All posts by cbarney

Video: “What Do We Do About Barack?”

What Do We Do About Barack?

This is the tough question that progressive Democrats are facing for the 2012 election. Many of us are disappointed and even angry over President Obama’s economic and political course. Widespread feelings of outrage at being ignored in favor of bankers and corporations are common among the very people who worked so hard to elect Obama in 2008. The President now faces a difficult re-election campaign, and organization is well under way. We want to help – or do we? A YouTube video, at… expresses this dilemma.

On July 10, 2011, progressive Democrats met at a potluck picnic in the Santa Cruz Mountains to bring out in open discussion our disappointments and anger about what the President has done or not done in the last two years, and our feelings about the 2012 election. We separated into small groups with two topics in mind:    

1) To give voice to the legitimate concerns of the progressive grassroots, with an eye towards influencing President Obama, and,

2) To answer the question “What DO we do about Barack?” We came to many different conclusions that need to be resolved before the election campaign begins in earnest. Whatever our differences are, they pale beside the Republican alternative.

This video summarizes what came out of our progressive picnic. We have made it available online, and are sending the link to Democratic clubs throughout America, in the hope that it will spark a national discussion of this critical issue.

Harvey Dosik

Cliff Barney