Preliminary Endorsement Recommendations from the CDP Pre-Endorsement Conventions

Recommendations will have to be ratified at CDP Convention in early March

by Brian Leubitz

The CDP released its recommendations from the pre-endorsement conventions held in each of the regions this weekend. You can check out the full PDF here. In some of the competitive races, Tim Sbranti got the nod in AD-16, Dan Wolk in AD-04, and Ted Leiu in CD-33. Meanwhile, several districts will be going to caucus at the convention, including AD-15 in the Berkeley area, AD-07 in Sacramento, and the somewhat intense race between Eric Swalwell and Ellen Corbett in CD-15.

All of these recommendations are subject to ratification at the CDP convention in Los Angeles on March 7-9. You can get the full details of the CDP endorsement process here.