Tag Archives: Republicans

Pombo and his Harem of Lobbyists

(Don’t forget, the GOP taint certainly goes well beyond Doolittle. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

By now we all know that Richard Pombo (R-Tracy) has been going after the Endangered Species Act (for more info, see the wonderful blog Say No to Pombo).  Another of his favorate past times is to open up federal lands for mining of all sorts.  Yes, Mr. Pombo is all sorts of environmentalist.

And why was a developer so interested in opening federal lands for mining?  Why, he took a big donation from a mining lobbyist, a lobbyist who happens to have some of that Abramoff “taint”.  The LA Times did an excellent job covering the story. As I don’t have time to delve more thoroughly, I will reproduce a small portion here, just to tease you enough to check out the full article. 

WASHINGTON — Duane Gibson, a Washington lobbyist under federal scrutiny in the Jack Abramoff scandal, helped raise money for a California congressman who championed legislation that would benefit Western mining interests that Gibson represented.

Last fall, Rep. Richard W. Pombo (R-Tracy), chairman of the House Resources Committee, attached an amendment to a budget bill — without hearings or floor debate — that would have opened national forest and other public land to mining. The so-called Pombo provision passed the House, but was deleted from the bill in the Senate when several Western state senators and governors complained that it would endanger vast portions of federal land. (LA Times 2/7/06)

Doolittle’s Abramoff Connections

Dan Walters at the Sac Bee wrote a great article about John Doolittle’s ties to the now infamous lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

What’s evident is that [Doolittle] wrote letters in 2003 to federal officials that sided with Abramoff’s clients on disputes – a fact that was uncovered by the Associated Press. The letters appear to undercut Doolittle’s rote assertions that he’s opposed to gambling and has had no improper dealings with Abramoff, whose ties to politicians are being investigated by federal prosecutors after he pleaded guilty to conspiracy and fraud. Before the AP revealed the letters, Doolittle – who has ducked direct questioning by reporters – insisted on a radio talk show that he welcomes any investigation. Sac Bee 2/3/06

Check out the flip…

Now, Walters notes, and I agree that “Unless prosecutors turn up a smoking gun, it’s likely that Doolittle will remain a congressman for many years.” There is a lot of evidence against him, but not that one smoking gun.  It’s unfortunate.  However, his seat is a very safe GOP seat. 

But, it is definitely another example of another corrupt Republican.  While the evidence may not be perfect, there is plenty:

What’s evident is that he wrote letters in 2003 to federal officials that sided with Abramoff’s clients on disputes – a fact that was uncovered by the Associated Press. The letters appear to undercut Doolittle’s rote assertions that he’s opposed to gambling and has had no improper dealings with Abramoff, whose ties to politicians are being investigated by federal prosecutors after he pleaded guilty to conspiracy and fraud.


Were it just two letters, one could agree that there’s smoke but no fire. But one of Abramoff’s tribes helped by a Doolittle letter, based in Mississippi, later made a $5,000 campaign contribution to the congressman – part of the $130,000 Doolittle has received from gambling tribes with ties to Abramoff. Furthermore, Abramoff hired Doolittle’s wife as a consultant and placed a former Doolittle aide on his payroll. Those and other facts add up to a pretty cozy relationship between Doolittle and Abramoff – more than mere coincidence.

The GOP in California, especially the House delegation, is corrupt.  Perhaps if we keep repeating the mantra “culture of corruption” we can take back a few of the seats.  Plus, it can’t hurt with the Governor’s race.