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Live in a Safe Democratic District? Adopt-a-Candidate today!

Do you live in a safe Democratic Congressional district? If so, please join me and “Adopt-A-Candidate” for the final two week stretch of campaign season.

How do you “adopt-a-candidate”? It’s easy.

* Find a worthy Democratic congressional candidate in your state, or in a region you care about, who has potential to beat their opponent.

* Contribute to the candidate’s campaign, as though they were representing you.

* Promote your adopted candidate to anyone you know in that district, and write diaries and posts about them on blogs encouraging others to contribute to the candidate too.

What are the benefits of adopting a candidate?

* You’ll help get another Democrat elected to Congress, which will provide your own congressmember with an ally in Washington, and make it easier to get important legislation passed in the Obama administration.

* You’ll learn about the demographics and voting habits of another Congressional District. (And knowing the demographics makes watching election returns so much more exciting!)

* You’ll feel like you made a difference. (Even if your adoptee doesn’t win, you’ll have raised their public profile  so they’ll have an easier time raising funds and getting support next time they run for office.)

* When your adopted candidate wins, you’ll feel like you have two members of Congress representing you.

I adopted Debbie Cook in CA-46 through the encouragement of some fine folks I met on political blogs, and she’s been the best candidate I could ever ask for. I encourage any of you living in safe districts to go out there and “Adopt-a-Candidate” now!!! It’s only a 2-week commitment, but the benefits may last a lifetime.