Tag Archives: Mt. Soledad

Open Thread

All sorts of one-off goodies for you tonight, and go ahead and get your hip hop juices flowing cause that’s what’s coming at the end.

The City of San Diego must pay nearly $1 million in legal expenses for athiest who sued over the Mt. Soledad cross.  First Jerry Falwell and now this? Not a good week for the soldiers of the Lord.

San Diego County, in a a stroke of exceptional forethought, will now require all landscaping at new county facilities to be “drought-tolerant” and fire resistant…whatever “drought-tolerant” means (apparently, no plants that want water).  There were still a few cows in the barn, so slamming the door might accomplish something.  Cynicism aside though, at least it’s something.

Most exciting though is Carol Goodhue alerting us that the Union Tribune is now accepting unedited and anonymous comments on the website.  Ms. Goodhue, for her part thinks “it’s loony to allow readers to post these comments anonymously. Considering readers’ interest in interactivity, I also think we’d be crazy not to give this a whirl.”  And with that, we’re off into a brave new world.  What’s the over/under on this turning into a flame war you ask? Depends on how much time I have to comment.

Now, to mark the end of one of hip hop’s all-time greats.  Jurassic Five (1994-2007) – Concrete Schoolyard

“Cause we’re protected by the covenant of words and beats.”