All posts by IE Wolf Wench

Kinda-off-topic GOP governor question

I’m gathering info to help someone with a novel (it is NaNoWriMo ;-), and they want to know which Republicans are likely to run for governor when Ahnold terms out, and their relative chances of winning (especially the most and least likely to win).

Obviously, no one knows for sure where a canditate will end up (how many thought Hillary was a shoe-in this time last year?), but any insights will be appreciated.

And maybe it’ll prove to be an interesting discussion on its own merits :-).

And then there were four

Yeah, this is short, but I don’t see an open thread to post to :-).

Earlier this week, I commented on a story about people not having sent in absentee ballots yet:

One of the reasons I’m waiting is that I want to make sure I don’t end up voting for someone who’s not in the race anymore on Feb. 5. I’m not talking viability, but rather that three candidates on the ballot (Dodd, Biden, Richardson) have already withdrawn from the race, and more may do so after South Carolina. FTR, our absentee ballots are sitting here on the computer desk, and we already know how we’re voting on the props.

And now Kucinich is out, leaving the main three and Gravel, who was last seen taking “time off from campaigning at doctors’ recommendations to get well.”

The only question at this point is, will 2/5 find us with three choices, or two?

CA-41: Dr. Rita Ramirez-Dean for Congress

(Yesterday we saw Tim Prince’s email, here are some words about another Democratic challenger to the very corrupt Jerry Lewis.   – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

(Note: This was written last night by my husband, and will be cross-posted on DailyKos under his username after I post this.)

I’m sure that around here, Jerry Lewis of CA-41 fame needs no introduction. Well, a few Democrats have entered the race.

Tonight (writing this as of January 9th), I just met one of them, and Dr. Rita Ramirez-Dean strikes me very much as the real deal. Passionate, outspoken, dedicated and strong-willed, with a life story that has “true Democrat” stamped on it, Dr. Ramirez-Dean could very well help us replace a, well, Jerry Lewis with a real progressive. Crooks and Liars has a great if brief post about her.

During a powerful speech to our Democratic club, I learned tonight that she wants to end the war in Iraq, bring us universal health care, ensure strong and well-funded education from grade school to higher learning (and end No Child Left Standing), and guarantee fundamental rights for all Americans, including protecting all religions (and the right to have none) and marriage for all citizens, regardless of orientation, as a fundamental human right.

I’m not trying to be impartial or measured here; I thought she was amazing. She did ramble slightly as the night got older, but after two hours of talking to nine partisan club members sitting around a restaurant table, that’s more than excusable. Her story of being told in the 40s and 50s that she was a “dirty Mexican” and “couldn’t get anywhere,” and then deciding she would get somewhere, is extraordinary. In an era where being non-white or a woman was a strike against you, Dr. Ramirez-Dean got a scholarship and put herself through college. Now, she wants to help fix our broken system to ensure that others get the same chances she did, chances she got thanks to education programs of that time.

She doesn’t need a lot of money, though obviously donations would help (she’s asking for “ten dollars and a book of stamps” from each donor, though AFAIK Act Blue doesn’t have a “donate stamps” option :-). Any progressives living in the area should check out her site, and if convinced to support her, should contact her campaign to help in whatever ways they can. Her campaign can use all the traditional forms of help — phone banking, precinct walking, the works.

(/) Roland X

Hope is a phoenix