Tag Archives: AB 684

Chuck DeVore at the OC Blog

Conservative Republican Assemblymember Chuck DeVore stopped by the conservative OC Blog to talk about his legislation with progressive San Francisco Assemblymember Mark Leno. As you can imagine, some of the readers weren’t exactly thrilled to see DeVore working with Leno (just like some here might feel about Leno teaming up with DeVore). But it is good to see two lawmakers from opposite sides of the aisle work together to pass common sense legislation that is popular.

And it is very popular:

As California prepares to celebrate the hard-working farmers and ranchers that contribute to the state’s largest industry tomorrow on California Agricultural Day, a poll conducted by Zogby International was released today confirming strong support for reforming state laws that prevent farmers from growing industrial hemp.  Legislation that Assemblyman Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) and Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (R-Irvine) have re-introduced permitting California farmers to grow industrial hemp for the sale of seed, oil and fiber to manufacturers (AB 684) will be heard in the Assembly Public Safety Committee on March 27th. 

The telephone poll, commissioned by Vote Hemp, a non-profit, grass-roots organization co-sponsoring the Leno-DeVore measure, tracked the opinions of 801 likely California voters between February 22-26, 2007.  A total of 71% support changing State law to allow farmers to grow hemp.  Of those surveyed, 46% strongly support, and 25% somewhat support changing state law.  The poll has a 3.5% margin of error.

“The Zogby poll underscores that Californians of all political persuasions think we should change our senseless policy of importing industrial hemp while prohibiting our own farmers from growing it,” said Assemblyman Leno.  “Passage of AB 684 will mean that California farmers will have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this $270 million industry that’s growing by $26 million each year.”

This is popular, common sense legislation that is good for the state. The legislation passed last year, but was unfortunately vetoed by the Governor. You can help pass it this year by taking a moment to contact your legislators — Democrat or Republican — and voice your support for AB 684.