Vote no on Proposition 32. (SJ Merc)

Note: Brian Leubitz, the editor of this blog, works for the No on 32 campaign. Please like the campaign on facebook or follow on twitter. You can also get your No on 32 T-shirt here.

12 thoughts on “Prop 32 Panned Across the State”

  1. The TV ad against Prop 32 is GREAT !!

    Clear, straightforward, simple, Honest

    Bite my tongue because I don’t think the Pro Prop 32 ads have come out

    How is Prop 30 doing ?

    Newspaper Endorsements >

  2. Prop 32 is s imilar to one arnold pushed back in ’05 right?

    I’m curious though if a Prop came out with the same union limitations AND added the limitations for corporations that the left says need to be added to be fair – would it be DOA because both sides would hate or will the left accept such a prop just to curb corporate power?

  3. There have been several pro-342 ads on radio in the LA area. Interestingly enough, the first round of the radio ads used the tag line: “Reform, No Loopholes, No Exceptions.”  But after complaints that this was erroneous because of all the exemptions contained in 32, the next round of ads dropped the phrase “No Exceptions.”

    Unfortunately, the people who did the new pro-32 TV ad apparently didn’t get the message. That ad still contains the phrase: “Reform, No Loopholes, No Exceptions.”  

  4. I cannot disagree with your posting.  Prop 32 does nothing to curb IEs.  It doesn’t increase transparency, add tools to investigate corruption, or deal with ballot measure spending.  It does nothing to constrain corporations or other interests to raise money.  It does not limit all special interest money from corrupting the system.  In addition, it does not cure cancer, end poverty or increase sustainable energy.

    Here’s what it will do: it will dampen the ability of public employee unions from choosing their employers.

    Suppose you are running for city council and the bulk of your volunteers and the bulk of your money comes from the employees of the city.  Then you get elected.  Then it is time to negotiate salaries, benefits and working conditions.  Who will you represent?  The citizens of the city or the employees of the city?

    I think you can draw a straight line between the recurring budget problems in California and the rise in the power and influence of public employee unions.  This started with Pete Wilson’s capitulation to CCPOA in the 90s.

    I acknowledge (with gratitude) that many of the public employee union resources have been used to defeat Republicans.  But those resources come with a cost and its time we look at this issue realistically.  

  5. First,only unions collect dues through payroll deductions NOT corporations. There is a system with in every union that governs the tiny percent of the dues that go to politics and every member has the right to opt out.  However, The language in Prop. 32 continues to state that even if money is collected through voluntary practices the union cannot use the money for any political purpose or communicate with their members regarding politics.

    Second the language of prop. 32 states it will stop pay to play. It only stops it during the bidding process, than corporations can go back to giving moneys. It doesn’t stop Corporate Super PAC’s, Wal-Mart, which is not a corporation, Anti union Billionaire CEOs, or 501 4c non profits that don’t even have to report to the FFC who gave them money.  Even the Chamber of Commerce can give unlimited amounts of money to their special interests.

    Let’s talk Chamber of Commerce, their attorneys and members attend every MSHA, OSHA or CAL OSHA hearing I have every attended fighting to stop or repeal health and safety laws that protect workers.  Yeah , that’s the folks I want to decide my working conditions and pay.

    Labor rights aren’t etched in stone. They were won through politics and collective bargaining.  So if you’re the 99% that have to work for a living say, “good bye” to, vacation leave, health insurance, 8 hour work day, minimum wage, work place health and safety laws, overtime pay, unemployment, child labor laws, meal breaks, nurse patient ratios just to name a few.  Screw 32 vote NO

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