Tag Archives: Nancy Pelosi?

Redistricting: Nunez v Pelosi?

Tons going on today, so I’ll just throw this out there.  Speaker Nunez has announced that he plans to amend ACA 1 to make both state legislative and Congressional apportionment the responsibility of the Little Hoover Commission. Speaker Pelosi has said on several occasions that she wants the Legislature to retain power over teh Congressional redistricting process.  Over the flip…

ssembly Speaker Fabian Núñez proposed Wednesday stripping the Legislature’s authority to draw political districts and giving the task to the Little Hoover Commission, a state watchdog agency whose members are political appointees. … The measure fulfills a promise made by Núñez nearly two years ago to tackle the thorny issue of drawing district boundaries, known as redistricting, which strikes at the heart of political power.

“I think it’s fair, I think it’s honest, I think it’s straight forward,” Núñez said of the plan.

ACA 1 will propose that the Little Hoover Commission not only draw legislative and Board of Equalization district boundaries, but also those of Congress, a provision guaranteed to spark controversy at a time when Democrats hold a narrow majority in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.(SacBee 3/18/07)