Tag Archives: An Inconvenient Truth

Blog Roundup 3/2/07

Sorry this is late. It covers through Thursday, March 1.

Over the flip, Nunez disses Arnold, SB840 is re-introduced, An Inconvenient Truth wins, UC Davis food workers march and bloggers finally get our own category because, let’s face it, we are the story…

State Politics

  • Brad Parker at PDA has a must-read article about the DLC vs Progressive conflict within the Democratic Party at play here in CA. http://blog.pdamerica.org/?p=1002

  • Julia covers Nunez’s smackdown of Arnold and offers a bit of a smackdown of her own. Old habits die hard, I guess. http://workingcalifornians.com/blog/julia_rosen/2007/03/01/beggar_not_a_lecturer_needed
  • The Ojai Post has all you’d ever want to know about CSI: California (California Solar Initiative, silly) aka the million solar roofs bill. Oh, and by the way, happy birthday Ojai Post! <

  • Listen to Jerry McNerney talk tough on Bush accountability

  • SFist has some disturbing news about some immigrant sweeps taking place in the Bay Area. San Mateo and SF may even create immigration sanctuaries.

  • Wu Ming has some great local coverage of the religious right’s picketing of the First Baptist Church in Davis and a UC Davis food worker’s march.

  • LA County will get that transportation bond money after all. And so will many parts of the state.


  • Our own Raven Brooks gets profiled, nay celebrated, as a Blog Pac Ordinary Hero over at MyDD.


  • Don’t forget to check out the forays into mainstream media of calitics’s own dday & Brian over at the Capitol Weekly. Look, they’re all grows up.



  • Frank at CPR is raising some excellent questions about the criteria for blogger credentials to cover the state legislature. Bill Cavala argues that if the press corps controls access to legislators, the public should know to whom they’re beholden as well. 



Health Care

  • I really believe that people telling their personal stories are going to be key to winning the healthcare debate. California Notes has one woman’s story.


  • And Ezra Klein has a tragic story that never had to happen. 


  • SB 840 is back, baby! Frank was at the presser and Deborah Burger, RN explains why California Nurses back it. 



An Inconvenient Truth

  • Last Sunday night, Al Gore’s movie won best documentary feature (there isn’t a category for film that saved the world, I guess.) Does this mean he’s running ?


  • The Ruth Group digs deeper into why the National Science Teachers Association denied free copies of An Inconvenient Truth for classrooms.


  • Left In SF takes global warming local and looks at the health effects of pollution in S.F. 


Everything Else

  • LAist brings us one of the coolest applications of Google Earth: famous movie locations.


  • LA Times’s Ron Brownstein is getting his OpEd on


  • Drinking Liberally Oakland has gamers’ view of Barack. 


  • Karen Ocamb of In Magazine LA guest posts at Courage Campaign about the push back by researchers against the religious right’s distortions of science.
  • Elliott brings us the results of an Immigration Policy Center poll that shows that as illegal immigration has risen, violent crime has plummetted. Cue mass right wing head explosion.
  • Dump Doolittle and dday are covering the ouster of Carole Lam and the ongoing tribulations of the Gonzalez 7. http://solongjohn.blogspot.com/2007/03/subpoenas-issued-in-gonzales-seven.html
