All posts by DumpDoolittle

For the Love of Money: While Pombo and Doolittle Raise Special Interest Cash, They Miss Key Votes

Pombo and Doolittle Choose Dick Cheney and Special Interest Cash over Doing Their Jobs – Miss Vote on Veterans’ Benefits

(Washington, D.C.) – This week, missing votes because of special interest fundraisers with Vice President Cheney, Reps. John Doolittle and Richard Pombo proved that even less is possible when it comes to doing their jobs in Congress.  One of the measures they missed votes on was the Veterans’ Benefits Improvement Act, which improves benefits for veterans such as life insurance, housing loans, disability compensation and treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  Doolittle and Pombo have been facing questions for months about choosing special interest money over doing their jobs in Congress.

“Instead of voting for veterans’ benefits and against terrorism in the Middle East, Doolittle and Pombo chose to raise special interest money with Dick Cheney.  It’s time for a change in Washington,” said Bill Burton, communications director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.  “A big part of being in Congress is making choices and Doolittle and Pombo’s choice to raise special interest money with Dick Cheney rather than show up to work is just one more reason why Californians are looking for new priorities this November.  California families will choose change because they deserve better than members of Congress who consistently favor their special interest friends over the families they represent.” S.1235, Vote #177 5/22/06

Seems Doolittle was busy giving Pombo personal training from his well practiced, unethical habit of how to rip off constituents for 15% of some pretty hefty campaign contributions that day. Doolittle put $40,000.00 into his personal bank account that day. Pombo has been following Doolittle’s lead on how to pocket campaign contributions by a loophole that allows them to funnel cash through their wives.

I’m sure the Veterans of America will have an easy decision this November during the mid-term congressional elections.

CA-04: Rep John Doolittle Voted Against Funding to Fight Child Pornography

Last night, on the floor of the House of Representatives, Congressman John Doolittle made a clear choice in the ongoing fight against child pornography.  HR 5441, vote #215, 5/25/06 Congressman Doolittle voted against adding much needed funds to fight child pornography.  Child pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry that puts at risk an alarming and growing number of children.  As many as one in five children report having been sexually solicited on the internet.  California children and their families are at risk, and Doolittle’s choice shows that he does not stand for protecting California kids.

See the extended…

Yesterday’s vote adds $5 million in much-needed funding for the Cyber Crimes Unit of the Department’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to fight sexual predators and child pornography.  This is a vital task force, in 2003, ICE launched Operation PREDATOR, which is administered through the Cyber Crimes Center.  Since 2003, Operation PREDATOR has arrested more than 7,500 child predators, more than 88% of whom were non-US citizens.

“It is up to John Doolittle and his colleagues in Congress to make the right choices to protect our children and when they choose to limit the resources to fight the factors that put our kids at risk, it is time for them to go,” said Sarah Feinberg, press secretary of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.  “Internet predators are a scourge and a growing risk for millions of children across the country and in California.  John Doolittle’s choice against funding the fight on child pornography crystallizes why California families are looking for new priorities from their leaders in Congress.”

Doolittle voted against an amendment offered by Congressman Bart Stupak which adds $5 million in much-needed funding for the Cyber Crimes Unit of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  These are the people on the front lines of the battle against child exploitation. Through cooperation with partner agencies, ICE has provided leads, identified victims, and collected critical evidence.  The Stupak amendment would increase ICE funding by $5 million in order to help support this effort.  This money would help to give ICE the resources it needs to combat this grave and growing threat to our nation’s children.

So much for Rep Doolittles Campaign Signs that say “Doolittle Stands With Us”. Appears Doolittle stands with child porn predators!