Tag Archives: event calendar

Your Weekend of Progressivism in the Sandy Eggo

Busy day or two here in Sunny San Diego.  Hit the flip for the itinerary for any active Democrat.

Later today, start off with the 7th Annual Women’s Day Celebration from Red CalacArts.  Enjoy music by Pistolera, poetry by Maria Fugueroa, and more.

Saturday morning, San Diego Young Democrats are taking on graffiti in North Park and there’ll be food and drink afterwards for all comers.

And if you’d rather be active while sitting and listening, check out Edward Tabash discussing the separation of church and state with the Coronado Democratic Club.

Cap off your day with some words on the impact of humans on the environment from Dr. Milton Saier offered by Progressive Democrats of San Diego.

And if you happen to find yourself absent from San Diego, don’t overlook a screening of “Call Me Malcolm” in Costa Mesa, it does the progressive soul good.

Your Weekend in California Activism

Not quite as hot as last weekend, but still plenty of opportunity to stir things up offline this weekend.  And as a wise man once assured, it’s all good, from Diego to the Bay, and we’re puttin it down for Californ-I-A.

Bay Area:

Friday, March 2: Mark Leno Campaign Kickoff, 12:00pm

Sunday, March 4: John Edwards in Berkeley, 2:30pm

Orange County:

Saturday, March 3: Military Families Speak Out, 10:00am

Saturday, March 3: HRC in Laguna OC, 11:30am

Saturday, March 3: Peak Oil: What Are We to Do?, 6:30pm

Sunday, March 4: Progressive Christians Uniting Orange County, 3:00pm

Sunday, March 4: Tustin Screening of “The Great Warming”, 6:00pm

San Diego:

Friday, March 2: Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund Luncheon, 11:30am

Saturday, March 3: Meeting of Region 20 CDP Convention Delegates, 10:00am

And as always, Calitics will be here to provide all the news that’s fit to print. Go forth and rectify.

Event Calendar

So I went through last night and loaded the Calitics Event Calendar with all sorts of San Diego goodies, and now it’s way overloaded with San Diego bias.  Hopefully that’ll entice people to start using it more (I’ve noticed it gradually gaining some steam), because I think it’s an excellent tool for one of our goals here of providing the mechanism to get people more involved locally.

I know that I personally had no idea how much was going on around my rather red town before really diving into this.  Now I’ve got Guantanamo, the Death Penalty, Iran, Election Fraud, African Poverty, Climate Change, Gloria Steinem, Richard Lederer and a bunch more coming up in the next month or so.  The majority of writers, commenters and readers here are involved in the process outside of blogging, and more specifically outside of direct electoral politics.  This is a simple way to bring politics into the day-to-day world and begin building bridges between the grassroots and the netroots.  We’ve gotta still attend these events, participate in what’s going on around us, and then write about it, but let’s not forget that we’ve gotta do our small part to turn people out in the first place too.

So I hope everyone will start using the event calendar, whether it’s posting events, learning about events, telling others about upcoming events.  It’s one way to build a cohesive community.