Tag Archives: dirty tricks

ALERT: Dirty Trick NOT dead!!!

(As first diaried on DailyKos by elishastephens)

The dirty trick initiative is NOT dead, say its backers.

The Mercury News has the story.

The activists questioned whether GOP attorney Tom Hiltachk, the author of the initiative, had underestimated the intensity of grass-roots support and failed to tap into it before he quit.

“The issue is so hot, it’s going to continue on,” said Tony Andrade, a Sacramento Republican who had actually submitted his own electoral vote initiative, but then deferred to Hiltachk’s effort. “People are lining up signing these petitions. There’s a lot of enthusiasm for this from a political point of view.”

Yes, they’re having trouble raising money.  But all they need is Bob Perry to dump a couple million into the effort, and they’re well on their way.  Can we afford to take the chance of assuming Perry or some other GOP multi-millionaire WON’T help revive this?

To me, that’s a risk I’m not willing to take.

Maybe we should continue what we’re doing, in terms of raising awareness and gathering ideas on what would be the most effective TV ad to run against this.

Dirty Tricks dead already? – updated

(Wow!! We did it. You did it. Amazing. We drove them into disarray. Awesome work everybody!! – promoted by Julia Rosen)

Here’s the full article from the L.A. Times: GOP electoral initiative dealt major blows. I’ll highlight this paragraph:

There remained a chance that the measure could be revived, but only if a major donor were to come forward to fund the petition drive. However, time is short to gather the hundreds of thousands of signatures needed by the end of November. And backers said Thursday that they believed the measure was all but dead, at least for the 2008 election.

Well. That was quick. The L.A. Times is reporting that the BREAKING NEWS: Electoral initiative backers give up

Plagued by a lack of money, supporters of a statewide initiative drive to change the way California’s 55 electoral votes are apportioned, first revealed here by Top of the Ticket in July, are pulling the plug on that effort.

In an exclusive report to appear on this website late tonight and in Friday’s print editions, The Times’ Dan Morain reports that the proposal to change the winner-take-all electoral vote allocation to one by congressional district is virtually dead with the resignation of key supporters, internal disputes and a lack of funds.

Mysterious Out of State Donors Funding Dirty Tricks Campaign, Giuliani Ties

(bumped – promoted by Julia Rosen)

(also up in orange)
In what can only be described as yet another dirty trick, the campaign pushing the initiative to steal California’s electoral votes disclosed its main donor in a campaign finance report earlier this week.  The lone $175,000 donor was attributed to a Missouri based company called Take Initiative America (T.I.A).  The only name we have is Charles A. Hurth III, an attorney in the small town Union, MO and big donor to Rudy Giuliani’s campaign.  He is the guy who registered the company, way back on September 10th.  The donation came in on the 11th.  The proponents of the ballot measure swear they have no idea who actually gave the money.  (See also Shane Goldmacher’s story.  He broke it)

Let’s get this straight.  A ballot initiative was filed by the lawyers for the California Republican Party (CRP) to try and steal 20 of California’s electoral votes.  The only donor we know about appears to be a front company, set up the day before the donation was made in Missouri.  And we know that the lawyers for the CRP have done work for Bob Perry, the Switfboat guy in the past.  Is Bob Perry running money through a Giuliani donor in Missouri?  If not, who is?

This is clearly a front group.  Under the law we don’t have any right to know who wrote the original check.  We only know the name of the guy who is the registered agent for the LLC that gave the money to the campaign.

The Fair Election Reform folks point out in their email that the Giuliani connections go beyond just Hurth.

But the connections to Rudy Giuliani don’t stop there.  Two law partners of Tom Hiltachk — the Sacramento attorney who authored and filed the power grab initiative here in California — are also strong supporters of Rudy and contributors to Giuliani’s campaign, including a lawyer serving as the Deputy Treasurer for the Republican pro-initiative organization in California.

They are using this as an opportunity to go right after Giuliani.

When asked directly about this, Giuliani’s campaign spokesperson tried to dodge the question by saying they’re prepared to compete in 2008 based on “whatever the people of California decides is best” — while refusing to answer whether or not the money funneled through TIA had any connections to Rudy.  What’s more, a spokesman for the right-wing pro-initiative campaign here in California said that Rudy “probably” wasn’t involved.  Probably?  Isn’t this something their campaign would know for sure?

Why won’t Rudy Giuliani stop hiding and come clean on this?  The voters of California deserve to know the truth about who’s behind this effort to rig the 2008 election by splitting up California’s electoral votes.

The only way to do that is to put pressure on the donors to disclose who they are on their own and disavow any ties to the Giuliani campaign.  All along he has said that one of the bonuses to his campaign is that he would be competitive here.  Is he trying to guarantee that is true?

No Dirty Tricks: Bruins sounding the call

(We need to stay on top of the education aspect of this. There are already reports that low-information voters are getting bogus explanations of what’s in PERA. – promoted by Lucas O’Connor)

UCLA is about to begin classes this week.  That’s right, this week.  I know, it’s almost October.  That’s how we roll.  😎

So in the inaugural issue of the Daily Bruin, they generally have submissions from both the Bruin Republicans and the Bruin Democrats.  So what does the president of Bruin Democrats have to talk about in the first issue?  Iraq?  Global warming?  Health care?  Our kick-ass quarter-opening barbecue?

No, he uses it to educate the UCLA student body about the GOP’s dirty trick to steal California’s electoral votes.

He ends it with this flourish.

The upcoming academic year at UCLA will be extraordinarily political.

You will be asked to sign all sorts of things on behalf of various causes, but remember your mother’s advice about going to parties: watch your cup closely; you never know what someone might put in it when you’re not looking.

As cheesy as your mom’s advice may be, it certainly applies here. Be careful about which petitions you sign when you’re on Bruin Walk. If you don’t pay close attention, your signature might contribute to this ruthless Republican power grab.

Now that’s something you will wake up regretting in the morning.

Keep in mind his audience is college students who are probably more concerned with when the next frat party is than some bizarre ballot initiative.  You have to break through that wall to really reach them.  Likening it to a bad hook-up seems more than appropriate for this crowd.  🙂

We’re gonna be getting the message out to the student body this year at UCLA.  Of course, that means also educating the many conservative students at UCLA too about it, who may be inclined to support it after learning what it does.  Ah well.  Such is life.

BTW, as for the conservative point of view in the paper, it was given by this girl, who complains the pro-life voice isn’t being heard.  You may recognize her name as the same girl who secretly taped a Planned Parenthood session where she pretended to be a 15-year-old girl, and got an employee to tell her to pretend she was 16 so she wouldn’t have to report her boyfriend for statutory rape.  She put it on YouTube, and the controversy exploded.  Got invited on Bill O’Reilly and everything.  She also founded the pro-life magazine The Advocate on our campus.  Her op-ed includes gems like this:

In 1973, the Supreme Court effectively legalized abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy.

Goodness gracious sakes alive!  (John Wooden reference.)  You mean, you can just go and get an abortion at 8 1/2 months, like that??  Who knew??? She is clever, though.  She won’t come right out and make a blanket statement that she’s against abortion.  She knows there’s too many ways to destroy that argument.  So instead she goes for the plea of letting her people be heard.  Yes, why aren’t they being heard, the voice of the enfranchised?

Yeah, we have to deal with that kind of shit at UCLA.  Anyway, I’d like to hear about what’s going on in terms of trying to stop the GOP’s power grab at other universities across California.  Anyone hear other things going on there?

Josh Lyman Talking Dirty (Tricks)

( – promoted by Robert in Monterey)

Bradley Whitford, the actor who played Josh Lyman on the beloved show “The West Wing”” is riled up about the dirty tricks initiative.  Rick Jacobs asked him to film a video for Courage Campaign. 

Brad sat down and wrote his own heartfelt script and they filmed it in his house surrounded by all of his children’s toys. As Brad says: “I don’t know about you, but my children cannot afford another Republican president.”

Watch the video and check out the new official No Dirty Tricks website.  Oh and join the conference call with Brad, Rick, Jane Hamsher (Firedoglake), John Amato (Crooks and Liars) and Ben Tulchin (pollster) at 4 pm today.  They will be answering questions from those on the call and a few submitted ahead of time.

You can support the campaign, and our ability to create these videos and hold these conference calls by contributing via ActBlue.

Good news on dirty ballot initiative in new Rasmussen poll

The latest Rasmussen poll just released this morning has some good news regarding the dirty GOP ballot initiative.

A proposal has been made in California that would award one Electoral Vote to the winner of each Congressional District along with two Electoral Votes for the statewide winner. In a theoretical sense, 47% of California voters think that’s a good idea. Thirty-one percent (31%) disagree while 23% are not sure. However, even that tepid level of support dissipates when voters learn that a change in California could significantly increase the number of Republican Electoral Votes. Once that is factored into the equation, support drops to 38% and opposition increases to 41%.

Excellent.  This is the first poll I’ve seen where opposition is MORE than support when people are informed of the consequences.  But again, no resting on our laurels.  Keep up the fight to educate as many Californians as possible!

Some other numbers from the poll, Arnold’s numbers stand at 46% approve, 53% disapprove.  Meanwhile, Bush is at 28% approve, 69% disapprove, including a whopping 50% of Californians who rate his job performance as “poor”.

And I’ll go ahead and disagree with the 65% of Californians who think term limits for state legislators are a good idea.

Howard Dean on Dirty Tricks: “Another Way to Undermine Honest Government”

DNC CHair Howard Dean knows exactly what’s up with the so-called “Presidential Electoral Reform Act”, it’s just one more way to keep GOP in office by gaming the system. It’s just one more dirty trick from the gang of villains that brought you Abu Ghraib, the Katrina botched handling, and the rise of the Taliban in Afganistan.  They are both corrupt to the core and unfit to lead.  More Video over the flip.

More Howard Dean:

And Some Gavin Newsom:

California GOP’s Election “Reform” Measure Reeks of Rove

(Good to see our electeds jump aboard in fighting this dirty trick. – promoted by David Dayen)

This is one straight out of Karl Rove’s political playbook. A group of Republican political operatives and their powerful special interests have hatched a desperate scheme to rig California’s electoral process to their advantage. They’re proposing a statewide ballot initiative to change how California casts its electoral votes for President. They’ve cleverly labeled it the “Presidential Election Reform Act,” which would sound credible if it weren’t so cynical.

But make no mistake, this wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing has nothing to do with reform or protecting voters’ interests or preserving the integrity of our Constitution. It’s an audacious power grab by the GOP as it spirals into irrelevance leading up to the 2008 Presidential race.

The Republican Party is in complete disarray. Wracked by scandal and corruption, the GOP has apparently concluded that it has little chance of appealing to voters on the merits. President Bush’s poll numbers are melting faster than an Alaskan glacier and a recent nationwide poll showed that two-thirds of young voters surveyed believe that Democrats do a better job than Republicans of representing their interests.

Add to that reports of the state Republican Party’s serious financial woes and the resignation in June of its embattled chief operating officer and it’s easy to see why state GOP leaders figured it was time for a little election reform.

It shouldn’t come as any surprise that some of the same Republican forces behind this bogus reform effort were responsible for the despicable Swift Boat ads attacking Presidential candidate John Kerry in 2004. Bob Perry, who contributed $4.5 million for the Swift Boat ads, is so far bankrolling the GOP electoral reform initiative to the tune of $50,000. 

There’s no question that our nation deserves a meaningful discussion about improving the way in which we elect our chief executive officer. The 2000 Presidential election showed us that our current system is far from perfect. But that’s not what this is about and it’s not what the GOP has in mind.

No, this Karl Rovian scheme is a slick GOP effort to steal as many as 24 of California’s 55 electoral votes and deliver them to their party’s 2008 Presidential nominee. Under our current system, whatever candidate wins the majority vote in California gets all of the state’s electoral votes. Republicans, out-of-step with California’s progressive values and unwilling to change their message, haven’t had much success.

Although I am running for on the same ballot, I will be joining the “all hands on deck” effort to stop this dirty trick and I urge you to join me. Here’s how you can help:

1.  The California Democratic Party has set up an effort dubbed “Fraud Busters” to track how the GOP is waging their battle. This is a big state, but with your help Democrats can have eyes and ears on the ground state-wide: www.cadem.org/fraudbusters 

2.  California bloggers have partnered with the Courage Campaign to run a nation-wide online campaign against the initiative. No matter where your friends and family live, they can get involved in this effort: www.NoDirtyTricks.com

With all of the serious issues we are facing in this state, from health care to education to our crumbling infrastructure, is this really the issue that Republican leaders believe California should be focusing on? More likely, it’s the one that fits their national agenda for keeping us in Iraq indefinitely, ignoring global warming and
giving tax breaks to the rich while burdening future generations with unprecedented debt.

The apparent strategy of the GOP operatives who are advancing this initiative further reveals their sinister and cynical intent. They are looking to place it on the June 2008 ballot and exploit low voter turnout to sneak it through. Beating back this GOP power grab will take an aggressive education effort. As a recent New York Times editorial concluded, “If voters understand that the initiative is essentially an elaborate dirty trick posing as reform, they are likely to vote against it.

Let’s make that happen!

Dems Up the Ante on Dirty Tricks

The Merc is reporting on a new strategy from the CDP to disrupt signature-gathering for the Dirty Tricks Initiative:

“We’re asking volunteers and activists to be fraud busters,” Art Torres, chairman of the state Democratic Party, said in a telephone conference call, “to help stop Republicans from stealing the White House.”

Torres said he’s calling on party volunteers to help find the location of signature gatherers and post them on the state party’s Web site “so everybody can see where they are, and we can proceed to the locations to offer rebuttals or register Democratic voters at the same time.

“Our intention is not to harass, nor to engage, nor to debate people collecting signatures,” Torres added. “This is the first time I’ve authorized a ‘do not sign’ campaign, which we want to be not only non-violent but non-intrusive on anybody else’s First Amendment rights.”

If it is what he says it is, then fantastic.  When was the last time there was a debate in the public square over policy and politics?  But I can’t imagine that this actually plays out in the manner Art Torres envisions.  If this evolves into a significant network of volunteers statewide, there’s going to inevitably be inappropriate behavior and confrontation that results from passionate people disagreeing.  It’s already being described by Republicans, predictably, as harassment of signature gatherers and signers.

I applaud the energy, and I’m encouraged by the underlying goal of fighting this every step of the way, but I do wonder just how far California Democrats can carry the scorched earth strategy here without the eventual voter disenchantment coming back to bite Democratic efforts.

All that said…I’ll probably end up volunteering for it at some point.