Tag Archives: Kevin De La Torre

Eminent Domain Initiative On Its Deathbed?

Before election time rolls around? Aww, that’s unfortunate, because Prop 90 was so much fun for folks of all ages!

Anyway, the SacBee found a few teensy-weensy errors (h/t to the CA Majority Report ) in the draft of the initiative.  Well, ok, really big errors. Namely the initiative, sponsored in part by the Farm Bureau, would make it darn tough to start new water storage projects.

In short, the CPOFPA would make it illegal to use eminent domain to acquire land and water to develop public water projects. That’s right: the Farm Bureau — a major proponent of water storage and supply — is bankrolling an initiative that would effectively make it impossible to develop any new water projects in the state (visit the website of the coalition promoting Assemblyman De La Torre’s honest eminent domain reforms for a fact sheet on the issue). It’s hard to imagine they would do this intentionally, so one has to assume it is the mother of all drafting errors.

GOP Senator Dave Cogdill told the Bee: “As I read it, there’s certainly reason for concern for what it means for the future of water projects in California, especially as it pertains to new water storage.” (CA Majority Report )

I tell you what, the “eminent domain” people, who keep trying to slip other provisions into their initiatives, are pretty much the bad news bears of initiative reform. Every possible mistake happens.  But, we all make mistakes, right term limit reformers?