Tag Archives: Union Tribune

Open Thread

Back from Vegas with lighter pockets and ready to rock.  Turns out though that the real action is in California Indian Casinos which pulled in $25 billion last year and are growing faster than Las Vegas.  Sure, but are their prostitutes health screened?

Meanwhile, San Diego’s City Council got it right today, affirming their previous vote to ban big-box stores within the city.  Mayor Sanders is whining that it’s anti-business to ban things that are bad for business, but if the current 5-3 vote stands up, his veto is irrelevant.  Story comments are predictably ill-informed for the most part, but probably several are legitimate candidates for the U-T editorial staff.

And continuing on the “reality is whatever I tell you” road, Mayor Sanders is defending his cuts of city services by saying that funding cuts don’t mean service cuts.  He decided that firefighters didn’t deserve a cost of living raise because not enough of them were leaving, then boasted that, while opening several new branches of the library, he wasn’t reducing net hours.  Currently, the city has two fire hazard compliance officers.  I sure hope that there isn’t a really dry fire season or anything.

But anyways. I got my ticket today to see The National at the end of the month and I’m really quite delighted.  On that note (ah ha!), The National – Mistaken For Strangers

“surprise, surprise they wouldn’t wannna watch
another uninnocent, elegant fall into the unmagnificent lives of adults”

Open Thread

Condoleeza Rice visited Camp Pendleton today. Unfortunately, it’s the same day that the body discovered by Iraqi police in the Euphrates River was identified as Pfc. Joseph Anzack Jr. of Torrance, CA.

State appeals court today overturned a previous ruling, saying that San Diego County cannot deny medical care to adults who cannot afford it and lack insurance. An expensive decision, and one certain to piss off a lot of people who wish they could be around more poor sick people.

And on the subject of people who miss the point, the ever popular Chris Reed is nonplussed.  Apparently reprimanding John Murtha over threats of personal retribution means Democrats love earmarks.  In a related (fictional, but would you be able to tell?) story, saying that kids should eat less candy is the same as advocating for adolescent anorexia.

Stretching your musical limits tonight, but only because I believe in you. You personally. Battles – Atlas

“The singer is a crook”

Open Thread

All sorts of one-off goodies for you tonight, and go ahead and get your hip hop juices flowing cause that’s what’s coming at the end.

The City of San Diego must pay nearly $1 million in legal expenses for athiest who sued over the Mt. Soledad cross.  First Jerry Falwell and now this? Not a good week for the soldiers of the Lord.

San Diego County, in a a stroke of exceptional forethought, will now require all landscaping at new county facilities to be “drought-tolerant” and fire resistant…whatever “drought-tolerant” means (apparently, no plants that want water).  There were still a few cows in the barn, so slamming the door might accomplish something.  Cynicism aside though, at least it’s something.

Most exciting though is Carol Goodhue alerting us that the Union Tribune is now accepting unedited and anonymous comments on the website.  Ms. Goodhue, for her part thinks “it’s loony to allow readers to post these comments anonymously. Considering readers’ interest in interactivity, I also think we’d be crazy not to give this a whirl.”  And with that, we’re off into a brave new world.  What’s the over/under on this turning into a flame war you ask? Depends on how much time I have to comment.

Now, to mark the end of one of hip hop’s all-time greats.  Jurassic Five (1994-2007) – Concrete Schoolyard

“Cause we’re protected by the covenant of words and beats.”

Desperately Seeking America, or What Lucas Will Be Writing About for Six Weeks

Union-Tribune editor Susan White sets out on a six-week cross-country search for reassurance that the U.S. retains enough strength and idealism to carry it safely into the future.”

And just in case you want some more context:

  Beginning today, Susan White will criss-cross the United States in search of the nation her grandchildren will inherit.

  She’ll also describe what happens when two strong-willed people spend six weeks trapped together in a rented Toyota Corolla. (Her husband, Robert P. Laurence, is the Union-Tribune’s former television critic.)

  Today the Corolla is headed toward Arcosanti, an experimental community 65 miles north of Phoenix.

I would assume that nobody here needs me to explain why this is absurd, so I won’t insult you.  I assume that this will be ridiculous, and look forward to following along.  Seriously though, this is what a legitimate newspaper does? This isn’t even “fair and balanced.” It’s just asinine.