I told you I’d be back bright and early! Well, all in all, a pretty good night. So, let’s get to some results:
- CA-LtG: McClintock’s name ID wasn’t sufficient to propel him over the top and John Garamendi will be our next lite gov. I know this position is essentially powerless, but would you really want McClintock to have gubenatorial powers when Arnold leaves the state? Or to give him any further platform? Me neither.
- CA-SoS: Woohoo! Debra Bowen won!!! Finally, somebody will address the issues of electoral integrity from the SoS office. Bowen will be a phenomenal SoS. You’ve done a good job, California.
- CA-Controller: All that money that Intuit and the Indian gaming interests dumped into IEs for Strickland were completely unsuccessful. Chiang won this one going away. Again, he’ll do a great job.
- The less competitive races: As expected Jerry Brown defeated Pooch and Lockyer defeated the repo’d man. Both were far better than their scary competition.
- CA-InsComm: Well, Poizner was right, we cruzed, we losed. Next time, we’ll get some better candidates. However, in the interim, Poizner is now primed to run for governor, the position he wanted anyway. It’s time to start branding him the way we want.
We barely squeaked by on Prop 90. Whew!! That was way too close for comfort at 47.4% Yes. We’ll need to address paid signature gathering soon. I’m really sick of the Howie Rich’s of the world coming here and trying to mess with our system.
Props 86-89 all failed. The forces against them, Big Tobacco, Big Oil, the monied special interests and well I don’t know about 88, but they just got wiped out by the TV ads. They obfusicate the issue and hope people will just vote no. It worked this time. Next time we’re going to work just as hard. Particularly, Clean Money and the Alternative Energy/Oil Tax were good ideas. You haven’t heard the last of them.
Ok, I’ll be back soon; I need to take a nap.