All posts by NKlein82

Dreier in Danger

Hoyt Hilsman, an author and activist, is challenging a member of the Republican House leadership: David Dreier.  Dreier was the man who for years provided the Republican House the tools to override the concerns of the American people and often times a majority in the House of Representatives on issues such as, Iraq, Medicare Part D and the subsidies for the Oil Industry.  Hoyt is the only person who will have the resources and the message that can defeat Dreier.

Just check out this article by CQPolitics and reprinted in the New York Times:

“California’s 26th District. Democrat Hoyt Hilsman loaned his campaign $100,000 in his quest to topple 14-term Republican Rep. David Dreier. Hilsman, director of a nonprofit organization promoting equality of opportunity and economic growth, raised an additional $60,000 and had $150,000 on hand as of June 30.”

Please go to Hilsman’s website to learn more about who he his and why he is the best person to defeat David Dreier. As Hilsman has recently said:

“Citing Dreier’s support of the Bush administration’s policies in Iraq, Hilsman
said ‘Congressman Dreier was a leader of a Congress that rubber-stamped the
ill-conceived and incompetent Iraq war policy, and abandoned its responsibility
to our troops and to the American people. Mr. Dreier even now continues to be a
consistent and dogmatic supporter of a failed Iraq policy, ignoring the wishes of
his constituents and the American public by blocking meaningful progress towards
a resolution of that conflict.'”

Also, please go to Hoyt’s Actblue page and contribute to this campaign to clean up the Congress.