Tag Archives: Infrastructure Bond

Odds and Ends 11/4

This will be a short one. I know it’s a busy weekend. Go out and rustle up some votes!
Teasers: Field Poll on the infratstructure bonds, Arnold using another corporate slush fund, Prop 90 divisiveness, and more!

  • The Field Poll(PDF) on the Infrastructure Bonds was released.  It seems the media blitz in support, without a corresponding blitz in opposition, is having an effect.  All 5 bonds are favored now. However, while I still stick to my statement that the Field Poll is the best in the state, I’m still not convinced that all of these are going to pass.
    • 1B (Transportation): 56 Yes, 28 No, 16 Undecided
    • 1C (Housing): 51 Yes, 30 No, 19 Undecided
    • 1D (Schools): 56 Yes, 29 No, 15 Undecided
    • 1E (Disaster Preparedness): 53 Yes, 27 No, 20 Undecided
    • 84 (Water/Parks):  51 Yes, 31 No, 18 Undecided
  • Tony Strickland doesn’t pay his taxes on time.  It seems that the GOP candidate for Controller, you know the guy responsible for auditing state government and cutting checks for the state, can’t seem to manage his own bills. Whoops!
  • Schwarzenegger wants an Iraq withdrawal deadline.  Why you wanna cut and run Arnold?
  • Beyond Chron notes that The Bayview Redevelopment Plan is causing some typically progressive votes to shift in favor of Prop 90 and is dividing San Francisco Progressives.  That is a shame, because that is exactly what Howie Rich wants.  The New York libretarian seeks to divide the vote by sneaking in dangerous restrictions on land-use regulation with a prop that is ostensibly about eminent domain.
  • Arnold is planning a trade mission to Mexico.  It’s Paid for by a corporate slush fund.  Great, not only is he assuming his victory, he’s also assuming nobody will care that he’s whoring out for special interests.  $113million says we are right Governator.
  • CalSTRS will stop making investments in companies that give big bucks to statewide candidates.  Seems like a good idea to me.
  • Justice O’Connor says that our Judiciary is under attack.  She’s right, it’s from the Right.  It’s why we need to push from the Left.  No on William McGuiness.