Writing from Brave New Films:
We just had an exciting last-minute addition to our Brave New Films/The Young Turks Super Tuesday live online video election coverage: Senator Boxer will join us at 6:30pm PT as a call-in guest.
That completes an outstanding guest list of progressive thinkers and doers for tonight. You’re guaranteed better election coverage with us than on cable or network news, so turn off your TV and check in online — starting in just a few minutes. (List over the flip)
3:00 Senator Sherrod Brown
3:20 Senator Ted Kennedy
4:10 Anna Burger, SEIU
4:30 Joe Garofoli, San Francisco Chronicle
4:40 Dolores Huerta
4:50 Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood
5:10 Melody Barnes, CAP Action Fund
5:50 Jane Hamsher, Firedoglake
6:00 Howard Dean, DNC
6:30 Senator Barbara Boxer
6:40 Eli Pariser, MoveOn.org
7:00 Alexandra Acker, Young Democrats
7:10 Joe Conason, Salon.com
7:20 Trailer Premiere, This Brave Nation
7:30 Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation
8:30 Todd Beeton, MyDD
8:40 Keith Boykin and Malia Lazu
9:00 Joan McCarter, Daily KOS
9:30 Arianna Huffington, The Huffington Post