Tag Archives: gale kaufman

Worst Political Journalist in the State

So when the publisher of Calitics fled town for vacation, I might recollect an email about no fights (and I stayed out of the blogger fight on Friday night). But since there is already a fabulous flame war about the worst California Journalist, I figured anyone who wanted to should chime in.

While I sit back and enjoy my popcorn, my only thought is that Bill Bradley would win the title hands down if anyone other than Rough and Tumble were dumb enough to take him seriously.

As for Marc Cooper, since nobody would be dumb enough to repeat day job intimidation calls that backfire I might sneak away with a links to this and this.

Although the pool for potential worst journalist is growing smaller every day, punking the bad ones only gets easier.

Term Limits Initiative Filed

You think this is the real reason why we are going to have 2 primary elections next year? Nah, couldn’t be.  Well, as juls noted in the Quick Hits section, Gale Kauffman and Matthew Dowd (a moneyed consultant dream team) are announcing that they have filed an initiative to extend the term limits.  Well, not really extend, so much as modify.  It changes the deal to 12 years in either house.

Oh, and just in case you were worried about our incumbents, they get a grandfather exemption to allow them an extra four years even if they’ve already served twelve.  Pretty sweet, huh?