All posts by pbriggsiam

Pasadena Democracy for America endorsed Russ Warner in the CA 26th Congressional District

Pasadena Democracy for America endorsed Russ Warner for the CA 26th Congressional District last Thursday in Monrovia.…

We finally have a solid candidate to run against David Dreier – a 25 year incumbent Republican for the 26th CD.  Russ Warner will help us turn another red district blue and we’re excited about that.

It’s not too early to start working for Russ’ campaign.  Pasadena DFA intends on precinct walking, phone banking, tabling at farmers markets throughout the San Gabriel Valley, and doing whatever we can to “Fire Dreier”.  

We have responsibility, residing in a blue 29th CD, to help our red neighboring CD’s get Democrats elected.  We take that seriously!

Question on California Democratic Convention this spring

I have a question for the community reading this blog.  I’m a delegate in the CA 44th Assembly District.  I attended our last CA Democratic Convention and was disappointed in the lack of tangible things for me to do as a delegate.  With rare exception it seemed like one big party/get-together.

Are there some more experienced CA delegates that can offer either a) perspective or b) ideas on how to make it a worthwhile effort to attend?

The person who is on the E-Board for our district has done NOTHING to lead.  I would like to organize our AD to come together on one issue which we could push at the upcoming CA Democratic Convention – you know…make it a worthwhile activity to attend for all the 44 AD delegates.

Hope I can get some feedback here or at my email address – [email protected]


Patrick Briggs,

Pasadena DFA Chapter Leader and 44 AD Delegate