All posts by Alliance for a Better California

Outrage over Schwarzenegger’s Debate Remarks

(Did he learn a lesson in politics or policy? He attempts to obfusicate it, but he let down his guard here. He thinks the policies of the special were sound policy. They weren’t. At all. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

We just put out a press release about Arnold’s comments about the special election that he made during the debate.  It was the key point in the debate, making a clear contrast between the two candidates.  Here are some excerpts from the press release and a YouTube clip of Angelides and Schwarzenegger addressing the special election.

Sacramento – Today the Alliance for a Better California, the coalition of firefighters, teachers, cops and nurses that came together to overwhelmingly defeat Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s damaging Special Election agenda, called on the Governor to renounce the remarks he made during this weekend’s debate saying his policies attacking working families were “good ideas.”

“It’s clear that not only has Arnold Schwarzenegger learned nothing from his disastrous Special Election last year, but that he is arrogantly defying the will of California’s voters by saying those rejected, failed policies were good ideas,” said Lou Paulson, President of the California Professional Firefighters. “This Governor cannot be trusted – there is not a doubt in my mind that he will continue to attack our public education system and to eliminate secure retirement for public safety employees, including for the families of those killed in the line of duty.”

In addition, Schwarzenegger used much of the same campaign rhetoric during the debate that he used during the Special Election to sell his damaging initiatives. In particular, Prop. 76, dubbed by the Schwarzenegger campaign the “Live Within Our Means Act,” was resoundingly defeated by 25 points. Yet Schwarzenegger repeatedly used that phrase several times during this weekend’s debate to talk about current policies, setting off alarm bells to those concerned about further drastic cuts to education.

“There is no question that this Governor has broken his promises to California’s students time and again, especially when he tried to cut billions from our schools,” said Barbara E. Kerr, President of the California Teachers Association. “California voters soundly rejected his proposal to eliminate our minimum school funding guarantee and to give him the power to cut school budgets without asking anyone. So now, to call those good ideas shows he didn’t listen at all last year. I have serious concerns about which Arnold Schwarzenegger would show up after Election Day – the one who makes promises to our schools, or the one who repeatedly breaks them?”

Schwarzenegger also attacked Angelides by claiming he didn’t come out of his office during protests of the Davis Administration. But Governor Schwarzenegger never once came outside of his multi-million dollar fundraisers to acknowledge those who had come out to make their voices heard.

The failed agenda that Schwarzenegger appears to be embracing anew as “good ideas” included:

  • Destroying the minimum school funding law approved by voters and permanently slashing school funding by $4 billion, approximately $600 per student.
  • Giving the Governor the power to cut funding for education and public safety without consulting anyone.
  • Punishing new teachers by extending their probation period and eliminating their right to a fair hearing.
  • Denying public employees, including firefighters, teachers, cops and nurses, a voice in the political process.
  • Allowing 3 retired judges to redraw district lines based on outdated census data.

CA-Gov Alliance is Back: Our Ads

(x-posted on dailykos)

I have been promising you all for a while that we would be back and active this year.  Here is what you have been waiting for, a new round of ads.  Below is the press release and several formats of the ads including YouTube.

These ads focus on Arnold’s broken promises and question his trustworthiness.

This ad is titled “In His Words”

Windows Media Player

Here is “In the Eye”

Windows Media Player

And part of the press release:

Sacramento – The Alliance for a Better California, the coalition that led the effort to defeat Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Special Election Agenda last year, today released two new television ads focusing on Schwarzenegger’s broken promises and questioning his trustworthiness. The ads’ release coincides with the second year anniversary of the women’s conference where the Governor attacked union members, declaring “I’m always kicking their butts.”

The 30-second commercials featuring teachers, firefighters, nurses, and police officers (available online at begin airing today in television markets statewide. The ads cite Schwarzenegger’s broken promises on funding public education and other issues, and question the Governor’s integrity based on his policy reversals, including his promise to be different.

“The Alliance is continuing its efforts to protect working men and women because we don’t know what Arnold Schwarzenegger really believes,” said Gale Kaufman, consultant to the Alliance for a Better California. “There is no evidence of what his core values are. Time and time again we’ve seen him try to reinvent himself in an effort to gain advantage in the polls and to fool voters into thinking he’s not just another politician.”

“These ads remind voters of some very basic things – this Governor will say whatever it takes to get re-elected and that for this Governor talk is cheap. He has no record of holding up his end of the bargain. How can voters trust that next year, should he be re-elected, they would have any idea what his policies will be?” Kaufman said.

Glendale teacher Sandra Fink, who appears in the ad, says, “Governor Schwarzenegger is again promising to make education his top priority because it’s election time and he knows that’s what voters want to hear. But how can we trust him? What happens if the governor who broke his promises to our students and schools – the governor teachers had to sue just to get back the billions he borrowed from education – shows up again next year? We can’t trust this governor. He hasn’t earned it.”

“Integrity is something California’s firefighters don’t take lightly, and we have been profoundly disappointed in Governor Schwarzenegger,” said Brian Rice, a Sacramento firefighter also featured in the ad. “He wasted all of last year on a divisive Special Election on issues that attacked working people. He lost our trust. How can we trust him to not go back to being the Governor who attacked working men and women?”

Why is the Alliance continuing their efforts to protect working men and women? Because we don’t know who Arnold Schwarzenegger really is and we have no way of knowing what he really believes. Time and time again we’ve seen him try to reinvent himself to be able to gain advantage in polling numbers, fool the voters into thinking he’s not just another politician, and spend taxpayers’ money on wasteful big stunts.”

We’re currently on Arnold #4, by my calculations. So, the Alliance asks, which Governor would show up after re-election, after the votes are counted? Why would we want to wait to find out?” Kaufman concluded.

Victory: Governor’s Campaign Fined

(The ABC has come up with a nice win against Schwazenegger’s poorly named “California Recovery Team.” Congrats! – promoted by SFBrianCL)

(cross-posted on

The Fair Political Practices Commission has issued a ruling today against Arnold Schwarzenegger’s California Recovery Team.  The FPPC is finally holding CRT and the Governor accountable for violating campaign finance laws last year and has ordered that they pay a stiff penalty of $200,200.

The Alliance sued the CRT last fall for failing to disclose $25,600,000 of expenditures, as required by law.  In March, the California Court of Appeals ruled in our favor, stating that either the FPPC could penalize the governor’s CRT or the Alliance could file our own lawsuit to recover damages.  It may have taken seven months, but our legal process has worked the way it is supposed to.  This sends a message that the Governor has to play by the same rules as everyone else.  It is a victory for all Californians and our justice system.

This $200,200 fine is one of the highest in FPPC history.  The funds are payable to the General Fund of the State of California.  It may be buried on the Friday afternoon of the July 4th weekend, but we couldn’t be more pleased with the resolution.

Arnold’s Bush Team

(cross-posted on BetterCA and DailyKos)

Arnold wants to win re-election and will do just about anything to do so.  Just look at who he hired to run his campaign, the Bush/Cheney team who managed turn a war hero into a flip-flopper and an draft dodger into a tough leader.  The Merc does a great job profiling these imports and their hardball tactics.

Steve Schmidt, campaign manager: [snip]

Schmidt ran Bush’s re-election war room and rapid response team — which provides immediate responses to opponents’ assertions — during the Democratic National Convention, has served as Vice President Dick Cheney’s spokesman, and was a member of Karl Rove’s inner circle.

As the rapid response guy for Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito, he was responsible for creating sympathy for Alito by pounding home the image of his sobbing wife during tough grilling.

The man is getting paid an amazing $52,000 a month.  In contrast. Cathy Calfo, Angelides campaign manager is earning $15,000.  I guess bullets are expensive.

Matthew Dowd, chief strategist: The man who plotted strategy for Bush’s 2004 re-election, Dowd is close to Rove — the two once taught a class together on campaigning as political opponents, before Dowd joined Rove’s Texas shop in 1998.

Dowd is known for his successful microtargeting strategy and advertising on cable TV.

Alex Castellanos, political advertising: Considered the Republican Party’s ultimate political hit man, Castellanos is best known for producing searing negative ads. His 1990 “White Hands” ad is considered one of the most racially divisive in campaign history. It featured an angry white worker crumpling up a job-rejection notice after losing it “because they had to give it to a minority.”

Castellanos is also the guy responsible for the subliminal “rats” ad in 2000.  The GOP had an ad up attacking Gore’s prescription drug campaign and for 1/30th of a second the word “rats” flashed across the screen.  At the time Castellanos denied that he put it in there.  However, even after it was brought to his attention, he continued to run the ad as is for another two weeks, before finally yanking it.

The governor has tried to stay away from the unpopular president as much as possible.  Instead, he has hired Bush’s brain trust.  These are the guys who worked for one of the most divisive administrations in history.  Their record of lowest common denominator politics is deplorable.

Salon writes:

Over the years Castellanos has produced a trail of caustic ads either pulled off the air, like the Bush spot in Florida, or judged by his own Republican clients to be too misleading or biting for public consumption. Yet today, because of his expertise at the negative, he has been given a central role in the Bush campaign.

Steve Schmit, learned from one of the most successful campaign operatives, Karl Rove.  Rove was not successful because he runs positive campaigns.  Rove’s strategy usually consists “of taking your own weakness and turning it into your opponent’s weakness instead, through relentless misrepresentation of facts.”  Do not be surprised to see this strategy crop up at some point in the race.

Schmidt seems to have adapted a Castellanos strategy: it is true because I say so.  Evidently accoriding to Castellanos, false advertising is “freedom and democracy on display”.

“You know, ultimately all this messy stuff we have in politics, all this conflict, all this chaos — by another name, it’s freedom. And I think that a country that has fought so hard to earn its freedom and keep its freedom shouldn’t give an ounce of it away,” he once said on a 1998 documentary broadcast on PBS. “If you take all the negative aspects out of politics, if you take all the divisiveness out of politics, what you’re left with is, is very bland, unimaginative oatmeal.”

I guess you can twist the flag into just about anything.  Personally, I would much rather have a debate over the issues and a vibrant Democracy, rather than discourage participation with false advertising.

This is the stellar team that Arnold has put together.  This cycle is not going to be pretty.  They will stop at nothing to get Arnold re-elected and that is just the way he wants it.  This is the Bush legacy in all its glory.

Swiftboat Veterans for Arnold

(cross-posted on BetterCA and DailyKos)

The top 3 contributors to the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” 527 committee that attacked John Kerry have all maxed out their donations to Schwarzenegger this month.  It begs the question, what do these guys want with Arnold and what will they do to try and get him another term?

Bob Perry, Harold Simmons and T. Boone Pickens provided over half of the money raised by this controversial PAC — $9.5 million of the $17 million they raised (see the IRS for documentation 1, 2, 3).  These three guys have now given Arnold almost $750,000.  Oh and Oilman T. Boone’s wife also maxed out giving $44,600 this month.  Click on the image to see a chart of all of the donations.

What the heck do these three rich businessmen from Texas want out of Arnold Schwarzenegger?  There is no reason to believe that these folks wouldn’t give MORE money to Arnold, if it weren’t for those pesky contribution limits.  In fact, T. Boone cut a half a million to Arnold’s California Recovery Team last October.

I can see it now, an “independent expenditure” campaign bashing Angelides/Westly, fronted by the guys who successfully smeared John Kerry during his presidential run.  Arnold has imported not only the Bush/Cheney strategists, but also the donors who may have won the president another term in office.  Just like our Millionares for Prop 75 campaign, we will be keeping our eyes on what these guys are up to.

Action Alert: Stop Arnold and McCain’s March Madne$$

Monday, Sen. McCain is coming to Beverly Hills to raise $2 million for Arnold’s re-election campaign.  They are asking for up to $100,000 per person.  That is illegal under McCain’s own campaign finance reform law.  BCRA (aka McCain-Feingold) makes it illegal for federal officers to solicit large sums for state candidates.  This fundraiser breaks both the sprit and the letter of the law.

Tell Sen. McCain to not attend the fundraiser and stop breaking the law.  Sign a letter to McCain.

Arnold needs McCain to help him reach is goal of $120 million for this race.  McCain needs a Governor Schwarzenegger in office to help him win the Republican nomination for President in 2008.  It is a mutually beneficial relationship and one that they seem willing to break the law over.

McCain has tried to skirt the law by including this clause at the bottom of the invitation.  Click here to see the actual invitation and then click on it to zoom in.

We are honored to have Senator John McCain as our Speaker for this event.  However, the solicitation for funds is being made only by Californians for Schwarzenegger and the California Republican Party.  In accordance with federal law, Senator McCain is not soliciting individual funds beyond federal law.

Our lawyer, who is usually a pretty conservative guy, believes that even with this language, McCain’s presence is illegal.  We are sending a letter to the Senator requesting that he heed his own words about state parties being a conduit for soft-money and not attend the fundraiser.

Join us and send a letter to McCain.

Here is what we are sending:

March 16, 2006

Senator John McCain
241 Russell Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington DC, 20510

Dear Senator McCain,

    The Alliance for a Better California, a coalition of firefighters, nurses, teachers, police officers, and everyday citizens, is writing to urge you not to join Governor Schwarzenegger at his upcoming Beverly Hills campaign event.  If this event proceeds as scheduled, you will violate federal campaign finance laws, specifically McCain-Feingold – a law you fought vigorously to get passed.  More importantly, Governor Schwarzenegger’s record setting fundraising speaks for itself; designed to reward high dollar contributors with access and influence, a practice you have fought tirelessly to prevent with the passage of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law.    

As you well know, federal officers cannot solicit sums of: $100,000, $50,000, $25,000, and $10,000 on behalf of state candidates without violating federal law.  Indeed, an event such as the one planned on behalf of the Governor is precisely the type of fundraising prohibited under McCain-Feingold.    

Both the policy and spirit behind the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act is to prevent large soft-money contributions which inevitably seek to buy access and gain improper influence.  As you have said, “It’s time for the parties to stop being a conduit for soft money and unregulated and undisclosed money, and it’s time to be a party of the people again.”   Therefore, we urge you to not abandon the very reform you sought by campaigning for Governor Schwarzenegger as he seeks to achieve unprecedented soft money contributions in his bid for re-election.  

Senator, we urge you to heed your own call when you say, “Soft money is really what’s harming American politics as we know it.”  By withdrawing your participation in the Governor’s upcoming event you will send both the Governor and all Californians the clear message that you remain committed to eliminating the corruption and improper influence that soft money contributions foster.  On this issue you have historically been a reformer, having garnered tremendous bipartisan support to restore confidence and trust back into our political system.  We ask you only to continue the work that you have already begun.  

Very Truly Yours,

The Alliance for a Better California

We have alerted the press and hopefully we will get some good coverage out of this.  The California Democratic Party has already filed a FEC complaint.    Unfortunately, it did not get much attention because the Republicans filed a baseless complaint against Angelides in retaliation.  The Foundation for Taxpayers and Consumers Rights also sent a letter with a similar request to the Senator today.  Let’s get some buzz going people and see if we can shine a light McCain.

In conjunction with the letter we are holding a rally in front of the Beverly Hilton on Monday.  We are expecting a couple hundred people to attend and would love to have you there. Join us out front at 4:30!

Monday, March 20th
Outside “The Beverly Hilton”
Whittier and Santa Monica
Beverly Hills, CA

This all part of Arnold’s whirlwind fundraising tour in March that has him flying all over the country to raise funds for his re-election.  It is time to speak up and tell him to start doing his job.  Help the teacher, nurses, cops and firefighters hold him accountable for his failure to lead.

For more on this fundraiser, read my previous blog posts on Arnold’s fundraising over at

Rally Against Arnold’s March Madne$$

(cross-posted over at dkos)

What does it take to get to $120 million dollars?

See, Arnold set that obscene amount as his fundraising goal for the cycle.  He and Matthew Dowd, the Bush/Cheney 04 mastermind, figure that’s what it will take to buy the governor re-election.  So, Arnold has been flying all over the country raking in $100,000 checks towards that goal.  One week it was DC with Ted Leonis of AOL, on the 30th is NYC with Giuliani.  Next week he gets Mr. Campaign-Finance Reform himself, Sen McCain to come to 90210 and raise $2 million in one night.  There is that nagging little thing called the law, actually his law, that makes it illegal for McCain to be there while they hit up Hollywood and all of those rich business interests for $100k checks.  (more on that later this week)

Arnold’s March Madness Tour
(click on the image for a downloadable pdf flyer)

Well, we aren’t gonna take this lying down.  It is time to make some noise on March 20th.

We kicked his butt last year and we will again this year.  We are expecting to have a couple hundred real working Californians outside, while Arnold, Sen. McCain, James Cameron and a whole host of rich business types eat a fancy meal inside.

Join us and the CNA there!

Tell the Governor to stop breaking promises. Tell the governor to stop fundraising from corporate special interest and to start doing his job. Tell the governor to stop flying from coast to coast to raise money. He said he’d be different, but he’s just another politican, raising more special interest money than any Governor in history.

It is time to take a stand against this governor.

Come to our rally on March 20th outside the Governor’s fundraiser at the Beverly Hilton. Send a message to the Governor that nurses, teachers, firefighters, police officers and other concerned citizens aren’t fooled by his latest empty promises, and will hold him accountable for his failure to lead.

The Beverly Hilton
9876 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Assemble at 4:30 pm
Rally Program Begins at 5:00 pm

There will be a stage and a number of speakers. Bring your own sign or we will provide one. Break out those Arnold masks again and say no to this governor.

Download a flyer here (pdf).

For more on who is paying the big bucks to attend the event click here.

You Betcha We Are Alive and Kicking

(cross-posted on the BetterCA blog)

Someone over at the Chamber of Commerce leaked a letter we sent to their chairman and executive committee to the Capitol Weekly (not that we are surprised).  We sent it last week to give the Chamber a stern warning: you mess with us and you get the horns.  The Alliance is sick of the repeated attempts by the Chamber to support people like Lew Uhler and their attempts to shut up the voices of the working people of California.  If they try it again, we can and we will, put a measure on the ballot to restrict corporate donations.

Paulson, head of the state’s firefighter’s union, said he is tired of the “zealots saying we are going to keep bringing this issue up,” after voters turned back a similar initiative, Proposition 226, in 1998 and again this year.

“In [Props.] 226 and 75, we were defending ourselves…If you are going to continue to attack us, then at some point in time we are going to go on the offense,” he said.

You hear that Lew?  We have stopped you twice now, third time is the horns not the charm.  The Chamber and others should keep what we said in mind, especially when it comes to the initiatives filed by Mark Bucher the other day.

Members of the Alliance will be meeting with the several individuals from Chamber over the next few weeks.  We have until December 30th to make a decision on filing the Shareholders Protection Act and rest assured we will have the signatures to do it.  Hopefully, the Chamber will come to their senses and help Californians avoid another needless bloody battle.

Californians know who they trust and it is the teachers, nurses, cops and firefighters.  We don’t need another election to prove it.

Yes on 75 Ad: Take Off the Costumes, Find Ex-Gays and Bigots

(cross-posted on the BetterCA blog)

The millionaires, billionaires, and corporate Interests bankrolling the Prop. 75 campaign have launched a new television ad which began airing in Los Angeles today. The ad features a paid political consultant, a republican congressional candidate and extremist activists deceptively posing as typical teachers, police officers and concerned citizens who support the governor’s  measures.  See this is the problem when you don’t really have the support of the very people you claim to be working for.  You don’t have every day teachers, nurse, firefighters and police officers to support you, and to stand up for your initiatives.   Instead, you have your political hacks play dress up, and put them in misleading ads.

Halloween is over, it’s time to take off their costumes and reveal their true identities:

Allan Mansoor as an Orange County Sheriff:

In reality Mansoor day job is serving as the “ultra-conservative” Costa Mesa Mayor who once unsuccessfully sought the endorsement of the Orange County Sherriff’s Association, posts “anti-homosexual rantings” on a citizen’s group bulletin board and believes homosexuals “are disproportionately likely to engage in pedophilia.” He counts among his supporters Martin Millard a columnist for Citizen’s Informer, the journal of the Council of Conservative Citizens, an anti-Semitic group that opposes racial intermarriage. Mansoor wanted to “eliminate city funding for programs like soup kitchens or the job center,” where Latinos waited for work.   At one time he was worked for the Orange County Sheriffs department, but that was years ago.

Jeralee Smith, Elementary Teacher in Colton:

Smith is the co-founder of the Conservative Educators Caucus in the NEA.  Smith is has co-founded another group called the NEA-Exgay Educators Caucus.  She’s also involved with the ex-gay movement through the Exodus Organization – a group whose moto is “Freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ.”

Larry Sand, Middle School Teacher, Los Angeles:

Sand has been a vocal and extreme critic of Black History Month, Unity Day, and all cultural celebrations.

He once wrote this in an email to his Congressman:

The aforementioned Unity Day was formerly known as Multicultural Day. Only the name has changed. On this day the powers that be trot out a truly nauseating bunch of people. There is usually a homosexual telling the 11 to 13 year olds that, by golly, it is okay to be gay. Then we are treated to an Hispanic activist who claims that we need to stop spending money on war and buy more school books. And just for good measure, we get some former black street thug telling some pretty graphic stories about his life which are supposed to scare the kids straight, but in fact, sound pretty glamorous to some of them. Interestingly, this day is always the Friday before Memorial Day. I dutifully get on the PA that morning and explain to those who will listen what Memorial Day is about. I read a list of the former military men and women who work at my school and ask the students to thank them for their service. And that is it for Memorial Day. No speeches, no essays, no assemblies, no acknowledgement of the importance of fighting for your country.

Sandra Crandall, Kindergarten Teacher in Fountain Valley:

Crandall isn’t just an ordinary teacher.  She serves as the state chair and is a leading spokesperson for the Yes on 75 committee.  She also sits on the board of directors of the National Right to Work Committee a group which works to restrict workers rights to organize. She supported Prop. 226 in 1998,  and left the union, becoming an “agency fee” payer in 1994.

Jim Prunty, Arigi/Pest Control Supervisor of Glendora:

Prunty is a paid political consultant for the Yes on 75 campaign and a Republican Party candidate for Assembly District 59.

Lon Jacobs, San Bernadino County Sheriff:

Jacobs once filed a restraining order against the Safety Employees’ Benefit Association. It was thrown out of court. In August 2005, Jacobs declined to defend himself at the SEBA Board of Director’s meeting, where he was expelled from the union for, among other things, creating an anti-SEBA website and filing the restraining order against the union.

James Galley, wearing a hard hat and safety vest, Water Treatment, San Diego:

Galley is a Republican candidate for the 51st Congressional District nomination, and former candidate for the Republican State Senate primary in 2004, the San Diego City Council in 2002 and 2004, and for Mayor of San Diego in 2005.

Other posts on today:

Mad Mike’s At It Again….
Mike Murphy is ignoring the Field Poll and instead playing up the Hoover Insititue Poll, which get this, is an Internet poll.

Turnout: They are Hoping You Stay Home
So far, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s special election strategy has been to target only those voters he believes will be most likely to support his agenda. He’s used codeword laden speeches, carefully selected “town hall” audiences, target ad buys, and highly restricted public appearances to keep his message at a level that will generate turnout only from those voters he expects to support him. If he went for an all out turnout campaign he would lose, because the fewer Californians go to the polls next Tuesday, the greater his advantage.

Ms. Fortune: Legend in Her Own Mind
Who is Margaret Fortune, the Governor’s education maven and head of the Yes on 74 campaign?

According to the Governor, she’s Wonder Woman with credentials galore. She has a BS from Berkeley and an MS from Harvard. But what about all her other resume bullets? Let’s check the facts.

Arnold’s Stunts and PPIC Breakdown

(The PPIC has asummary available on their download page for the report. (Where you can also download the whole report…thanks silence.) – promoted by SFBrianCL)

(cross-posted on DailyKos)

Today we saw two very different reactions to the release of the PPIC poll.  We claim it as proof that we have the momentum as we gear up for our big GOTV push.  The Governor’s spinmeisters, well, they flipped out…seriously flipped out.  Once the numbers leaked they called a press conference intended to get the press to cover the Arnold camp’s internal polling numbers along side the PPIC numbers.  It was a desperate ruse to cover their continued assurances that the Governor has some kind of support.

Then, this afternoon Schwarzenegger’s team announced they were putting a new ad in the field.  Reversing their earlier decision to pull any and all Arnold ads out of people’s living rooms, the governor faces the camera and essentially apologizes to the people of California for screwing up.  Could it be that he really wasn’t the liability people though he was?  Naaaw.  See, it turns out that the ad will only run for one day.  It is just a stunt to draw press attention away from the PPIC numbers.  It’s not only a stunt, but a pretty pathetic spot as well.  The governor practically begs for our forgiveness and asks Californians to give him another chance.  His dream diminishes every time he opens his mouth.

Speaking of the PPIC numbers …

We were being good, and got beaten to the punch by all the newspapers who leaked embargoed PPIC polling report.  But, to make up for it, we took the time to give you trend-lines and to include some big picture information on turnout and the election that you will not find in the larger outlets.

First things first, we have made significant gains over the last month, giving us the momentum as we head into the last few days of the campaign.  In the end, the only numbers that matter are the ones on November 8th.  The race is really tight and will come down to GOTV.  That said PPIC shows us winning on Proposition 74, 76 and 77.  Prop. 74 is within the margin of error and we are deadlocked at 46% on Prop. 75.

Check out how the poll numbers from the same outlet have evolved over the last three months:

Prop. 74

Prop. 75

Prop. 76

Prop. 77

This poll is one of the first that gets a good sample from people that have had a chance to see the governor’s ads and still the numbers are trending our way.  An increasing number of people are tuning in to the election with 81% of likely voters saying “they are closely or somewhat closely following news about the special election, compared to 69 percent in September.”  More people are able to identify an initiative they care the most about.  This is most likely due to the increase in advertising and permeation throughout the state.  Even though more people are tuning in, this does not translate to more support for Schwarzenegger’s positions.  There can be no more claims that people just haven’t heard the Governor’s side yet.  Simply put it he isn’t convincing and is losing ground.

PPIC points out that it isn’t just a small amount of people paying attention to the election, they now say they are seeing levels of interest reaching the “2002 gubernatorial election, which had a 51% voter turnout” says PPIC survey director Mark Maldassare.  That could have huge implications on outcomes, since most experts had been predicting turnouts in the 30s.