All posts by Joe52

Politics Waxing, American Warrior Support Waning

Here’s an email I received recently from a person who refused to help American Combat Veterans of War because a few Democratic politicians were listed on our website as supporters, even though just as many Republicans support our mission as Democrats. For background, ACVOW is a San Diego based nonprofit that recruits combat veteran volunteers to mentor our young warriors, helping them cope with combat stress.  ACVOW’s response follows. It’s a bit lengthy, but I hope you read it.

Dear Sir;

Yesterday, outside of a Stater Bros. store a gentleman from your organization was soliciting signatures for a ballot. This is not a problem, and your program is probably worthwhile. However, the persons endorsing your program, in my opinion, are a not good representatives to promote your cause. If Bob Filner & Susan Davis lent their support or name to any organization I would never contribute any amount of money. I would not ask any friends or relatives to contribute either because Filner and Davis, in my opinion, are disasterous for San Diego and CA. When I saw their names I knew immediately that I would not contribute. There are others that believe differently, but I do know that there are many who also believe as I do.




Yes, I remember speaking with you and frankly, I apologize for losing my demeanor. It was unprofessional for me to do so. Frustrated with the ease at which many people dismiss our young warriors with a wave of their hand, I had lost my patience when you suggested American Combat Veterans of War was not a legitimate organization simply from our support by certain public officials.

Under the surface of our great young warriors lurks an enemy for which many lack the training to fight. Having served our country on the battlefield, they are rewarded with an economy that has little room for them and trauma that continues to haunt. The combat veteran volunteers of ACVOW have been mentoring and healing our young warriors suffering from combat stress since 2001. Our presence at supermarkets is to remind our community of the sacrifices our troops continue to make for our country on and off the battlefield. If I have spoiled anyone’s shopping experience by asking for a signature, be certain that I lose no sleep over it.  

Many people want the freedom to go to the market without being pestered by petitioners. In our case, however, it is the very men and women requesting signatures that have given us that freedom. I am sure you would agree that American combat veterans have sacrificed considerably for America and yet, rather than spend their weekends at picnics or summer barbeques, our volunteers choose to stand their post with clipboards ready, to remind you that without commitment, the faded yellow ribbon on the back of your Chevy Tahoe remains an empty gesture.

It is unfortunate that some Americans cannot remove their personal political prejudices from our national interest to ensure our young warriors are treated with the dignity and honor they have earned. You will not contribute to ACVOW because Bob Filner, Chair of the Veterans Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives and a Democrat, has endorsed our work. You will not contribute to ACVOW because Susan Davis, Chair of the Personnel Subcommittee for the House Armed Services Committee and a Democrat, recognizes us as an asset to our young warriors. We gladly and enthusiastically accept their recognition of our services as we do with Congressman Brian Bilbray and Mayor Jerry Sanders as well as City Council members Kevin Faulconer and Carl De Maio, all conservatives. Your decision not to support us says more about you and the political climate reverberating from partisan politics than it does about the legitimacy of American Combat Veterans of War.

Are you so uncompromising with your political rivals that even our warriors must suffer from the ideological fallout? I hope yours is not a common position as you suggest and that the contentious partisan divide that has beleaguered the debate on health care does not creep its way into care for the treatment of our troops.

American Combat Veterans of War is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and by law, completely nonpolitical. That does not mean our individual members do not embrace their own political beliefs, however. You may be surprised to know that even as veterans, we are evenly divided, Democrats to Republicans, in our group. On our own time we enjoy political discourse over a beer or two like everyone else, but when it comes to our mission and care for our troops, politics plays no role whatsoever, allowing us to effectively help thousands of young warriors. May America heed such a lesson.

As I write this-indeed this very moment-our Camp Pendleton Marines are fighting courageously in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, protecting people for which they share almost no common interest, just so they have the freedom to vote at the polls-a luxury you and I may have taken for granted at times in our lives. And yet, when these kids return from the battlefield as changed men and women, suffering from an invisible wound with which they will struggle the rest of their lives, you refuse to contribute, not because of our political views, but because of your own.

The Veterans Administration estimates that twenty percent of our military personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan will suffer from some level of post traumatic stress. We believe that estimate to be far too conservative. It is not too late for you to help them, Libby. You can make a contribution at and you do not have to compromise your political beliefs to do so. You just need the courage and wisdom to rise above them to see our warriors in need. May God bless them all.


Dino Maiolo

National Communications Director

Mike Lumpkin Rejects Extremists’ Wedge Issue on Same Sex Marriage

(An interesting tack to take in the 52nd district – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

Mike Lumpkin, retired Navy SEAL and candidate for the 52nd Congressional District, released the following press release this morning regarding yesterday’s California Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage.

Yesterday the California Supreme Court overturned a voter-approved ban on gay marriage igniting a storm of divisive partisan reaction across the nation. Retired Navy SEAL Commander and 52nd Congressional District Candidate, Mike Lumpkin, sees the decision and subsequent reaction as an unfortunate yet expected diversion. “Election after election extremists drive this emotionally polarizing issue and marginalize the concerns of everyday Americans,” said Lumpkin.  

The foundation of Commander Lumpkin’s campaign comes from the pro-American creed he lived by for 21 years as a Navy SEAL, “In the military there is no ‘right’ or ‘left’ there is only right or wrong for America.” Lumpkin believes divisive politics are the reason America has gotten so far off track and he is committed to solving issues that transcend extreme politics. “Americans understand the urgency of working together; our deficit is spiraling out of control, we are outsourcing jobs, military families face extended deployments, the border is not secure, and Social Security is in trouble. Americans are smart, patriotic folks and we want our country back. We have too much at stake to let perennial wedge agendas hijack our national discussion,” said Lumpkin. “Same-sex marriage is a states’ rights issue and today’s decision is not surprising given California’s constitution. If the decision is contrary to the will of the majority then Californian’s must change our state’s constitution.”

Congressional candidate Duncan Hunter Jr. responded by saying “Families are under assault by out of control liberal judges.” However, Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s and Log Cabin Republican President Patrick Sammon’s support for the decision underscores the fact that same-sex marriage is neither a Democratic nor a Republican issue.

“Extremists have some harsh realities to face; this ruling is not the product of a liberal court. Three of the four justices who made the decision were Republican appointees,” said Lumpkin’s campaign manager, Chris Young. “The people who used gay-marriage as a wedge issue to get into office controlled the House, the Senate, the Whitehouse, and had a 5-4 majority in the Supreme Court for six years. If senior Congressmen like Duncan Hunter were committed to an anti-gay marriage amendment and they didn’t get the job done, they were incompetent or insincere. Either way, the American people deserve better,” said Young.

Commander Mike Lumpkin served 21 years in the U.S. Navy including eight operational tours as a Navy SEAL on continents across the world. He received over 40 commendations and awards during his service. He was Deputy Commander of Joint Special Operations Task Forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He has served as the officer in charge of all west coast SEAL teams, managing over 2000 military and civilian personnel with budgets over $300 million. In addition, Commander Lumpkin served as the liason to Congress for the US Special Operations Command. He was born and raised in Vista. Commander Lumpkin and his wife Jill have one son and two beautiful granddaughters. They reside in Jamul.

After 28 Years of Republican Domination, Can a Democrat Win in the 52nd Congressional District?

If the candidate is Mike Lumpkin, victory in November is not only possible, but perhaps likely.  Granted, there is still a primary election in June, but at a forum last week hosted by the League of Women Voters, Vickie Butcher proved once again that she had no command of the issues.  For much of the debate she seemed lost and unable to formulate a coherent answer for questions on healthcare, the economy and the war on terror.  It was painful, at times, to watch her struggle with issues on which she clearly had not researched.  Though a pleasant and accomplished educator, Vickie Butcher is simply over her head in this race.  As dismal as her prospects for congressional success are, however, those of Mike Lumpkin not only give Democrats encouragement, but the best likelihood for victory since 1980 when a young Duncan Hunter edged out a victory against a Democrat incumbent by the name of Lionel Van Deerling.

Lumpkin is a retired Navy SEAL Commander with both combat and leadership experience.  Those qualifications alone will earn him a significant number of cross-over votes, which will be necessary in the conservative 52nd.  If that isn’t enough, he is moderate and pragmatic on the issues and can pull off what Duncan Hunter was unable to do in his entire time as the district’s representative-provide fair representation to all citizens of the district, not just those who support his campaign.

Lumpkin’s campaign will not be an easy one, however.  Though Duncan Hunter is relinquishing his seat, his name may still be on the ballot.  Duncan D. Hunter, Jr. has moved back to California to keep the seat in the family, though not without a fight.  His strongest opponent in the Republican primary-Brian Jones-is mounting an aggressive, but bleak grassroots campaign.  Jones has not been intimidated by the Hunter dynasty and has repeatedly attacked Jr. for his lack of commitment to curb the use of earmarks.

Any of the Republican candidates will have to face a formidable Mike Lumpkin in the General.  The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which will help fund the top 29 congressional races in order to attain a super-majority in the House, has recently upgraded Lumpkin’s campaign from 20 to 14 and considers his resume the best of any congressional candidate in an open-seat race.  Additionally, a recent Rasmussen poll suggests 2008 is not going to be a good year for the Republicans.  He’s the underdog now, but keep an eye on Mike Lumpkin.  His will be the race to watch.