Tag Archives: Orange County Victory Fund

Choose Tim Steed to Lead CYD

OK, I know that there’s an important election coming up. Pretty soon, California Young Democrats will be choosing their next President. But for me, there really isn’t a choice. Tim Steed has what it takes to lead CYD, and to make it stronger than ever. He’s always been a young progressive champion in Orange County, and I’m sure he’d do a great job as CYD President.

He started out working in Joe Dunn’s office. That should be enough for us. But no, there’s much, much more. He reinvigorated the Orange County Young Democrats as OCYD President. He put the pressure on Tom Umberg to support Leno’s marriage equality bill. And in 2004, Tim coordinated the first Democratic precinct captain organization in Orange County in over 20 years with the Orange County Victory Fund. Tim and the other OCVF organizers raised $30,000 and organized hundreds of volunteers, which enabled them turn out countless new voters and impact local elections. Sergio Contreras won a seat on the Westminster School Board as a result of OCVF’s precinct program, and the majority flipped from Republican to Democratic. That’s the type of great results that came out of Tim’s work with OCVF.

And oh yes, how could I ever forget the Peer to Peer program?! Last year, Tim ran the Peer to Peer operation for CYD in SD 34. I saw firsthand as he and other young activists in OC knocked on young SD 34 voters’ doors, called their phones, and got over 1,100 of them to vote last November. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget that Democrat Lou Correa won by 1,392 votes. Tim helped make the difference in keeping Central Orange County blue.

OK, so Tim has done some great things in the past… What does he plan to do with CYD in the future? Well, let me tell you all about it after the flip…

So what exactly would Tim Steed do as CYD President? Well, here is a list of his top priorities.

Expand the number of Young Democrats of America/California Young Democrats partnerships with YDA/CYD chapters to assist them with their own local projects.
CYD and YDA currently have a partnership whereby 50 percent of CYD activities are funded through Young Democrats of America. Expanding this partnership with the local chapters will allow them to more effectively pursue their own local goals. One specific example would be hiring interns for clubs; in essence, hiring an executive director for those clubs. YDA would pay half of the stipend for the intern, with CYD and the local chapter splitting the remaining 50%. This will allow chapters to expand and professionalize with institutional support from CYD, and without a major expenditure on their part.

Expand CYD’s presence in California’s Colleges by working with the Vice President of Membership and California College Democrats President and Membership Director to establish and support chapters at every California State University and University of California campus.
CYD’s slogan is “I am the margin of victory” because we know that when young people vote, Democrats win. Working with the California College Democrats is a critical step into forging our generation into a solid bloc of Democratic voters. Establishing chapters at every UC and CSU will further expand the diversity of CYD, establish a new institutional presence in the Red areas of the state (such as at CSU Stanislaus or UC Merced) and provide the opportunity for new leaders to emerge throughout CYD and the California Democratic Party.

Fully implement CYD’s Action Plan
At the last CYD Executive Board Meeting, CYD voted to adopt its 2007 Action Plan. This 70 page document details a specific strategy for expanding CYD’s base throughout the state, and in particular, focuses on establishing the Peer to Peer campaign model throughout the state. Peer to Peer is a new model for organizing Young Democrats, and is focused on reaching out to young voters through specific issues, and then bringing them to the polls. In 2006, the Peer to Peer campaign proved to be effective in providing the margin of victory for Lou Correa in Orange County.

Appointing Policy Director to assist the Political Director in establish a CYD Policy Council so that CYD can begin taking formal steps to advocate on behalf of policies benefiting young Californians.
One of the critical components to establishing a generational bloc of young voters that vote Democratic is establishing a mechanism for CYD to be the voice of our generation. Establishing a Policy Council, headed by an appointed Policy Director (who works with the elected Political Director) will allow CYD to develop the institutions necessary for us to advocate on behalf of the legislation that is important to young Californians.

Ensure more accountability among CYD’s elected officers by requiring written quarterly reports and mandatory weekly phone calls between the President and Officers so that CYD chapters and activists can be sure that they are being served to the utmost of the officers’ abilities.

OK, so you know what Tim has done in Orange County. And now, you know what Tim will do if he’s elected as CYD President. So how does this prove that Tim Steed is the best person to lead CYD?

Well, I know Tim. He’s a great guy, and one committed Democrat. OCYD would not be what it is today without him, and Lou Correa probably wouldn’t be my State Senator today if it weren’t for him. And Joe Dunn would have never had so much energy in his office if it weren’t for Tim. I am just so excited about what Tim has in store for CYD, and I can hardly wait to see him in action. And I hope you agree with me that Tim Steed should lead CYD.