All posts by David Dayen

Dick Ackerman’s Certificate Of Merit

(Here’s a Word doc of the Certificate. You can fax a PDF with a free trial at

Apparently requires a non-free email service. If you want to send a free fax and you only have Yahoo! Mail or Gmail, use Fax Zero. – promoted by David Dayen)

This will be faxed to Sen. Ackerman’s office today:


The National Coalition of Yacht Owners Who Hate The Homeless (NCYOWHTH) proudly bestows this award upon State Senate Minority Leader Dick Ackerman (R-Irvine), who has the courage and foresight to be a yachting enthusiast and not a mentally ill homeless person, and is therefore eligible for a major tax break instead of having his social services eliminated.  As an organization of yachters who will also benefit from the same tax cut to the tune of $45 million dollars, coincidentally almost the same amount that would fund the rehabilitation program for mentally ill homeless people, we applaud this setting of the real priorities for our state.  Sen. Ackerman has been a leader in the twin fields of yachting and not being homeless for many years, and we are pleased to award this certificate today.  We ask you to be the keynote speaker at The National Coalition of Yacht Owners Who Hate The Homeless clam bake in Tustin later this year.  After all, there wouldn’t be an organization this strong without you.

David Dayen
Executive Director, The National Coalition of Yacht Owners Who Hate The Homeless

You can send this too:
Capitol Office fax: (916) 445-9754
District Office fax: (714) 573-1859

Sailing Dick

Here’s some trivia about State Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman which may shed some light on the late round of budget cuts for social services.  No, Ackerman’s not a mentally ill homeless person, but he is a yacht owner.

Several lawmakers at the center of the budget dispute did not return phone calls or could not be reached. They included Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman of Irvine — a yacht owner who pushed to ease the tax burden on owners of yachts, planes and RVs.

An Ackerman spokesman said the senator was unavailable.

In other news, it’s 79 degrees and excellent sailing weather in Irvine!

Here’s a little more on this supposedly unnecessary mental health program, cleaved for the benefit of yachting aficianados everywhere:

It has served 13,000 people since November 1999. There are about 4,700 participants today. Among those enrolled as of January, there were 81% fewer days of incarceration, 65% fewer days of psychiatric hospitalization and 76% fewer days of homelessness compared with their pre-enrollment days.

Rusty Selix, executive director of the California Council of Community Mental Health Agencies — like Steinberg, a Proposition 63 coauthor — said the cost of incarceration can be six times higher than the cost of enrolling someone in the mental health program.

“Rehabilitation costs money. But it’s worth it,” said Adrienne Sheff, director of adult services at the San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Center in Van Nuys. Los Angeles County receives nearly a third of the state funds through AB 2034 and serves 1,700 people.

This program was designed to lessen the cost of those homeless who eat up emergency services – like the guy who showed up at San Diego ERs 87 times in a calendar year.  Ultimately this move, done purely to satisfy short-sighted bean-counters, will end up costing the state far more.  But that burden will be placed on municipalities and local governments, not the state coffers.  Making the bean-counters – and yacht owners like Dick Ackerman – very, very happy.

Who Would Arnold De-Fund?

OK, time for a little role-play.  You’re the post-partisan governor of a large state.  The state budget comes into your hands with cuts almost to the bone, but you promised an additional $700 million and just don’t know what to do.  Who’s going to get the shaft?

Now ask yourself this…

Who doesn’t vote?

Give me a sec…

I know!  Mentally ill homeless people!

The Governor used his line item veto to cut the entire funding nearly $55 million for the AB 2034 housing program that serves over 4,700 adults with severe mental health needs, all of whom were homeless and frequently hospitalized or incarcerated before getting into the program. The Governor said in his veto message deleting the funding that:

“…while I support the goals of the program, this reduction is necessary to limit program expansions and to help bring ongoing expenditures in line with existing resources. To the extent counties find this program beneficial and cost-effective, it can be restructured to meet the needs of each county’s homeless population using other county funding sources, such as federal funds, realignment funds, or Proposition 63 funds. I am reducing Schedule (6) to eliminate the $12,000,000 legislative augmentation for the 5 percent rate restoration for mental health managed care. This technical veto is consistent with the legislative action taken in [Budget] Item 4440-103-0001.”

Mental health advocates say that the immediate effect of the funding cut by the Governor could result in thousands of those people in the program being forced back on the streets at risk of hospitalization and incarceration… The actual outcome of these programs depend on response of local mental health agencies and the Department of Mental Health – but advocates say the cut seeks to supplant funding from the landmark Proposition 63 Mental Health Services Act – funding that was meant they say only for new community based programs – and specifically not meant to fund existing programs.

This is a bait and switch we’ve seen before by budgetary bean counters.  Dedicated funding that’s supposed to go ON TOP of budget outlays ends up being the only funding source.  So the will of the voters is completely overturned; instead of supplementary mental health funding, Prop. 63 becomes the sole funding.

There were some other cuts, including $6.3 million that would have gone toward the California Discount Prescription Drug Program.  But the mentally ill homeless cuts were the most drastic.  And it once again shows that those with the softest voice end up getting hit the hardest.

UPDATE: State Senator Darrell Steinberg, who authored AB 2034, the bill whose funding was eliminated by the Governor’s budget cut, is shrill.

“The program provides over 4,500 homeless Californians living with mental illness with permanent housing, where they can regularly receive medical and psychiatric treatment and job counseling. The program has been wildly successful according to the Department of Mental Health, reducing the number of days spent homeless by 67 percent, increasing the number of days working full-time by 65 percent, and reducing the number of days incarcerated by 72 percent.

“This is a program that works, that saves the state money in incarceration costs and that humanely treats a population that usually gets short shrift in Sacramento,” Steinberg said. “I’m extremely disappointed that the Governor used his veto power in a way that punishes the least among us.”

“Steinberg noted that the Governor chose to keep in the budget a $45 million tax break for yacht, private plane and recreational vehicle owners. Under the tax plan requested by Republican lawmakers, luxury vehicle owners can avoid paying sales taxes on purchases if they keep the vehicles out of California for just 90 days after purchase. According to the Legislative Analyst’s Office, opening the loophole costs Californians $45 million a year.

“That’s the state of California’s budget: $45 million in tax relief for yacht owners will stay while $55 million to save thousands of homeless mentally ill is being sacrificed,” Steinberg said. “It’s wrong morally. It’s wrong economically.”

Schwarzenegger Comes Out Kind Of, Not Really Against Electoral College Dirty Trick

The AP has a story up about Governor Schwarzenegger’s reaction to the right-wing dirty tricks proposal to steal the Presidency in 2008.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger gave a chilly reception Thursday to a GOP-backed plan to change the way California awards electoral votes in presidential elections – a proposal critics say could tilt the outcome in favor of Republicans.

“In principle, I don’t like to change the rules in the middle of the game,” the Republican governor told reporters.

OK, starts good, not as hard-hitting as you would want but…

Schwarzenegger added he wasn’t versed in details of the ballot proposal and stressed he wasn’t taking a definitive position.

Ah, the last bastion of a political scoundrel.  “I haven’t read it.”

But his uneasy response is likely to make it harder for supporters to build momentum and could chill fundraising.

I doubt that, considering that far-right Republicans don’t even much like the Governor anymore.

The proposed ballot initiative is being pushed by Thomas Hiltachk, a lawyer in a Sacramento firm that represents the state Republican Party.

Um, you couldn’t have mentioned that he was Schwarzengger’s personal lawyer?  Would that have killed you?

UPDATE: res ipsa loquitur nails it:

“In principle, I don’t like to change the rules in the middle of the game,” the Republican governor told reporters…

Uh, Arnold? How did you get to the governor’s mansion?


The other big election story is that the governorappeared with Pete Wilson and Gray Davis to announce their intention to push for a change in redistricting laws.

Governor Schwarzenegger joined with two former governors today in Los Angeles to call for a new way to carve up political district boundaries.

Schwarzenegger appeared at a news conference with former Republican Governor Wilson and former Democratic Governor Davis.

Schwarzenegger said the current system does little to encourage competition. The governor said in the past three election cycles, only 4 of the 459 congressional and legislative seats changed party hands in California.

Schwarzenegger seeks a ballot proposal that would have an independent commission do the reapportionment, rather than the legislature. The proposal is similar to one that was unsuccessful on the 2005 ballot.

He wants the proposal on the February 2008 ballot.  If this would take effect immediately, I don’t know how anyone could support changing the way districts are drawn with 8 year-old Census data.  But “I haven’t read it”!

This is part of a new strategy of aggressiveness coming out of the Governor’s office, to show the Legislature who’s boss, I guess.  Obviously the Governor is holding out endorsement of the term limits measure as a chip to get redistrcting done.  And he’s vowing not to sign any health care proposal that doesn’t have his thumbprints all over it.

What remains to be seen is whether or not post-partisanship has any coalition-building left in it.  The Governor came out of the budget fight relatively unscathed, and has really only taken a popularity hit this year when the public noticed his lack of a true commitment to fighting global warming.  What he ends up blue-penciling out of the budget might cause a reaction as well.  And the reaction to his middling response on the dirty tricks issue may hurt him.  A lot of questions leading into crunch time for the legislative process.

Arnold Comes Out Swinging On Health Care

Without a health care plan of his own that any legislator would back, Arnold Schwarzenegger is left to mold the Democratic leadership plan in his image.  He came out strong yesterday in the opening salvo in the negotiating process:

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger took a firm stand Wednesday against the Democratic healthcare proposal moving through the Legislature, saying for the first time that he would not support an expansion of medical insurance if it were financed solely by new requirements on employers.

The Democratic proposal would require employers to spend at least the equivalent of 7.5% of their payroll on their workers’ health. The governor insisted that the plan also must require all Californians to have insurance, an idea at the core of his January proposal.

Democrats omitted that concept, believing that many people would be unable to afford the premiums.

Schwarzenegger’s program would have given employers the option of providing insurance or paying into a state fund that would offer it to uninsured workers and those who couldn’t afford individual policies. It also would have spread the responsibility of paying for expanded healthcare to doctors and hospitals, an idea that was rejected by Democrats as politically infeasible.

Schwarzenegger essentially wants MassCare, with its individual mandate, along with a buy-in from doctors and hospitals along with individuals and employers.  This is what he calls a fee but is probably a tax, which means Republicans would have to get involved because it would require a 2/3 vote.  But that doesn’t matter; he’d rather have no health reform at all than one without an individual mandate:

Schwarzenegger has said repeatedly that all parts of society — including healthcare providers, individuals and businesses — must make sacrifices if all Californians are to be insured. Nearly 5 million residents lack coverage at any given time. The Democratic proposal would cover 69% of them. Schwarzenegger’s comments were even more pointed earlier in the day, when he told the Sacramento Bee editorial board that he would veto a bill that failed to spread the costs around.

“If anyone over there thinks that I will sign a bill that . . . has only employer mandate, they shouldn’t,” he said, according to an account posted on the newspaper’s website.

“I won’t sign it. It won’t happen,” he said.

My favorite part of the article is the part where Schwarzenegger just ignores reality.

The idea of scrapping private insurance altogether and enacting a state-run program — an idea championed by Sen. Sheila Kuehl (D-Santa Monica) in the Legislature and Michael Moore in his film “SiCKO” — has gained support: The poll found that 36% of Californians now prefer this approach, up from 24% nine months ago.

Schwarzenegger, however, reiterated his opposition Wednesday.

“It’s very clear people don’t like government running their healthcare system,” he said.

Yes, so clear that it’s the most popular proposal before the people.

This is bluster from an action hero, and I’m not sure it should be taken seriously by Don Perata and Fabian Nuñez.  Schwarzenegger wants a ready-made market for the insurance industry, and his plan had no floor on coverage and no ceiling on costs.  That individual mandate starts to look like a gun barrel under those circumstances.  And I’d rather see nothing enacted than something that holds up California’s indigent and forces them to pay through the nose. 

The guaranteed issue part of his proposal, whereby nobody could be denied insurance, should be retained.  As we move toward an eventual not-for-profit system, setting up some public framework, as the new AB8 is rumored to strengthen, is crucial.  And clearly, the Governor shouldn’t be saying a word about healthcare until he fights the callous Bush Administration proposal to deny coverage to children by tightening S-CHIP eligibility.

UPDATE: The California Budget Project released a report detailing what California families could actually afford for health care, and according to their assessment, a family making twice the poverty line would be unable to contribute ANYTHING toward their own health care given the cost of living in the state.  Even those making 300% above poverty would require some help.  If you like feeding your inner wonk, it’s a good report.

Thoughts Turn To Health Care

With the budget resolution, the clock starts for the rest of the legislative session in Sacramento.  The Assembly and the Senate have until September 14th to pass bills before them and send them to the Governor’s desk for signature.  And obviously the centerpiece of the session is health care reform.  AB8 will be the organ for Democratic legislative leaders and the Governor to come to an understanding about how they want to fix the state’s health care crisis.  And the people are weighing in and saying that their preferred solution has a different bill number; SB 840.

UPDATE by Brian: Here’s the PDF of the relevant health care poll from Field.  Over…

Frank Russo reports:

36% of California voters support a new government run system–like Medicare–up from 24% in last December’s survey. At the same time support for making “reforms with the framework of the current health insurance system, with shared responsibilities by government and individuals” has dropped from 52% to 33%. Reliance on “free market competition to improve the health insurance system” draws only 14%, down from 18% previously.

So after months of all actors in the health care debate talking to their constituents, more people want to see health care for all than a shared responsibility framework that keeps the current for-profit system in place.  And the vast majority want to see something changed over the status quo.  Frank Russo teases this out, and exemplifies why I think the aggressive strategy by groups like the California Nurses Association has moved the goalposts:

Only eight short months ago in December 51% of California voters described themselves as satisfied with the current system. That number has dropped to 28% while those responding that they are dissatisfied has risen to 69% from 44% previously. The numbers who are very satisfied with what we have now has dropped to 7% from 13% previously and those who say they are “very dissatisfied” is now the largest response with 42%, up from 20% in that category before.

Table 4 in the poll shows the direct correlation of dissatisfaction with the health care system and those who want single payor. It also shows that the largest proposition of Democrats (47%) and “non-partisan/others” (39%) support single payor, while for Republicans the largest response is to reform the current system with insurance and “shared responsibility” (37%).

While it is not surprising that 55% of “liberals” support single payor, perhaps one of the more salient points of the Field Poll is that self described “middle-of-the-road” voters are split between these two options at 34% apiece and with only 10% saying they want to rely on a free market approach. While 31% of “conservatives” support the free market approach, 35% want to reform the current insurance system and 19% even support single payor.

This focus on not-for-profit health care has made reform of the current system completely reasonable, EVEN TO CONSERVATIVES.  Change is now demanded rather than sticking with the status quo.  Of course, Republicans are not needed to pass health care reform.  But they still have to vote on it, and so this can be a significant club to beat Republicans with in the next election, on the biggest domestic policy issue facing Americans.

As for how this will effect the actual legislation, it’s clear that this ups the pressure for SOME reform.  Democratic leaders should be emboldened by this, and should hold firm on the positive amendments that have already been added to the bill:

AB8, the Democratic plan, has been undergoing some work under the hood. Several amendments will hopefully be made to increase the affordability of health care, among those include a prescription dug purchasing pool that will have about 3-4 million participants. That will make it 2-3x larger than CalPERS. There is also talk of creating a public insurance program that everyone will be able to participate in. This is similar to a few of the Democratic presidential contenders plans to ensure there is an affordable option for health insurance for all residents. These amendments will be considered in hearings over the next few weeks.

It’s obvious that the public wants as progressive a proposal as possible.  The consequences of failure to reach a compromise are bad for everyone, but especially the governor.  He’s staked his entire year on this.  So let’s see a health care reform discussed out in the open so that everyone in the state knows where the main actors stand.

And the FIRST thing the Governor can do is to call the President and tell him to stop this campaign to deny children health care.  The onerous new S-CHIP rules must be abandoned.  If the Governor is serious about providing health care for all Californians, he must stand up to the President and live up to that responsibility.  DFA has started a campaign on this; you can call the Governor and tell him:

“President Bush’s new rules which reduce the availability of the Children’s Health Insurance Program for uninsured kids must be repealed. Governor Schwarzenegger must call President Bush today and demand a complete rollback of the new rules. Can I count on the governor to stand up for our kids?”

NYT: Hey Arnold, Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

Today the New York Times weighs in with an editorial about the right-wing Electoral College power grab, and in fairly bold language excoriates it.

The Electoral College should be abolished, but there is a right way to do it and a wrong way. A prominent Republican lawyer in California is doing it the wrong way, promoting a sneaky initiative that, in the name of Electoral College reform, would rig elections in a way that would make it difficult for a Democrat to be elected president, no matter how the popular vote comes out. If the initiative passes, it would do serious damage to American democracy.

The editorial goes on to explain the damage this initiative would cause, rightly calling it a Republican power grab and explaining how their goal is to fool the public into giving away the election in the name of “reform.”  Obviously written before the news of the competing ballot initiative came to light, there’s a perfunctory paragraph approving of the idea of the National Popular Vote.  But the concluding paragraph calls out the Governor to show his true colors on this issue:

Leading Republicans, including Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, have been silent about the initiative to split California’s electoral votes, but they should be speaking out against it. The fight isn’t about Republicans vs. Democrats. It is about whether to twist the nation’s system of electing presidents to give one party an unfair advantage. No principled elected official, or voter, of either party should support that.

Most Republican politicians aren’t principled, but Arnold at least fashions himself to be.  He should be asked about this at every opportunity until he gives a satisfactory answer.

A Competing Initiative With The Right-Wing Electoral College Power Grab

A lot going on for a Tuesday in August.  Dan Morain at the LAT has the latest story:

Democrats proposed an initiative today aimed at having California embrace the movement to elect presidents by popular vote.

The initiative also is designed to head off a Republican effort to wrest away California’s electoral votes. Republican consultants are proposing a separate initiative to change California’s winner-take-all system of awarding its 55 electoral votes. Under the Republican measure, electoral votes would be awarded based on how congressional districts vote, an idea that could benefit the Republican nominee.

If the competing Democratic and Republican measures make it to the ballot next June, California would become a battleground over the electoral college system. The state has 55 electoral votes, more than any other state, and more than 10% of the 538 electoral votes nationally.

Chris Lehane announced the competing initiative at a press conference today.  And the initiative has been filed with the Attorney General.

I should add that there was another poll out today on this issue, by Rasmussen, which showed that the right-wing Electoral College power grab fails badly once people are given information about it’s implications, but that polling on a national popular vote concept is pretty favorable.  Numbers on the flip:

The proposal being pitched in California would award one Electoral Vote to the winner of each Congressional District along with two Electoral Votes for the statewide winner. In a theoretical sense, 45% of voters nationwide think that’s a good idea. Thirty percent (30%) disagree while 25% are not sure. However, even that tepid level of support dissipates when voters learn that a change in California could significantly increase the number of Republican Electoral Votes. Once that is factored into the equation, support drops to 31% and opposition increases to 43%.

It’s interesting to note that Republican support for the measure barely increases when told of the potential benefit to their own party. That may be due to a sense of fairness or a nagging realization that the same thing could happen in other states where the GOP would lose votes. Forty-five percent (45%) favor the concept in theory and 48% favor it after learning how it would impact the results in California. Among Democrats and unaffiliated voters, support plunges dramatically once the electoral implications of a change in California are explained.
Overall, 54% of voters would like to get rid of the Electoral College and have the winner of the popular vote become President. Thirty percent (30%) disagree. Democrats strongly support this approach while Republicans are evenly divided. Women are more enthusiastic about it than men.

I’ve been advocating for the National Popular Vote plan for some time.  If the Electoral College were enacted after the 14th Amendment, it would be found unconstitutional.  Every election in our system is majority-rule except for the one for the highest office in the land.  Californians are disenfranchised every year as they watch small states like Wyoming get an outsized portion of the electoral vote.

The GOP spin was predictable:

Kevin Eckery, spokesman for the GOP measure, said the Democratic-backed measure would leave Californians with little or no voice in national politics.

“If you ignore the congressional districts, there would be one big overwhelming national vote,” Eckery said. “What matters in L.A. or what matters in Santa Monica, won’t matter. It will be just one vote thrown into the mix.”

Um, what’s wrong with one big overwhelming national vote for a national office?  And did what matters in Santa Monica and LA matter in 2004?  2000?  1988?  That’s a ridiculous argument.

This is getting very, very interesting.

Just Kicking Back With The Boys (UPDATED: Budget Deal Reached)

Via Steve Soto, check out these white men from the Senate GOP Caucus hitting happy hour to celebrate their denying money to nursing homes, hospitals, and childcare centers.

Making life harder on the less fortunate can be fun!  I think I see Jeff Denham in there.  Somebody get this on a button!

UPDATE: And a budget deal has been reached, making this picture's quest for immortality moot (although I think my posting this made the pressure just too much to bear).  How about an open thread on the budget passage, then?

UPDATE by Brian: I've posted the Assembly Report on the Budget Deal. More coming soon, and as always, watch The California Progress Report. It's really great that we had to wait for 52 days because the Senate Republicans needed the applause of Jon Fleischman and other reactionaries.  Although this is finally through now, this is not the end. We still need to work to end the 2/3 requirement. And, oh yeah, get 2/3 majorities.

UPDATE by Brian: And from the SacBee:

Ackerman also noted that the ongoing state deficit will have to be dealt with again in next year's deliberations.

“We still have a lot of work to do in next year's budget, and I suggest we start doing that as soon as we finish this,” he said.

I have an idea! Bring back the 50+year old Vehicle License Fee instead of cutting state services.

McNerney On Iraq

I was going to put this in a Quick Hit, but it’s such an important issue that I thought it should get a wider distribution.  Good for Jerry McNerney for calling B.S. on his OWN visit to Iraq and understanding that the dog-and-pony Congressional delegations only provide a brief glimpse into conditions on the ground.  McNerney highlights the excellent NY Times op-ed by returning soldiers, and renews his commitment to bringing our troops home from Iraq on a timeline with a firm end date.

You can thank McNerney for his courage and insight at his blog.  I’ve excerpted a large portion of the email he sent to supporters on the flip.

A few weeks ago, I was honored to lead a bipartisan, all-freshman Congressional delegation to Iraq to gain a deeper understanding of the conflict. As I discovered, it’s one thing to read about what’s going on there. But it’s quite another to witness it firsthand and experience it personally.

I came away from this profound experience tremendously moved by the commitment of our brave men and women in uniform as well as the perseverance of the Iraqi people. Although I was proud to lead this delegation and personally meet with our troops, the trip was brief and limited to the locations picked by the military ahead of time.

For a grounded perspective on the war from those who are on the front lines, I urge you to read this critical first-hand account in the New York Times by a group of infantrymen just returning from serving in the 82nd Airborne Division in Iraq:

New York Times Op-Ed: “The War as We Saw It”

As the poignant and piercing words of these seven soldiers demonstrates, the unfortunate reality in Iraq is that — while our troops have performed extremely well under very difficult conditions — the Bush Administration’s planning and execution of the war continues to be an abysmal failure.

Our women and men laying their lives on the line in Iraq have done everything we have asked of them. To honor their service, they deserve leaders who respect them enough to ask the tough questions, and — when something isn’t working — not only acknowledge it, but fundamentally change course.

In September, Congress will be participating in perhaps the most critical discussion of this conflict since it began in 2003. My campaign web site has been receiving increasing amounts of email from concerned citizens curious about my stance on the war. So, as we approach this pivotal debate, I want to clearly and unequivocally express to you where I stand on the question of executing a responsible redeployment from Iraq:

I am firmly in favor of withdrawing troops on a timeline that includes both a definite start date and a definite end date (“date certain”) and uses clearly-defined benchmarks. I am not in favor of an “open-ended” timeline for withdrawal, as some members of Congress have proposed recently.

As many foreign policy experts agree, setting a date certain for withdrawal is fundamental to forcing George W. Bush to bring our troops home from Iraq and ensuring the Iraqis step up and defend their own country. That’s why — even as I consider all proposals as a matter of due diligence — I am standing strong on setting a definite redeployment end date (as an example, I recently voted for the “Responsible Redeployment from Iraq Act” to safely draw down our troops over the course of nine months).

As this national debate begins anew, I am counting on you to stand strong with me as well. The only way that we, together, can bring this unfortunate chapter in our history to a close is if we remain united and steadfast in our collective commitment.