The idea that if African-Americans (AA) voted like the white vote, then 8 would have failed is not true. I took a look at the CNN exit polls and the election numbers and here is what I have so far:
10,328,365 voted for the proposition
5,419,478 for
4,908,887 against
If going by the exit poll, 10% AA, then 1,032,837 AA voted
at 70% yes, 722,986
at 30% no, 309,851
without the AA from the final, it is
4,696,492 yes
4,599,036 no
so 8 would have won anyways and shows that the Latino 53% yes vote would have tipped the yes vote.
If AA voted at 49% yes like white voters
4,696,492 + 506,090 = 5,202,582 yes
4,599,036 + 526,747 = 5,125,783 no
Prop 8 would have still passed.
If AA voted at 2004 levels, 6%, and using the 2008 ratio,
433,791 yes
185,911 no
4,696,492 + 433,791 = 5,130,283
4,599,036 + 185,911 = 4,784,947
difference = 345,336
Prop 8 would have still passed even without the Obama bounce.
I just want to squelch the idea that AA was the main reason 8 passed. I am afraid when we run this again that all the focus will be put on AA community when there are better areas, e.g., single women, married women with and without children, etc. In fact, it would probably be better if the Gay community started an outreach program in the suburbs of just normal community building: Little League, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, tutoring…polls show familiarity increases acceptance.