Tag Archives: Calitics podcast

Calitics Podcast: Kevin Johnson & Yes on Prop 2

Well, we know we’ve been a bit slow on the podcasts, but we’re going to try to do them more frequently. After all, the election is only a few weeks away.

So, tomorrow we’ll restart the thing at noon with Sacramento mayoral candidate, and former NBA All-Star, Kevin Johnson.  We’ll also talk with the Yes on Prop 2 Campaign Manager Jennifer Fearing. So join us tomorrow at the Calitics Show Homepage. You can also grab the podcast there, at iTunes, or stream right from the Calitics page there on the left.

The California Politics Chat Show, Wed 7/25, 10AM

First of all, we clearly need a better name. Tomorrow, Frank Russo, of California Progress Report, and I will host the premiere edition of what, for ease, we’ll temporarily call the Calitics Radio show. We are very, very pleased to announce that we will have Calitics endorsee  Asm. Mark Leno, (D-SF), on the show.  We’ll talk about the budget, the 2/3 Requirement (otherwise known as the Republican anti-democracy movement), and prisons. Oh, and I’ve heard he’s running for something.

So, the show is hosted by blog talk radio, and here is our show’s page. It says 9:30, but that’s just to let me prepare. From there, you can listen in. And you can call in to chat with us at (718) 664-9561. I’ll post links tomorrow morning too.