Tag Archives: ads

Bill Richardson’s New TV Ad: “Only One”

Today our campaign released a new ad, entitled “Only One,” which details a hostage situation in Iraq that then-Congressman Richardson was called upon to defuse. In the 60-second spot, Bill Barloon, the late David Daliberti, and his wife Kathy Daliberti praise Richardson for obtaining the release of the two men from Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in July 1995.

Learn more about Governor Richardson and his plan for Iraq at  No Troops Left Behind

CA-Gov Alliance is Back: Our Ads

(x-posted on dailykos)

I have been promising you all for a while that we would be back and active this year.  Here is what you have been waiting for, a new round of ads.  Below is the press release and several formats of the ads including YouTube.

These ads focus on Arnold’s broken promises and question his trustworthiness.

This ad is titled “In His Words”

Windows Media Player

Here is “In the Eye”

Windows Media Player

And part of the press release:

Sacramento – The Alliance for a Better California, the coalition that led the effort to defeat Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Special Election Agenda last year, today released two new television ads focusing on Schwarzenegger’s broken promises and questioning his trustworthiness. The ads’ release coincides with the second year anniversary of the women’s conference where the Governor attacked union members, declaring “I’m always kicking their butts.”

The 30-second commercials featuring teachers, firefighters, nurses, and police officers (available online at www.betterca.com) begin airing today in television markets statewide. The ads cite Schwarzenegger’s broken promises on funding public education and other issues, and question the Governor’s integrity based on his policy reversals, including his promise to be different.

“The Alliance is continuing its efforts to protect working men and women because we don’t know what Arnold Schwarzenegger really believes,” said Gale Kaufman, consultant to the Alliance for a Better California. “There is no evidence of what his core values are. Time and time again we’ve seen him try to reinvent himself in an effort to gain advantage in the polls and to fool voters into thinking he’s not just another politician.”

“These ads remind voters of some very basic things – this Governor will say whatever it takes to get re-elected and that for this Governor talk is cheap. He has no record of holding up his end of the bargain. How can voters trust that next year, should he be re-elected, they would have any idea what his policies will be?” Kaufman said.

Glendale teacher Sandra Fink, who appears in the ad, says, “Governor Schwarzenegger is again promising to make education his top priority because it’s election time and he knows that’s what voters want to hear. But how can we trust him? What happens if the governor who broke his promises to our students and schools – the governor teachers had to sue just to get back the billions he borrowed from education – shows up again next year? We can’t trust this governor. He hasn’t earned it.”

“Integrity is something California’s firefighters don’t take lightly, and we have been profoundly disappointed in Governor Schwarzenegger,” said Brian Rice, a Sacramento firefighter also featured in the ad. “He wasted all of last year on a divisive Special Election on issues that attacked working people. He lost our trust. How can we trust him to not go back to being the Governor who attacked working men and women?”

Why is the Alliance continuing their efforts to protect working men and women? Because we don’t know who Arnold Schwarzenegger really is and we have no way of knowing what he really believes. Time and time again we’ve seen him try to reinvent himself to be able to gain advantage in polling numbers, fool the voters into thinking he’s not just another politician, and spend taxpayers’ money on wasteful big stunts.”

We’re currently on Arnold #4, by my calculations. So, the Alliance asks, which Governor would show up after re-election, after the votes are counted? Why would we want to wait to find out?” Kaufman concluded.

The New CDP ad comparing Bush and Arnold

The new CDP ads should be running.  I thought it was a lot better than the previous “Arnold Schwarzenegger is for George W. Bush, is he for you?” ad.  This one actually brings up some of the problems with Arnold Schwarzenegger, rather than just the fact that he’s a Bushite. It first draws parallels from privatization of Social Security with Arnold’s attacks on state pensions. It then moves on to NCLB and Arnold’s stealing money from schools, and concludes with a comparison of raising student loan fee hikes by W and tuition hikes by Arnold.  All in all, a pretty effective ad.

I uploaded it to YouTube as well and it should be up and running in a few minutes: