Tag Archives: spending

Where’s the waste?…

Can someone please answer these questions for me:

1. Why does it cost California $42,000 per inmate when it only costs Florida $18,000?

2. Why does it cost California $163,000 per prison bed (building them, that is) when it only costs Michigan $54,000?

3. Why does California have the third highest tax per gallon of gasoline, and ranks 43rd in per capita spending on highways?

4. Why has per pupil spending nearly doubled ($6,000 to $11,500) over the last decade and student achievement has remained stagnant?

5. Why has it cost well over $5 billion and 15 years to retrofit the Bay Bridge when it cost us $1 billion (inflation adjusted) and 5 years to build it from scratch?

Seriously, what are the answers to those questions?