Former Congressman was convicted on bribery related charges
By Brian Leubitz
Well, the Duke-Stir is looking to make his way in the big world, after he gets out of the joint today.
Cunningham, 71, is due to be released Tuesday. He told a federal judge last year that he planned to live near his mother and brother in a remote part of Arkansas, writing books in a small cabin. But in a brief interview with The Associated Press in April, he said he might settle with military friends in Florida, where he would write his memoirs.(AP)
It’s been a while since we heard all the lurid details of cunningham’s bribery filed exploits. But with the bulk of the former congressman’s district by freshman Rep Scott Peters, the district is probably getting much better representation.
Four More Years !!!
In today’s SF Chronicle Business section, there’s a big article on Jack Abramoff ‘advising’ Silicon Valley to beef up its’ lobbying efforts
and, presumably hire his crooked asp to boot
Four More Years for Abrmoff AND ‘Duke’ Cunningham
… and how about Dick Cheney ??