George Skelton Takes Prop 32 to Task, Calls 32 an “insult to voters’ intelligence”

Noted LA Times columnist calls out the phony political reform

by Brian Leubitz

George Skelton has seen most of the smarmier side of California politics. And when he calls something out for being phony, you should at least take notice. However, in the case of Prop 32, he’s gone further:

Even a cursory look at Prop. 32 shows that it’s about a covey of special interests from the right attacking a rival interest on the left, organized labor.

If backers had turned their initiative into an honest debate about curtailing labor muscle – specifically the influence of public employee unions – they would have deserved more serious consideration.

But by deciding to phony it up – crafting what they perceived to be the best marketing pitch based on public opinion surveys – they’ve created a laugher and an insult to the voters’ intelligence.(LA Times)

Of course, this is nothing all that new. What he is saying is the same thing that the League of Women Voters and Common Cause have been saying: this is not real political reform. It is a thin veneer with a whole other set of goals beneath. While Prop 32 would silence working Californians, like teachers, cops, nurses and firefighters, it would only empower the real special interests to spend unlimited and unregulated sums on their own favored politicians and measures.

As Mr. Skelton put it, “Prop. 32 is a self-serving sham.”

Note: Brian Leubitz, the editor of this blog, works for the No on 32 campaign. Please like the campaign on facebook or follow on twitter.

One thought on “George Skelton Takes Prop 32 to Task, Calls 32 an “insult to voters’ intelligence””

  1. The problem is:

    How many voters read opinion pieces in the papers

    I wonder how many even look at the reccomendations of newspapers

    Still, thanks, Mr. Skelton !!

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