Tag Archives: Ken Mehlman

Odds and Ends 10/27

Lots of stuff, let’s get to it.  Make sure you take a look at the videos. Teasers: A terrible fire, Obama-mania, Mehlman is watching you, Survey USA poll, VoteVets against Doolittle, Letterman on Schwarzenegger and more!

  • First, there’s a bad fire near Palm Springs. Four firefighters lost their lives fighting the blaze, which is believed to have been arson.  My sincere condolences go out to the families, firends and co-workers of the brave firemen. Let’s catch those bastards. Tough to transition to politics, but it must be done, so…
  • It’s Obama-time.
  • Arnold knows a lot about you. Does that scare you? Well, get used to it. It’s Ken Mehlman’s thing.  They get the vast voter file, make sure they know everything you buy (yeah, those grocery cards do something) and predict if you are their kind of voter.  Spooky, but it helps win elections…ick.
  • Prop 85 is cool, unless  you actually have, you know, bad or abusive parents.  And that never happens with pregnant teenagers; I’m certain there is no correlation there at all!  Naivete is great!
  • The O.C. really doesn’t learn its lesson.  They want to go back to Merrill Lynch, you know their broker when they went bankrupt.
  • Another day, another depressing poll (SurveyUSA). (h/t to cali_girl_in_texas) This one has Arnold up 55-37.  SurveyUSA has always had Arnold higher than the other polls.  I don’t know if they push leaners, but I’d suspect that’s the case b/c their undecideds (currently 8%) are lower than other polls. 
  • Also from that poll: Feinstein is up big over Mountjoy (59-33); it’s possible that she might get 60%.  Hey, maybe she can pull some people to the poll.  GO vote for DiFi! 
  • Also, Prop 86 continues to enjoy a slight lead (52-46).  BigTobacco has poured a lot of money into this one, but it’s always hard for a ciggy tax to lose.  This one will likely be close, but I expect it to pass by the skin of its chinny, chin, chin.
  • Over $500 million on this year’s election. That’s disgusting. It’s like the No on 89 Campaign is making the case in the other direction.  There is just a ridiculous amount of money floating around.  The only real winners? Consultants. Hey, how come I’m not getting some of that money! (In full disclosure, I suppose I do. But the amount of money I get for those ads -> … well, it barely pays for the hosting of the site)
  • ANSWER is having an anti-war rally in SF on Saturday. Hey, people, shouldn’t you “activists” be knocking on doors to get Pombo or Doolittle out of office. Wouldn’t that be a teensy-weensy bit more effective?  Can’t we have a rally on Nov. 8?

  • VoteVets.org will be launching an ad against John Doolittle. Like their other ads, it really gets to the heart of the issues.  Doolittle raised his pay, but doesn’t help veterans.  Charlie Brown is a veteran and understands veteran issues.  He will actually vote for veterants, not just pay lip service. Here’s the video:
  •  And finally, a bit of fun. Here’s David Letterman’s Top Ten Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Voting for Arnold Schwarzenegger: