Tag Archives: Ellen Tauscher

Tauscher Cleans Up The “Gonzales Can’t Be Impeached” Remark

Ellen Tauscher has now not only acknowledged that an Attorney General can be impeached, but she signed on to the impeachment resolution:

I apologize for inaccuracies contained in any earlier correspondence. I want to set the record straight on my actions. I am a co-sponsor of two bills to remove Gonzales from office. On May 22, I co-sponsored H. Res. 417, which declares that the House of Representatives and the American people have lost confidence in Attorney General Gonzales. It calls on the President to nominate a new candidate capable of serving as the head of the Department of Justice. Additionally, I am a co-sponsor of H. Res. 589, introduced yesterday by Rep. Jay Inslee of Washington, which directs the House Judiciary Committee to initiate an impeachment investigation of the Attorney General. The resolution requests a formal investigation of the facts surrounding the Attorney General’s actions in order to allow Congress to determine whether articles of impeachment are appropriate […]

You have to appreciate someone who can admit they were wrong. 

My DEMOCRATIC Congresswoman Claims Gonzales Cannot Be Impeached!

(This story is a couple days old at this point, but worth everyone seeing. – promoted by jsw)

Representatives Ellen Tauscher (CA 10th) and Jerry McNerney (CA 11th (with some guy inbetween). From Tauscher’s website.


(NOTE: This post was originally written for my DailyKos diary. It received over 300 comments, a first for me after writing there for more than 3 years. I’ve added new information that came in from those many amazing comments so you can track how the story developed. I’ve also rearranged it from the original format so it will make more sense.)

Cross-Posted at DailyKos and Political Artwork.

Sometimes I think I am the only person in my district writing or phoning my Representative. I live in a very long skinny district, badly patched together, and a few years ago I got moved into former DLC Vice President Ellen Tauscher’s district. Previously I was in George Miller’s district and he’s much more liberal. But I’ve come to believe it’s a good thing for more liberals from the Western edge of San Francisco’s East Bay to be all up in Ms. Tauscher’s political face.

I thought I’d let her know I wanted some action on Gonzales. I’d been reading the Constitution regarding impeachment and it appeared to me (lay-person that I am) that Gonzales could be removed in this way and Bush would be unable to pardon him. Here’s what I was looking at:

* The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

* Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Here’s where I figured we’d just push him out of office now and then charge him with crimes after Bush is no longer president (so he couldn’t pardon him.)

* The President…shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

* The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

So I was assuming that Gonzales, being the Attorney General was a “civil officer” which would allow Congress to indeed impeach him and or cause him to resign under threat of impeachment.

Congresswoman Tauscher responded thusly:

Thank you for contacting me about Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. I have reviewed your comments and welcome this opportunity to share my views.

I have long been concerned about Attorney General Gonzales’ role in crafting the Bush Administration’s policies that deny prisoners captured in the War on Terror protections afforded to belligerents under the Geneva Convention, including the right to protection from torture. Recent allegations regarding his role in the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys for seemingly political purposes and an audit of FBI use of national security tools which revealed multiple breaches of FBI and Justice Department regulations are further cause for grave concern.

The Attorney General is the top law enforcement officer in the nation, and it is his responsibility to uphold the rule of law and respect for civil rights that are granted by the U.S. Constitution. As a member of the Armed Services Committee and the Human Rights Caucus, I am deeply concerned about abuse and violations of the rights of detainees in U.S. custody. These allegations have undermined our nation’s credibility and have raised concerns in the international community that the United States no longer holds human rights as a guiding principle in its military and foreign policy.

Furthermore, the politicalization of the Department of Justice through the firing of U.S. Attorneys thought to be unsympathetic to Administration priorities and slow and incomplete responses to Congress by the Justice Department regarding this matter display a flagrant disregard for the Constitutionally-mandated neutrality of the legal system. The condoning of the abuse of national security powers by the FBI is further evidence of this disturbing trend. Accountability must begin at the top, and I expect the President to uphold openness and honesty in his Administration. As investigations into these matters continue, I will work with my colleagues to ensure that those who acted unethically – or even illegally – are held responsible.

Good, good, I’m liking the sound of this…but then she says this:

The Attorney General serves at the pleasure of the president in a non-impeachable office. Unless convicted of an illegal act, the Attorney General cannot be removed from office without the president asking for or accepting his resignation. However, please be assured that I will keep your thoughts and concerns in mind as I review the circumstances surrounding recent allegations of impropriety within the Justice Department.


Ellen O. Tauscher
Member of Congress

Whatdayaknow…it turns out SHE’S QUITE WRONG! After reading the information shared by DailyKos readers, and doing more research, I’m convinced that my Democratic Congresswoman doesn’t fully understand the very same Constitution she took an oath to uphold! So I wrote her again, and sent along with my letter, a big pile of PROOF that  not only is Mr. Gonzales impeachable, it’s her duty as my Representative to help remove him.

Here is what I wrote in my 2nd letter to her:

Dear Representative Tauscher,

I received the enclosed email from you (or one of your staffers) in response to my message about impeaching Attorney General Alberto Gonzales (also enclosed). I was quite startled to read your claim that Gonzales is “not impeachable”. According to the U.S. Constitution he is (please read enclosed documentation). I’m hoping that your staff simply got confused about this very serious situation and sent the wrong information to me, your constituent. A good read-through of the materials I’ve been studying myself will correct that error for my neighbors and others who write to you about this.

If you yourself responded to my letter then I respectfully request that you immediately study the enclosed documents regarding Congressional impeachment of “civil officers”. It seems very clear to me (and to the American Bar Association, and to Professor Frank Bowman, all enclosed) that Mr. Gonzales is indeed impeachable.

I therefore again request that you begin impeachment proceedings against this man. He’s either lying to Congress (a triple felony) or he’s incompetent. Either way Mr. Gonzales is endangering our democracy every day he stays in office.

Please act as my representative in this urgent matter.


Emily Duffy

Here is the list of documents (PROOF) that I included with my letter:

1) A copy of the American Bar Association‘s “Impeachment: A Look at the Process. (Hat tip to DailyKos writer MLDB)

2) A copy of Professor Frank Bowman’s NYT Op-Ed piece “He’s Impeachable, You Know”. (Hat tip to DailyKos writer 8ackgr0und N015e)

3) A copy of the Constitution (because she obviously needs it).

4) A copy of my original letter requesting she start impeachment proceedings against Gonzales.

5) A copy of Tauscher’s response to my original letter.

And as advised by DailyKos writer mmacdDE, all pertinent excerpts are HIGHLIGHTED IN YELLOW!

I’ll report back if I hear back from Tauscher’s office. If I don’t hear back from her, she’ll hear back from me!

NOTE: Here’s the text of the email I originally sent Tauscher. Please feel free to borrow any or all of it to send to your own Rep.

  Dear Representative …,

I have been watching Senate hearings at which Attorney General Gonzales is testifying about many, MANY irregularities and conflicting statements on several issues of national security etc. This man is not fit to continue in his position. He either seems confused, can’t recall, or doesn’t know the answer to most questions posed by the bipartisan Senate Committee. He’s either lying about his involvement with various illegal activities, or he’s incompetent! Either way, he needs to be removed.

The Constitution says:

“The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. “


The President…”shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”

I understand that to mean, if Congress impeaches Attorney General (or any other Bush appointee, cabinet member, civil employee etc.) Bush cannot pardon them and they will be held accountable.

I respectfully request that you begin impeachment proceedings against the Attorney General immediately. That will begin the unveiling of crimes and corruption that this administration has committed, and continues to commit.

Thank You.

If you made it all the way to the end of this post, thank you for taking the time to read this strange tale. You might want to check and see if your own Congressperson knows that Alberto Gonzales is impeachable by writing to them HERE!

You can also sign John Edwards’ petition calling for Gonzales to resign HERE!

Ellen Tauscher Needs to Brush Up on Her Constitution

Tauscher wrote back to a constituent who told her that Congress should impeach Alberto Gonzalez and said such a thing was not possible. 

The Attorney General serves at the pleasure of the president in a non-impeachable office. Unless convicted of an illegal act, the Attorney General cannot be removed from office without the president asking for or accepting his resignation. However, please be assured that I will keep your thoughts and concerns in mind as I review the circumstances surrounding recent allegations of impropriety within the Justice Department.

She’s wrong of course.  And for her to not know the Constitution is truly shameful.  With Bush and Cheney wiping away the checks and balances in our system of government, it’s kind of pivotal that the legislative branch knows what powers the Constitution grants to it, don’t you think?

Thanks to 12 California House Democrats

…who just signed on to a letter to the President vowing not to appropriate any more money to the Iraq debacle for anything other than a fully funded withdrawal.  Kudos to these 12:

Lynn Woolsey
Barbara Lee
Maxine Waters
Ellen Tauscher
Diane Watson
Bob Filner
Hilda Solis
Grace Napolitano
Linda Sanchez
Mike Honda
Pete Stark
Lois Capps

Reward good behavior.  Letter on the flip.

Dear Mr. President:

We are writing to inform you that we will only support appropriating additional funds for U.S. military operations in Iraq during Fiscal Year 2008 and beyond for the protection and safe redeployment of all our troops out of Iraq before you leave office.

More than 3,600 of our brave soldiers have died in Iraq. More than 26,000 have been seriously wounded. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed or injured in the hostilities and more than 4 million have been displaced from their homes. Furthermore, this conflict has degenerated into a sectarian civil war and U.S. taxpayers have paid more than $500 billion, despite assurances that you and your key advisors gave our nation at the time you ordered the invasion in March, 2003 that this military intervention would cost far less and be paid from Iraqi oil revenues.

We agree with a clear and growing majority of the American people who are opposed to continued, open-ended U.S. military operations in Iraq, and believe it is unwise and unacceptable for you to continue to unilaterally impose these staggering costs and the soaring debt on Americans currently and for generations to come.


Rep. Lynn Woolsey (CA); Rep. Barbara Lee (CA); Rep. Maxine Waters (CA); Rep. Ellen Tauscher (CA); Rep. Rush Holt (NJ); Rep. Maurice Hinchey (NY); Rep. Diane Watson (CA); Rep. Ed Pastor (AZ); Rep. Barney Frank (MA); Rep. Danny Davis (IL); Rep. John Conyers (MI); Rep. John Hall (NY); Rep. Bob Filner (CA); Rep. Nydia Velazquez (NY); Rep. Bobby Rush (IL); Rep. Charles Rangel (NY); Rep. Ed Towns (NY); Rep. Paul Hodes (NH); Rep. William Lacy Clay (MO); Rep. Earl Blumenauer (OR); Rep. Albert Wynn (MD); Rep. Bill Delahunt (MA); Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC); Rep. G. K. Butterfield (NC); Rep. Hilda Solis (CA); Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY); Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY); Rep. Michael Honda (CA); Rep. Steve Cohen (TN); Rep. Phil Hare (IL); Rep. Grace Flores Napolitano (CA); Rep. Alcee Hastings (FL); Rep. James McGovern (MA); Rep. Marcy Kaptur (OH); Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL); Rep. Julia Carson (IN); Rep. Linda Sanchez (CA); Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ); Rep. John Olver (MA); Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX); Rep. Jim McDermott (WA); Rep. Ed Markey (MA); Rep. Chaka Fattah (PA); Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (NJ); Rep. Rubin Hinojosa (TX); Rep. Pete Stark (CA); Rep. Bobby Scott (VA); Rep. Jim Moran (VA); Rep. Betty McCollum (MN); Rep. Jim Oberstar (MN); Rep. Diana DeGette (CO); Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA); Rep. Artur Davis (AL); Rep. Hank Johnson (GA); Rep. Donald Payne (NJ); Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (MO); Rep. John Lewis (GA); Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY); Rep. Neil Abercrombie (HI); Rep. Gwen Moore (WI); Rep. Keith Ellison (MN); Rep. Tammy Baldwin (WI); Rep. Donna Christensen (USVI); Rep. David Scott (GA); Rep. Luis Gutierrez (IL); Lois Capps (CA); Steve Rothman (NJ); Elijah Cummings (MD); and Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX).

Ellen Tauscher Now “Controversial Congresswoman”

(cross-posted on Open Left)

I kind of like the sound of that one.  We may have bungled a primary challenge to Ellen Tauscher, but we accomplished a lot of our goals.  She is now generally acting and talking a lot better, especially on the war.  The big bonus is that the media is tracking how we interact with her, which increases the pressure on her.  Check out this blog post on the new LAT presidential blog Top of The Ticket.  It titled “Controversial California congresswoman backs Clinton:

But they also share something else in common: each voted in favor of the war in Iraq they now oppose. And, partly because of that vote, each has been the target of attacks from anti-war activists and left-leaning bloggers. Tauscher also has drawn the ire of progressives because she is a member of the “Blue Dogs” in the House — a group of moderate Democrats — and a leader of the New Democrat Coalition.

They are targets because they were wrong in the past and now we are putting pressure on them to get it right moving forward.  Their language has changed dramatically due to the intense scrutiny.

During today’s call, Clinton described the latter group as “a very large group of House members committed to pro-growth economic policies that will really help us return to shared prosperity.” Liberal bloggers describe it less kindly, tending toward characterizations such as “sell-out” and “Republican Lite.”

Yeah, that is about right.  Interestingly, that no longer includes Clinton, who has been moving fairly dramatically to a populist economic platform for her presidential run.  She is no longer the ardent free trader, in the tradition of her husband.  I actually do take issue with that phrasing, since it insinuates that those Democrats who do not agree with the Blue Dogs are anti-growth.  It is not that progressives are against growth, we just don’t want it all to come to corporations and the richest Americans.  Like Clinton says, that is “trickle-down economics without the trickle.”

Early this year, Tauscher was under particularly intense fire from progressive voices, as spelled out in a Washington Post story. Since then, she’s heightened her profile as an opponent of the Iraq war; Tauscher is a chief sponsor, for instance, of a push to rescind the resolution that authorized the U.S. military action. Still …

… Tauscher joining the Clinton camp can be expected to generate negative comment on the left.

My first thought when I read a piece about her endorsement was to mock the fact that Clinton didn’t know how to pronounce Tauscher’s name, not to try and bash Clinton for the association.

I don’t think that anyone is particularly surprised that Clinton is sewing up the endorsements of moderate Democratic women.  I would actually be more shocked if they didn’t go to her.  What I am more interested in is how the media is reporting it. 

Don Frederick seems to understand that Tauscher is controversial, but doesn’t quite identify the biggest reason for the blogger ire that was directed at Tauscher.  She was bashing her fellow Democrats, making it more difficult to get our policy goals accomplished.  That was the biggest spark to the blow-up, though there were other factors like her extremely poor relationship with the grassroots groups in her district.  The Iraq vote is important yes, but it was not what sparked the controversy earlier this year.  After all, that vote happened years ago.  She is still a figure that will raise liberal bloggers’ eyebrows, if only because we are closely tracking what she is saying and how she is voting.

Clinton Touts Endorsement of Ellen Tauscher

I wrote this for today’s Beyond Chron, San Francisco’s Alternative Online Daily

As further proof that Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign does not deserve progressive support, the New York Senator announced yesterday that she has received another prominent endorsement – from Congresswoman Ellen Tauscher of Walnut Creek.  As chair of the New Democrat Coalition, Tauscher is a so-called “moderate” Democrat who supported the War in Iraq until recently, is a hawk on defense spending, and has routinely deserted progressives for business interests.  Last October, merely days before the mid-term elections, she publicly fretted that party activists were driving the Democratic Party “over the left cliff.”

Tauscher was first elected in 1996 by defeating a Republican Congressman, as she emphasized her centrist credentials in a district that was economically conservative but socially liberal.  But after the post-2000 re-districting gave her a much safer seat, she continued to act as if she represents a “swing” district.  Tauscher’s icy relationship with progressives have driven liberal bloggers to actively consider a primary challenge against her in 2008. 

Progressives despise Ellen Tauscher because, beyond her voting record, she uses her status as a Democrat to undermine opposition to Republicans.  In 1997, she joined the Blue Dog Coalition – a group of conservative Democrats who frequently cut deals with the Republican Congress.  In 2006, after the Democrats re-gained a majority, President George Bush met with Tauscher and other moderate Democrats, in an obvious move to undercut the influence of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

In 2004, Tauscher’s candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination was Senator Joe Lieberman.  After his primary campaign went nowhere, she argued that it wasn’t about his support for the War in Iraq, but “more about satisfying the Democratic desire to have somebody who is going to go out and beat George Bush.”  So what does her endorsement mean for Hillary Clinton?

Send feedback to [email protected]

To Whom Among Us Will Stop this War?

(Keep the calls up! – promoted by blogswarm)

Last night, Keith Olberman went off on the Democratic Party for looking awful for capitulating to Bush on Iraq. Awful.

It is time to stand up and that begins with Ellen Tauscher. In the last major vote, her caucus looked like the idiots club with the following members voting against ending the war:

Vice Chair Ron Kind (WI-03), John Barrow (GA-12), Melissa Bean (IL-08), Shelley Berkley (NV-01), Ben Chandler (KY-06), Henry Cuellar (TX-28), Bob Ethridge (NC-02), Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (SD-AL), Mike McIntyre (NC-07), Charlie Melancon (LA-03), Dennis Moore (KS-03), Allyson Schwartz (PA-13), David Scott (GA-13), and Vic Snyder (AR-02)

It is time for Tauscher to step up and get her caucus in line.

Jerry McNerney Votes with Bush Enablers on Iraq

Yesterday, I received two letters from Congressman McNerney thanking me for two separate contributions. But those will probably be my last. Pombo isn’t running and McNerney just voted to stay in Iraq. When you vote worse than Ellen Tauscher on the most important issue of the day, I really don’t see how I can have respect for anything else you do. I think Ezra explained this concept well:

But not all issues are created equal. In the opinion of the netroots, if you opposed eliminating dividend taxation and drilling in ANWR but enthusiastically supported the war in Iraq–and appear incapable of really repenting or learning from that error–you are not 66 percent liberal and thus an ally; you were and are wrong on the preeminent issue of our time.

This should have been an easy yea vote, for the life of me I can’t understand why McNerney screwed up.

UPDATE: Stoller says, “That’s a pretty good number of progressives, and a good showing. And now we have people on the record for or against the war.” Indeed.

UPDATE II: More Stoller:

Atrios has a list of freshmen Dems who voted against this. […] Most of the new Dems backed the amendment, including every winner on the netroots page except McNerney (who is losing his base).

Stoller might be right about McNerney losing his base.

UPDATE III: The reaction on the big blogs. Master Jack at Mydd:

I donated to McNerney last fall.

  I didn’t donate to him so he could go to Congress and be a wuss.

  I think I’ll donate elsewhere next year.

ab initio at Daily Kos:

Now we know that there are 59 Dems that don’t want to end the occupation of Iraq!

I guess 2008 will be coming rolling and I’ll be keeping this vote in mind. I am particularly disappointed in Mcnerney and Roriguez who I provided campaign dollars.

Ellen Tauscher is Worthless, Really

Talk about saying one thing and doing another…yet again we have Ellen Tauscher to kick around. Really, I’m having a hard time writing this without using the term “totally full of shit” (whoops, there it is).

Earlier today, dday asked people to call Ellen Tauscher and ask if she would support adding Habeas Corpus to the Defense Department authorization bill. Her untrustworthy staff said she supported Habeas Corpus and would be a co-sponsor of Ike Skelton’s bill.

Which is great, except for the fact that Skelton’s bill will NOT include a restoration of Habeaus Corpus. Sure, Tauscher could introduce an amendment in the Armed Services Committee, but that would involve her actually being good for something (don’t hold your breath). Literally, if she can’t even stand up for a principle that has been the foundation of law since 1215 A.D. then she really is totally worthless — at best. What a waste of a safe Democratic seat.

Although it is probably a total waste of time, call Tauscher’s unproven staff at 202-225-1880 and ask if she will prove she isn’t entirely worthless by introducing a Habeas Corpus amendment in committee to the bill she is co-sponsoring.

UPDATE: She’ll probably blow it on this, too.

Let’s See What Ellen Tauscher Is Made Of

Ellen Tauscher sits on the House Armed Services Committee.  Today they may attempt to put a rider in the defense authorization bill that would restore the great writ of habeas corpus, which allows detainees to petition the courts to understand why they are being held.  This time-honored tradition of civilization, dating back to 1215 and the Magna Carta, was shamefully stripped out by the Military Commissions Act of 2006.

Matt Stoller is urging everyone to contact members of the panel to ask them to support the restoration of habeas corpus.  If you have a free moment today, call Ellen Tauscher at 202-225-1880 and ask her to defend the Constitution by making it whole again.  We cannot be credibly considered any kind of moral leader in the world if we detain people indefinitely without telling them why they are charged.

The full list of members of Congress to call is here.  But I would pay particular attention to Congresswoman Tauscher, who claims to be in line with the concerns of her district, who claims to be a progressive.  The progressive position is not to torture and not to store people away in secret prisons without end.

UPDATE: Tauscher “vows to support habeas corpus” and “will be an original co-sponsor of Skelton’s bill, which is expected to be introduced next week.”  This is good news.