Tag Archives: Jerry Perenchio

Jerry Perenchio and Prop 30

Former Univision Boss is big right-leaning force in California

by Brian Leubitz

The American Prospect takes a look at Jerry Perenchio and finds quite a story there. Perenchio, who was Univision’s chairman as it boomed, is a big funder of both Yes on 32 and No on 30, aka, the right-wing double.

But for the No on 30 campaign, which is getting relatively few contributions, his bucks mean a lot. And in a state where school funding now stands at 46th despite being a high-cost state, the possibility of a Prop 30 failure would be catastrophic for schools. (And the rest of our budget.)

Perenchio embodies the problems of dark money, particularly when it’s arrayed against the interests of the broader public. He’s given $50 million to a wide variety of political causes over the past couple of decades. In this cycle alone, he’s donated over $2 million dollars. The Sunlight Foundation reveals that Perenchio’s donations to national dark money groups like American Crossroads, Karl Rove’s operation, are matched by his donations to state and local issues.

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The elite in California, much like the rest of the country, have come to dominate the political process. Putting real children in the face of that elite crystallizes the decision awaiting California, and the country, come November.(American Prospect)

The need for additional revenue is painfully clear. We need to Pass Prop 30 and let Jerry Perenchio what Californians really think.

Note: Brian Leubitz, the editor of this blog, works for the No on 32 campaign. Please like the campaign on facebook or follow on twitter. You can also get your No on 32 T-shirt here.