Tag Archives: U-T

Open Thread.

The U-T’s intrepid road warrior is checking in from Arcosanti, AZ.  I’m not sure if it was intentional, but she manages to strike a chord that might resonate:

As with many grand experiments, however, the fact that so many people have participated in the dream may be as important as the realization of the dream itself. What people find here seems to be less about architecture and more about being part of a community that’s trying to create a better world, even if it’s clear their quest will never fully succeed, and even if Arcosanti is merely a stopping point along the way to their final destination.

How’s that reconcile with your vision of the American Dream? Ends? Means? Something -doo economics? Bueller?

And now, because nobody Open Threads anymore.  Dance Party over Cleveland. Dance Party over Arcosanti.  Dance Party over San Diego.  Dance Party over your soul.  Watch the video and pick your favorites.  They’re collectible, they’re tradable, and one of them is taking fashion advice from Brian.  I’ve identified 9 people whom I would like to treat to a drink, and if you think that my favorite move is the puppet pockets, you’re close but will receive no cigar.  Brandston – Nobody Dances Anymore.

“You’ve gotta break free. You’ve gotta break out. So everybody knows what you’re all about.”

The correct answer was, in fact, the wriggling fish on a hook.

Open Thread

Leading off with your random news fix, the Union-Tribune today took a shot at investigative journalism. It was so pathetic that Jerry Sanders issued an email press-release/smackdown in response to a random article. If I didn’t know better, I’d smell a softball right down the middle of the plate. But no, just lameness. Journalistic standards are somewhere rolling over in a shallow grave.

So we’re talkin primaries today. Good times all around. Tonight’s song is a very strained tribute to just such a topic. Either way, the song is awesome, and the video is as close to perfect as a music video is capable of. Chemical Brothers feat. k-os – Get Yourself High.

“Insurrection is served on a 12 inch platter”

Update: I might want to include some of the mayor’s response:

With that perspective, let me now address the outstanding leases in Mission Bay Park. In a park with 28 leases, only 6 are in holdover status. These 6 leases render total revenue of $280,000 per year. Let me restate that – these leases render revenue of $280,000 per year. This amount equals approximately one-half of 1 percent of the City’s total lease revenues, and approximately 1 percent of the revenues of the leases from Mission Bay. When you compare that $280,000 to our total lease portfolio revenue of $68.4 million, you can appreciate my frustration for how horribly the paper today distorted the issue especially in light of our strategy to renegotiate the most lucrative leases first.

Sorry UT. If you wanted a story, you shoulda gone with Carol Lam, Blackwater, Trestles, Bajagua, Bilbray the lobbyist, or whatever else is simmering and waiting for you. Having a friend at the Boat and Ski Club doesn’t count as investigation. And damn you for making me side with Jerry Sanders.