Tag Archives: AD80

(CA 80th AD) Harvard to Honor Alum Manuel Pérez

Manuel Perez has been recently announced as a recipient of the 2008 HGSE Alumni of Color Achievement Award….  Mr. Pérez is being recognized for his work, which addresses issues of race and education in ways that offer new frames of thought and practice, and evidences a commitment to promote meaningful strategies to affect change and to improve educational opportunities for people of color.

Manuel Pérez is running to represent the 80th Assembly District in California, a region that stretches from Palm Springs through Coachella to Calexico.   This seat is in play, and though Manuel has excellent company in the Democratic primary, he stands apart.  Manuel Perez represents the new crop of progressives in the Democratic party: a community organizer first/politician second, a scholarship student who came back to the old neighborhood to teach, the proud son of UFW parents who advocates for gay rights and a women’s right to choose.   Harvard Graduate School of Education has reason to be proud.  The volunteers on his campaign know how they feel.

HGSE Awards Perez

Support Manuel Pérez for the CA 80th AD here.

Manuel Perez with supporters

(CA AD80) Raising up the community

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Some of Coachella Valley’s finest, from left to right: Steve Hernandez-City Councilman of Coachella, Manuel Perez-Candidate for State Assembly, Eduardo Garcia-Mayor of Coachella, and Mike Duran-President, Desert Sands Teachers’ Association. 

Last night, Eddie Garcia hosted a casual party to raise funds for the People’s Candidate for the 80th Assembly District in California.  Eddie talked about the inspiring example Manuel Pérez provided the future Mayor of Coachella:  Manuel went to UC Riverside, then came back and taught, then went on to Harvard for his MA in Education, then came back again to foster social justice.  We have a whole generation of bright, socially conscious leaders coming up in the Coachella Valley – all committed to our community and each other. 

Here’s where you come in:  my ActBlue page.  More after the flip.

Manuel Pérez is exactly the kind of candidate the netroots are talking about.  Here’s David Dayen’s (dday) take on Pérez.  Here is my latest account of the campaign so far.  Read and enjoy.  The national news still disappoints, but things are looking up here in the California desert.

Here’s Pérez and his campaign manager, the brave and beautiful social activist Amalia Deaztlan:
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Here’s Pérez at work:
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And at home:
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{At the Mayor’s party for Manuel Pérez last night, I had the chance to show everyone the best thing that’s happened all week: the new Coachella Valley section of Calitics.  I can’t say it often enough, Brian Leubitz of Calitics is a national treasure.  Thank you, Brian!}

Crossposted to Daily Kos

80th Assembly District Delegation just added a blogger

Well, the main reason is probably that I was active in the Roth campaign and with Democrats of the Desert.  Only Roth for Congress campaign staff and a few volunteers knew I was our blogger.

But I ran to help bridge the gap between the netroots and the Party, and that’s what I told our tiny gathering above the Cashier’s Desk at the Fantasy Springs Casino.  40 ballots were cast, and I garnered 13, and so I’m in.  Yes, we need a lot more participation at the local level.  This is Riverside County, and Democrats are outnumbered, but not for long!

Kudos to Patricia Cooper of State Senator Denise Ducheny’s office for a nice smooth meeting.  A few candidates weren’t there for their statements, so a local councilman spoke on behalf of two of them.  One of the last to give his one minute speech began with, “Hey, can Greg speak for me, too?” 

While ballots were counted, Pat asked for announcements, so I announced the next Democrats of the Desert meeting (Jan. 20th at 10:30am at the Palm Desert Library), Arnie gave us the next Sun City Democrats’ meeting news (Jan 23rd, the speaker is Roger Tansey on Bush’s signing statements), and we heard of two pro-union / anti-Walmart events.  Pat noted the need for a club specifically for the East Coachella Valley, and all agreed it’s needed, and we the existing clubs should support it with seed money. 

The only negative element was the smoke from the casino.  Boy, do they need to ventilate that place.  I used to smoke two packs a day, and it even gave me a headache.  Kids, don’t smoke.  I ought to mention, though, that the Cabazon tribe donated the space for our delegate election, which was very kind.

All in all a good morning.  I hope to read of more netroots wins.