All posts by HoytHilsman

Endorsements and Debates

I wanted to thank the editorial board at Calitics for reconsidering their previous endorsement process and clarifying the path towards their endorsing candidates in the future.  I certainly look forward to the chance to offer my views and perspective to the Calitics community as part of your endorsement process.

I also wanted to give everyone at Calitics a chance to look at clips a 2006 debate between two of the current declared candidates in the 26th Congressional district — myself and Russ Warner (the third candidate in that debate, Cynthia Matthews, has not declared any intention to run and is therefore not included in the clips).  The clips cover several topics, including the war in Iraq, the Patriot Act, environmental regulation, the possible invasion of Iran and the labor movement and the Taft-Hartley Act.  These clips highlight some of the differences in our policy positions on these important topics and should give you some perspective on our strengths and weaknesses as candidates.  You can watch clips of this debate at (… )

I look forward very much to the Calitics endorsement process and to discussing my candidacy with all of you and with the voters in the 26th District in a number of forums, including town meetings and debates.  Again, I want to thank the Calitics editorial board and the Calitics community for the vital work you do in providing a public forum for debate and discussion.

With best wishes,

Hoyt Hilsman
Democratic Candidate for Congress
26th CD, California