Tag Archives: Cuba

CA-04: Lies, Dick Cheney and McClintock’s Hypocrisy–Help Charlie Fight Back

(Charlie’s coming back after this with a vengeance. – promoted by David Dayen)


As you know, Charlie Brown just released his energy plan —a pragmatic, “all of the above” strategy that calls for more domestic oil supply, a new energy economy that creates thousands of new jobs, and an end to the practice of spending taxpayer dollars on Middle-East oil.

Hundreds of people from across the political spectrum have signed our petition to put Charlie’s plan into action.

In response, Tom McClintock did what career politicians do…

He pandered to the oil interests who have bankrolled his political career (Tom has taken $155K from Big Oil in the last 10 years alone), and in full disregard of the facts, he told the biggest lie he could think of.  


Click Here to Help Charlie Fight Back!

To be fair, Tom got help from Vice President Dick Cheney —the man whose energy policies have been great for oil companies, but awful for American families—driving gas prices from a once manageable $1.46, to nearly $5 a gallon.  So how much do McClintock & Cheney have in common?  Judge for yourself.

“Oil is being drilled right now 60 miles off the coast of Florida. But we’re not doing it. The Chinese are, in cooperation with the Cuban government.”–VP Dick Cheney, 06/11/08.

Cheney then retracted the fabrication the day after he issued it:  “It is our understanding that no Chinese firm is drilling there.”–06/12/08  

Two months later, McClintock repeated the lie:  “The vast oil fields off the coast of Florida…are now being drained by the Chinese Government drilling in Cuban waters.”–8/10/08

Like Dick “imminent threat/last throes” Cheney, Tom McClintock has a credibility problem —and not just on energy.   Then again, career politicians often say just about anything to score cheap partisan points.  By contrast, career military officers like Charlie know that misstatements and distortions don’t solve problems-they are part of the problem.  

McClintock’s ridiculous assertions aside, America is finally having a serious dialogue about our energy future. Consequently, gas prices are falling, but the difference between that drop being temporary, and much bigger and more permanent, rests on our willingness to elect leaders committed to taking action and doing whatever it takes to change how we power our nation.  That’s what makes your support for Charlie Brown so critical.

Click Here to Contribute Now!

Every day we are learning more and more about Tom McClintock.  

We know he is continuing to raise money so he can run for Board of Equalization or Lt. Governor in 2010 —all while he’s running for Congress in a district that is over 400 miles from his home.  


We also know he’s already sending out letters attacking Charlie’s patriotism, but focusing much more on Nancy Pelosi–from which we can only surmise that he should be carpetbagging over to San Francisco, not the 4 th District.  

But that’s not all.

California still doesn’t have a state budget and hundreds of thousands of hard working people are being laid off or paid at minimum wage.  Longtime obstructionist Tom McClintock hasn’t voted for a budget in more than 20 years, but he’s still getting paid a full salary with tax free per diems.

That’s not only hypocritical, it’s just plain wrong.  Results matter.  That’s why Charlie’s stand is that politicians who can’t produce budgets on time and in balance shouldn’t get paid–period.

Help Charlie send Tom McClintock packing once and for all.

You know Charlie.  You know he means what he says and says what he means.  You know that he is a man of action who leads by example and puts his money where his mouth is.

That’s what this campaign is about, and it’s the higher standard of leadership we need in Washington to get our country back on track.

We are less than 85 days from an historic election—and your continued support will make all the difference down the stretch.  

Thanks again for all you do.


Todd Stenhouse

Campaign Manager

P.S.  From policy distortions, to sleazy fundraising letters attacking Charlie’s patriotism, Tom McClintock has gone negative with his desperate job search. Please help us ensure that Charlie has the resources to fight back and win this election—Contribute Today!  

P.P.S  And if you aren’t doing anything on Saturday, please come out and join us for our fourth district-wide day of action. Click Here to Sign Up!

CA-04: McClintock – “China’s Drinking Our Milkshake!”

Since he doesn’t have any ideas of his own, and he can barely locate California’s 4th District on a map, Tom McClintock has decided to pick up on the “Drill Now” movement coming from the deepest bastions of economic royalist and faux populist conservatism.  His first ad of the 2008 election is a radio spot which shakes his finger at Congress for ignoring all that delicious oil under everyone’s house that must be delivered immediately to Exxon.

“Liberals like Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Brown want to continue supporting federal laws that prevents us from tapping America’s vast oil resources. That’s how we got into this mess – and why gasoline prices are now breaking our family budgets,” McClintock says at the beginning of the one-minute spot.

“America has nearly a trillion barrels of recoverable oil-more than three times that of Saudi Arabia-that Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Brown won’t even let us touch. In fact, more than 94 percent of our territory remains off-limits because of this foolish prohibition. If we want to change this policy, we’ve got to change this Congress,” McClintock says.

94%!  For instance, that park by your house doesn’t have ONE oil derrick in it.  And who knows what’s under the floorboards in your den?  94%, sucka MC’s!

Now, McClintock is buying in to the discredited notion that China is stealing all the oil off the Florida coast.

“Meanwhile, the vast oil fields off the coast of Florida that American law prevents Americans from developing are now being drained by the Chinese government drilling in Cuban waters,” McClintock wrote in a column for the Auburn Journal, pointed out to us by the campaign of his Dem opponent Charlie Brown.

“And still Nancy Pelosi and her supporters in Congress continue to block the development of these vast American oil reserves.”

Don’t you idiots see it?  The Chinese are stealing our purity of essence and draining our precious bodily fluids!

None of this is true, by the way.  Even the Prince of Darkness Dick Cheney, who’s in Southern California today in case you were wondering why you heard that death rattle this morning, had to acknowledge that the Cina-Cuba drilling myth was a lie.  

But without lies, where would McClintock be?  (um, running for the Board of Equalization?)

Cuba Travel Bill: California Reps in the Spotlight

I’m on the mailing list for the Latin American Working Group, which tracks Latin American policy in Washington.  Among other things, they’re currently working on drumming up 100 cosponsors for HR 654, the Rangel-Flake bill to end the ban on travel to Cuba.  The bill would eliminate all restrictions on travel between the United States and Cuba, and LAWG has targeted quite a few Californian members of Congress as potential cosponsors.  Hit the flip for a rundown on why this is important and the list of California targets.

The travel ban, like the economic embargo, was designed and has since been supported on the premise that it prevents U.S. dollars from supporting the Castro regime.  Problem is, it’s been at least a decade since U.S. policy lapsed into “wait for Castro to die.”  Furthermore, this is a policy that does nothing to harm Castro or his government, and everything to harm everyday Cubans who have a failing economy and people from the U.S. who might be able to both learn about Cuban culture (an amazing, rich culture) and influence the politics of Cubans as a whole.  For all the effort that’s been put into giving Reagan’s force of will full credit for ending the Cold War, it was when the Soviet Union couldn’t keep Western culture off the streetcorner that communism collapsed.  As it stands, Cubans are at the mercy of the propaganda fed to them by the government mixed with rumors.  There’s no counterpoint when Castro blames every failing on the United States.

They have a long list of targets from across the country, but here’s the list of Californians that they’ve targeted.  If you support this action and see your Rep on the list, give them a call, fax or email and encourage them to co-sponsor the Rangel-Flake bill.

Davis, Susan D-CA
Eshoo D-CA
Honda D-CA
Lantos D-CA (will probably vote for it but not likely to co-sponsor; he really
needs to hear from constituents who support a change in policy)
Matsui D-CA
Millender-McDonald D-CA
Napolitano D-CA
Pelosi D-CA (not likely to co-sponsor as Speaker, but call her to ask for her
support for bringing the bill to a vote)
Roybal-Allard D-CA
Sanchez, Linda D-CA
Scott, David D-CA
Baca D-CA
Cardoza D-CA
Costa D-CA
Sherman D-CA

They also take special note of new members of Congress who are getting worked pretty hard on this issue.  In California, that means Jerry McNerney and Kevin McCarthy, so don’t hesitate to get after them in particular and hopefully get them started down the right road.