All posts by A.Citizen

I have had enough….How about you?

After waiting for almost two long years for Democrats in the House and Senate to reign in the Bush adminstration’s trashing of the Constitution and the values of the Founders it’s crystal clear that Pelosi and Reid don’t ‘get it’. When their much hoped for and cherished supermajority is swept away with the fantasy of Senator Obama’s doomed campaign perhaps they will start to do their jobs.

It will be too late for them and the appeasers they lead in both houses.


It’s not too late for me to take action against one of the vilest members of BushCo. A man who accepts CA taxpayer funds as his right for a job well done.

I disagree and have decided:

Enough is enough!

Join me and lets start ‘Cleaning up the Mess’  Miss Nancy Madame Speaker and ‘Sellout’ Fighting Harry Reid can’t seem to see even though it’s right in front of them. At the least take my poll and let me know what you think.

It’s the progressive thing to do.