All posts by David Dayen

Thoughts on Region 10 and Democratic Action in Ventura County

This weekend I attended a pre-convention meeting for Region 10 of the California Democratic Party, which stretches from Santa Monica all the way up to the Monterey/San Luis Obispo County line.  This is a big coastal region, parts of which have not been sufficiently Democratic over the years.  But there are some great people in the trenches doing the necessary work to change that.  Here are some disconnected thoughts:

• It is extremely important to spread the Democratic message into outlying counties, because we can’t expect to solely depend on LA and SF to carry us through.  In 1992, Democrats controlled 41 counties in California; by 2006, that number had dwindled to 22.

• One of the most vibrant areas of the state for Democrats is Ventura County.  Whether it’s because of demographic shifts (more people moving in from Santa Barbara) or a lot of hard work, the results are impressive.  While statewide, Democratic registration has faltered over the past 15 years, in Ventura County Democrats hold a scant 5,000 vote disadvantage currently, compared to 15,000 not but a few years ago. 

• One of the great pilot programs that Democrats in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties have rolled out is called Vote Blue.  This is a neighbor-to-neighbor program that uses targeted canvassing to spread the progressive message in communities.  They get new homeowner information and arrive at the new resident’s doorstep, saying “Hi, we’re your neighbors, here’s some voter registration information for this area, here’s some information on the Democratic agenda.”  I know we bloggers like to stay on the Internets and ensure never having to talk to anyone, but there’s no substitute for this kind of real-life neighbor-to-neighbor contact.  They also sweeten the pot by adding a 3-month free subscription to the local paper, which the papers are all too happy to give them.  This is the kind of thing Democrats all over the state should be doing on a weekly basis, not just around elections.  You can get more informaiton at the link.

• There is strong support at the grassroots for a 58-county strategy, and every single delegate reading this needs to add their endorsement to that issue and make sure the Resolutions Committee is flooded with people supporting it.

• The SD-19 race is not going to be a walkover for Republicans, even though it’s currently held by Tom McClintock.  I met Jim Dantona at the meeting, and hope to do a longer piece on his chances later.  He ran for County Supervisor in Simi Valley last time out, easily the most Republican city in the region, and garnered 48% of the vote in a district that is something like +30 Republican registration.  We may have parity in registration for this Senate district by the time this race comes around in 2008, and Dantona appears to be running.  Keep this one on the radar screen.

• Another great success story was relayed by Henry Vandemire, chair of the Computer and Internet Caucus and head of the Big Bear Lake Democratic Club.  Big Bear is also 2/1 Republican, and yet they managed to get 3 Democrats on the City Council for the first time in as long as anyone can remember.  And they did it entirely through civic action, visibility and hard work.

There are opportunities for the party to grow, and there would be even more if the Party leaders fully commit to a 58-county strategy and strengthen the efforts of these progressive leaders in red counties.  The Party must live up to its commitments of supporting Democrats everywhere.  That means providing the money they promise to candidates, like Ferial Masry in AD-37 and Jill Martinez in CA-24 (that’s very likely to be an open seat next time around).  These two are both running again, and can win if they get even a modicum of support from the state party.

That’s all I’ve got for now.  I invited many of the people at the meeting to start posting on Calitics, hopefully we’ll begin to see Ventura and Santa Barbara better represented here.

Cancer Knows No Party, and Neither Does Blue Cross of CA: They Screw Everybody

Elizabeth Edwards’ acknowledgement of the recurrence of her breast cancer (which I hope is not more serious than the Edwardses made it out to be, but which I fear is) was but one story of cancer attacking prominent political figures.  Tony Snow will have surgery for a small growth under his abdomen; he had colon cancer two years ago, so we hope that it’s nothing more serious.  And most tragically, conservative commentator and blogger Catherine Siepp succumbed to lung cancer.  Cancer is not a disease that picks between political affiliations for who it afflicts, that much is clear.  And so a problem affecting everyone must be solved with a universal solution.

Before she died, Catherine Siepp wrote about her experiences with Blue Cross of California.  It was a bit shocking to hear a committed conservative talking about the failures of our health care system in such a frank and direct manner, but when a health insurance conglomerate acts so dishonestly, anyone in that position would be offended regardless of their politics.


By law, insurance companies aren’t allowed to adjust your monthly premiums just because you get sick. But they can raise the out-of-pocket cap for all of their members anytime they like, which amounts to the same thing because it affects only the unvalued sick members. (And, of course, getting sick means that even while one’s medical costs go up, the ability to pay goes down — earnings potential is curbed when life becomes a series of treatment appointments.)

Lucky you, if you don’t know what your out-of-pocket cap is. And if you’re like every single healthy person I’ve queried, you probably don’t. But you should know, because the out-of-pocket cap is the most important part of your policy, meant to stave off financial disaster in case of catastrophic medical expenses […]

Another thing working in insurance companies’ favor is that cancer patients rarely have the energy to argue about such nickel-and-diming. I recently managed to spend a morning forcing my way through multiple disconnects and transfers on the Blue Cross 800 number, but I was eventually told that the company would probably reimburse me for the extra $90 a month I was paying for that weekly anti-nausea drug if I filled out the right forms. My far bigger worry is that out-of-pocket cap, which is essentially what insurance is for. To drastically raise it seems the definition of bad faith.

Or so I thought — until I began getting letters from Blue Cross in February announcing that it was retroactively disallowing the anti-cancer drug Avastin treatments it had been paying for since October, at $5,000 a pop every other week. It seems Blue Cross decided this new and expensive targeted therapy is experimental. (It looks as if Blue Cross is not asking to be repaid for my relatively unexperimental chemo, which had been costing about $2,500 every single week, but who knows?)

To decide after a therapy has proved beneficial that it’s merely “investigational” and therefore should not be covered — that, actually, seems the definition of bad faith.

Today, the LA Times reported that Blue Cross of CA is being fined a million dollars for illegally dropping the policies of sick clients for trumped-up reasons.  Recission is harsher, but generally of a piece with what Siepp had to put up with near the end of her life.  That fine is embarrassingly low (they made three billion last year) and won’t make a dent in Blue Cross’ policies.  But at least the state of California has publicly stated that this health insurer is motivated solely by greed and will gladly let their customers suffer rather than carry out their responsibilities.  As an individual policyholder with Blue Cross, exactly the profile that they dishonestly drop as a matter of routine, this scares the heck out of me.

I am truly sorry for Catherine Siepp and her family, along with any other family out there who has had to deal with the scourge of cancer.  We need to ensure that these families get the best medical attention and all the support they need; it ought to be an inalienable right of this country not to have to suffer due to some corporate balance sheet.  The current insurance system will never get us to such a goal.

How You Know Arnold Schwarzenegger’s a Republican

He subscribes to the real 11th Commandment of the GOP: Do as I say, not as I do.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger demanded Thursday that the 2008 presidential candidates stake out clear positions on domestic issues Californians care about — such as immigration, climate change and health care — instead of focusing solely on the Iraq war […]

It was Schwarzenegger who ran in the 2003 recall race on a campaign of largely broad-stroke ideas, saying he would repair the state budget, ensure that “everyone in California has a fantastic job” and sweep out special interests from the Capitol.

And last year, as he ran for re-election, he pledged to tackle health care reform but offered few specific ideas on what he would propose.


It’s very refreshing to see Mark Martin at the Chronicle notice this.  Schwarzenegger pretty much INVENTED content-free campaigning.  For him to make this kind of speech, petulantly asking Presidential candidates for specifics, is nothing short of deranged.  Arnold doesn’t even have the courage to get his own health care proposal introduced in the Legislature.  Most of the “big ideas” that he’s actually managed to pass weren’t his, he merely acquiesced to them.

This is as stupid as Newt Gingrich decrying negative campaigning and attack-dog politics.  Arnold Schwarzenegger’s entire short political career has been devoted to sloganeering and hiding the hidden truth.  Now he wants everyone else to be detailed… everyone but himself.

Why The California Majority Report Should be Sold For Scrap

If you read Calitics you would know that, after much introspection, liberal House members from California – Barbara Lee, Lynn Woolsey, Diane Watson and Maxine Waters – have relented and voiced their support for the Iraq appropriation which would set an end date for the conflict. 

Steve Maviglio reads Calitics but didn’t before he clicked send about twenty minutes ago and slathered the egg upon his face, especially considering that the California progressives’ shift to support of the bill was only the single biggest political story going on since this afternoon.  And the article is a doozy.  It shows a knee-jerk hatred of liberalism (and principles, for that matter), a defend-the-leadership-at-all-costs mentality, a thuddingly poor understanding of the fact that you might want to check Google News before you blog, and… wait for it… a hat tip to Ellen Tauscher for her work on helping whip the bill.

We all write things we’d rather take back, but I get the sense that this is the norm and not the exception over there.

I would say that the progressives’ move on this bill mirrored mine.  I think that too much enforcement has been stripped from this and too much of an argument given to the President to defy the resolution for my comfort.  I also can’t stand the fact that the House leadership larded it up with pork to buy votes, a disgraceful tactic that threatens to turn Democrats into an inverted fun-house mirror version of Republicans.  And yet, this is the first bill which actually attaches an end date to our disastrous occupation in Iraq.  The votes aren’t there for much more, and yet progressives were decisive in this debate, ensuring that the end date reached the final bill.  No war in American history has ended with one vote.  This is a way to continue to build public support while really trying to end the war.  And while progressives came around to understanding that and unifying the caucus, they showed their muscle to get the best bill that could possibly be done right now.

For some reason, Maviglio decides that any opinion other than that which has been given the imprimatur of the leadership is necessarily invalid.  That’s a positively Republican argument.

U.S. Reps. Maxine Waters, Lynn Woolsey, Diane Watson and Barbara Lee have announced they will vote against the carefully crafted compromise of the Iraq spending bill being pushed by Pelosi. More embarrassing: Waters and Woolsey are both part of Pelosi’s leadership team.

Why are these four Californians throwing Pelosi and the overwhelming majority of their fellow Democrats under the bus?

They’re not, but if they were, according to you, they would be doing so to stop 18 year-olds from dying.  I know, it’s really awful to rhetorically throw someone under a bus than do the equivalent of actually throwing hundreds of kids under a series of buses, causing them to die.

I don’t know if this entire post was an attempt to name-check Tauscher and call her a “smart Democrat” or what, but even if it wasn’t 100% wrong, it’d be embarrassing.

Charlie Brown on John Doolittle Hating Our Troops

(blogswarm and I agree on something else that can be said:

Charlie Brown (CA-04) $

– promoted by Brian Leubitz)

Just passing along an email I got from the Brown campaign.  The Lt. Col. is not a happy camper:

Last week, the House Appropriations Committee passed the FY’07 Emergency Supplemental Spending Bill (H.R. 1591), which would fund military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, improved veterans healthcare services and military readiness, repairs to Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and restore a crucial stream of funding to rural schools across the Western United States.

Rep. John Doolittle voted against the measure, which ties future U.S. aid to Iraq to a series of benchmarks laid out in a January 10th speech by President Bush. He also voted to strike language that would restrict the deployment of U.S. troops who are wounded, not properly equipped, or un-trained—offered as an amendment by the Committee’s ranking minority member, and Doolittle’s fellow DOJ corruption probe target Rep. Jerry Lewis.

  edit by brian: More over the flip.

The vote comes amidst mounting sectarian violence in Iraq , a resurgent Al Qaeda organization in Afghanistan , recent government reports describing the U.S. military at its lowest state of readiness since Vietnam , a VA system that is being overwhelmed by the influx of 1.6 million new veterans, and revelations of substandard conditions at military health facilities serving wounded combat troops.

  “Time and again, John Doolittle votes to send young people into combat while denying them the tools they need to succeed in their mission and the quality aftercare they’ve been promised, commented Lt. Col. Charlie Brown.  “Leaving those who defend America exposed to preventable death, and our military unprepared to deal with future security threats is beyond irresponsible—it’s completely indefensible.”

The Supplemental bill would also restore $400 million through the Forest Service’s Secure Rural Schools Program, which provides rural counties a portion of the revenue generated by timber and land sales in national forests—funding up to 1/3 or more of public school operating budgets, as well as conservation and infrastructure projects in communities across the Western states, and California’s 4th Congressional District in particular.

When the current program expired in September of last year, the Bush Administration proposed a five year reauthorization.  Congress failed to act in 2006.

“By letting the GOP controlled Congress fail to pass the crucial measure last year and voting against it again this year, Doolittle has left many of his constituents bracing for layoffs, teacher shortages, classroom overcrowding, and other problems,” Brown added.  “He may have promised a new course, but he’s delivering the same old pattern of neglect and misguided priorities.”

What else is there to say?

“Limbaugh is Irrelevant” Schwarzenegger Suddenly Finds Limbaugh Relevant

It was kind of interesting that Arnold Schwarzenegger would publicly distance himself from Rush Limbaugh one day and bridge that distance by going on his show the next.  And something even more interesting happened on that appearance.

Now, I don’t think a whole lot of Rush Limbaugh, but he adequately reflected the core argument that conservatives have with the Governor; that Arnold has basically “agreed with liberals” rather than brought about any kind of grand compromise.  I agree with that to the extent that Schwarzenegger is out of step with the nuttiest elements of his party, but he’s still a good corporate con, make no mistake.  The “post-partisan” thing is a fig leaf to try to get everyone to like him.

But is it me, or does Arnold act like he’s never heard this kind of resistance to his post-partisan godness before?  Judge for yourself; you can read the transcript at Salladay’s.

My favorite part:

RUSH:  Wait a second.  You — you — you — you want to extend health care coverage to every child, even the child — the children of illegal aliens, immigrants in the country, and you — want to raise taxes to do, this and you call them loans.

SCHWARZENEGGER:  Well, Rush, I just said that you’re reducing the hidden tax of $14.7 billion.  We want to get rid of the hidden tax that is being paid right now —

RUSH:  Well, the tax —

SCHWARZENEGGER:  Every single —

RUSH:  Replace the hidden tax with a visible tax, it’s still a tax.

It’s fun to watch Arnold try to bullshit Limbaugh, and vice-versa, with their companion dishonest agendas that just aren’t similarly dishonest.  Fascinating as a car wreck on the side of the road.
What do you think?

CA-04, CA-41: Take a Stand Against Those Who Would Harm Our Troops

Kagro X at the great Orange behemoth wrote a great post yesterday about House Appropriations Committee members voting to continue to send our troops over to Iraq without the proper equipment, body armor, rest times, and training.  Whatever your feelings about the Iraq supplemental bill (I hate that it doesn’t go far enough in enforcement of a deadline, and it’s larded up with unrelated pork, but other than that…), any member of Congress dumb enough to let our soldiers go to war without everything they need for battle ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Under instructions from the National Republican Committee, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent and others dutifully complied with their orders: say you support the troops, but vote to kill them.

This cold-blooded political manipulation cost thousands of brave Americans their lives over the course of four years, but only when the truth came to light did it cost these Republican traitors their jobs. Maybe it should have cost them much, much more, but the political system only gives us one option: dump politicians who vote to kill American troops.

We have two California Representatives who voted to put American lives in danger.  There are about 10,000 reasons to dump Jerry Lewis and John Doolittle, but this is the most stark one.  They both voted against giving our troops the body armor and equipment and rest and training they need before being shipped to Iraq.

I agree with Howie Klein:

There are no elected members of either house of Congress as dangerous to our country’s safety and security as John Doolittle and Jerry Lewis.

Not only have both of these bloodsuckers drained the national treasury to give their defense contractor and lobbyist friends precious booty, they have talked about patriotism incessantly, yet committed the mostm unpatriotic act you can possibly commit, signing the death warrants of potentially thousands of Americans.

We have a great challenger to John Doolittle in Lt. Col. (Ret.) Charlie Brown, who came within a hair’s breadth of defeating Doolittle last year.  Reportedly, Tim Price may challenge Jerry Lewis in CA-41; he’s committed to running if there’s a special election to replace Lewis, should he be indicted (a possibility with both of these sorry excuses for public officials).  We need to encourage Price to run and we need to support Charlie Brown, so we can rid this Congress of members who show nothing but contempt for our men and women in uniform.

Feinstein questions the departure of the US Attorney for Los Angeles

The President’s remarks on the US Attorney scandal were the same kind of out-of-touch obstructionism and intimidation we’ve come to expect (he’s essentially daring Congress to initiate a Constitutional showdown), so no need to replay it here.  But Sen. Feinstein is pulling at another thread of the scandal, one little remarked-upon but potentially significant.  It’s about a legislator essentially bribing a prosecutor to get her off the trail.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein said Tuesday she wants answers about the departure of the former U.S. attorney in Los Angeles, who resigned last October before the Justice Department’s dismissal of eight other U.S. attorneys sparked controversy.

“I have questions about Debra Yang’s departure and I can’t answer those questions right at this time,” Feinstein, D-Calif. and a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters in response to a question. “Was she asked to resign, and if so, why? We have to ferret that out.”

Here’s the real scoop: In May 2006, Debra Wong Yang was beginning work on the investigation of Rep. Jerry Lewis, the former chair of the House Appropriations Committee who was being scrutinized over handing out defense earmarks to political friends.  Within a few months, Yang resigned… to work for the law firm representing Lewis.

About five months before Yang’s departure her office had opened an investigation into ties between Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Calif., and a lobbyist. When Yang left her U.S. attorney’s job she went to work for Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, the firm where Lewis’ legal team works, but government rules required that she recuse herself from that case or any other she was involved with while a government prosecutor.

The Lewis case is connected to the ongoing corruption investigation in San Diego that began with the 2005 conviction of former GOP Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham, who is serving jail time for bribery. Former U.S. attorney Carol Lam in San Diego, who was among those dismissed last year, was prosecuting that case. Feinstein contends that Lam’s dismissal had something to do with the her role in the Cunningham investigation, though the Justice Department denies it.

Not only that, Yang got $1.5 million dollars to go to work for Gibson Dunn.  Ted Olson, the former US Solicitor General, works there too.  And the Assistant US Attorney for LA, Douglas Fuchs, joined her.

So here we have the top two federal prosecutors looking into a public corruption case hired away from the government by the law firm representing that same corrupt official.

This is where government cronyism meets corporate cronyism…

Dean in Palm Springs: On Progressive Action in California

This is a nice write-up of a private fundraising stop by the DNC Chair in Palm Springs, and the connection between his message and the message we present almost every day on this site is striking.

Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, says his party will need more outreach than money to win California in 2008.

The former presidential candidate and Vermont governor was in Palm Springs Saturday for a private fund raiser, as reported on Saturday.

“The strategy in California is not to spend $30 million on television,” said Dean, who addressed the media outside.

“People want to be contacted door to door, and they want to be contacted on the Internet, and they want their opinions to matter,” he said.

“If we don’t start doing grassroots politics in California, we’re not going to be able to count on California in the foreseeable future.”

A-frickin-men.  over…

Taking this state for granted the past 16 years has led to an apathetic voter class, a Republican governor, and a general weakening of the state Democratic Party.  There’s no cohesion because there’s no outreach beyond the big urban centers.  The fact that Dean made this pitch in Palm Springs is in itself significant.

Kevin Corcoran, a sales and marketing consultant, said he hosted Dean’s reception in his Palm Springs home “to begin the conversation for 2008.”

Too often, he said, candidates bypass the valley and head to Los Angeles for outreach and fund-raising efforts.

“It’s a great opportunity for the people in our community – the access to Dean to learn about what he’s doing, what the party’s doing and start to develop a point of view,” Corcoran said.

We need a 58-county strategy in California for the future of the party.  The demographic shifts are tremendous and we need to go where the people are going; namely, to the interior counties that offer the best chance for party growth.

Fortunately, the burgeoning of the state progressive blogosphere and other outreach developments have given Democrats across the state the opportunity to band together and offer a real alternative.  But this is only a beginning.

I hope Gov. Dean attends the CDP convention and makes it just as clear there how we need to mimic his “Be everywhere” strategy for this state, which is a message that Art Torres and everyone in the Party must internalize.

“Tuition Fees Are Too Low”

Remember that golden oldie from the Governor?  Well, he and the regents are fixing that, so never let it be said that Arnold isn’t doing the people’s business:

Trustees of the California State University system this afternoon agreed to raise annual fees for undergraduate and graduate students by 10%.

The move means Cal State students will see basic fees rise $252 to $3,421. This does not include the cost of textbooks, housing or other expenses.

Meanwhile, the regents of the University of California, meeting today at UCLA, were considering a proposed 7% fee hike in that university system.

Under the UC proposal, student fees for state residents would rise about $495 to $7,347, including some individual campus costs but not including housing, books and other expenses.

In a time when billions more dollars are desperately needed to get our children proficient in seconday school, we’re making it more burdensome for them to obtain higher education.  If education is a jobs program, we’re sabotaging our economic future with these exorbitent university costs.