Two California Congressional Dems Don’t Support Marriage Equality? Maybe.

New list of House Dems features 2 Californians

by Brian Leubitz

This is 2013, and even Republicans are moving towards accepting marriage equality. Yet some House Democrats still haven’t announced their support. Joe.My.God. compiled such a list, featuring two Californians: Juan Vargas of San Diego and Jim Costa of Fresno.

Now, politicians are rapidly “evolving”, so I don’t want to unfairly mark either of these two Congressmen if they have supported marriage equality. Vargas, as recently as Mark Leno’s marriage equality bills in the Legislature, voted against equality. But change happens. If you know of any public commitment to full equality from these two, please, let me know. If not, Congressmen, what are you waiting for?

2 thoughts on “Two California Congressional Dems Don’t Support Marriage Equality? Maybe.”

  1. I support Gay marriage

    I think it’s only fair and just

    But, let’s not have a witch hunt in the Democratic Party

    Let’s NOT Demand Ideological Purity

    We need a big house of Democrats spanning a variety of views

    We’re NOT Republicans !!!

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