Tag Archives: federal judges

Thank You Dianne!

For giving a bigot and a homophobe a lifetime appointment and a federal pension.

Senate Republicans scored a key victory Wednesday with the confirmation of Leslie Southwick to the New Orleans-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

A united GOP conference convinced enough Democrats to cross party lines to first clear a procedural hurdle and then succeed in the confirmation vote. Southwick has been arguably the most contentious judicial nominee of the 110th Congress up to this point, amid strong opposition from Democratic leaders and liberal groups. Senators had invoked cloture in a 62-35 vote and, minutes later, confirmed Southwick on a 59-38 vote.

So three cowardly Dems pulled the Lieberman and changed their vote from “yes” to “no” after cloture, so they can go home to their states and claim that they opposed Southwick.  Which won’t matter a lot to the defendants in the 5th Circuit, who will endure the judge’s politically motivated opinions for decades.

Dianne Feinstein is the most responsible Senator for this travesty, having voted Southwick out of committee after getting sweet-talked by Trent Lott.  Howie Klein has more.

UPDATE: And the hits just keep on coming.  The DREAM Act failed a test vote, getting 52 votes but not the 60 required to invoke cloture.  What a fun day.

Di-Fi… Sigh.

This is really irksome, especially because we’re in the majority now and there’s no need to confirm these right-wing reactionary activist judges.

Feinstein just voted to confirm a judge who thinks children should be removed from gay parents. And she wonders why so many Democrats hate her.

Republican supporters of Leslie Southwick had a huge victory today when a moderate Democrat, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California broke with her party to vote for the Mississippi judge’s nomination to the federal bench.

Feinstein had been heavily lobbied by the nominee and Mississippi Sens. Thad Cochran and Trent Lott, both Republicans, as well as the White House.

My relationship with Di-Fi waxes and wanes.  Her leadership on the US Attorney scandal and closure of Guantanamo was admirable.  And then she goes and pulls something like this.  Leslie Southwick has no business being a federal judge.  There’s no argument for her to be one.  Yet this move burnishes moderate credentials and creates a chit that Di-Fi can call in later.

Not happy right now…