Tag Archives: David Dreier

California Blog Roundup, 6/24/06

Today’s California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Teasers: Phil Angelides, Arnold Schwarzenegger, CA-04, CA-11, Richard Pombo, John Doolittle, Jerry Lewis, David Dreier, corruption, environment, immigration, minimum wage, reform. And now back to Mexico v. Argentina.

Governor’s Race

Jerry McNerney / CA-11

  • The DNC interviews Jerry McNerney. Funny, where’s the DCCC on this? Isn’t this supposed to be their beat? Rahm?
  • Check out Congressional Quarterly for some evolving conventional wisdom on Jerry McNerney and CA-11.
  • Pombowatch reflects on the Republican Primary in CA-11. Worth reading for anyone who actually cares about the country.
  • Paid-For Pombo is finally doing something for college students: he’s offering jobs in his campaign. This is how patronage works, folks: you collect money from powerful interests by virtue of your position, then you do them favors, and eventually some small amount of the money you collect (which is a small amount of the money you made for the the powerful interests) trickles down to people willing to work for you. Oh, and when you’re done doing legislative favors for powerful interests, you work for them directly as a lobbyist.

15% Doolittle / CA-04

Other Republican Paragons

  • Down With Tyranny follows up on the nasty push-poll that Dreier’s campaign was using in the Democratic Primary in CA-26. Seems like it’s a standard Republican tactic — Lee Atwater and Karl Rove between them pretty much destroyed any integrity that Republican campaigns might have had.
  • Jerry Lewis still a crook.
  • Bill Cavala gets to the core of the Republican corruption problem: when you don’t believe in government at all, why not strip-mine it for your personal benefit? Republican leaders aren’t corrupt by their own lights — they don’t think what they’re doing is wrong.

The World Around Us


What Is Villaraigosa’s Deal?


  • Voting reform and privacy concerns: why have the Republicans turned these into partisan footballs? Don’t they want reliable vote counting and a zone of privacy for all citizens? No? Why not?
  • Randy Bayne, who has really ramped up the posting recently, writes on the legislature’s proposed linkage of term limit relaxation with redistricting reform. I’m not all that convinced that the two are or should be related (except as it might be necessary to get incumbents on side), but it’s an interesting read.
  • Hannah-Beth Jackson writes on a bipartisan effort in the legislature to better fund non-profits that help developmentally disabled adults work. Of interest is that all four legislators (including the single Republican) involved have personal experience with developmentally disabled children. While I’m encouraged by this effort, I’m saddened by the failure of imagination and empathy implied, and which is most evident in California’s Republican party.
  • Kvatch is tearing his hair out. Schwarzenegger administration officials get an 18% pay raise to keep up with inflation. And yet, Schwarzenegger and his team are resisting inflation indexing of the minimum wage. Huh. And let us not forget that the Republicans in Congress voted themselves a pay raise while rejecting any increase in the national minimum wage.
  • Journeys with Jood notes that the pay scale for the AG is below many first-year associates at large law firms (my personal benchmark for overpaid uselessness). Repeat after me until your brain stops hurting: “There is no class war. There is no class war. There is no class war.”
  • For those who might wonder how our representatives should behave, they should look to Russ Feingold. “Everybody does it” is not a defense — it’s just as much utter crap as it was when you tried it on your mom, and Russ proves it’s also false.


California Blog Roundup, 6/21/06

Today’s California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Teasers: Phil Angelides, Arnold Schwarzenegger, CA-04, CA-11, CA-50, Paid-For Pombo, 15% Doolittle, Jerry Lewis, David Dreier, Brian Bilbray, corruption, immigration, minimum wage, reform.

Governor’s Race


  • CannonFire points us to a Flash movie questioning the integrity of the vote in CA-50.
  • Look, I know that parents are not entirely responsible for their children (though most Republicans differ), but when Republicans persist in using “family values” and other culture war code words to wedgify the American people,one has to ask: what about their kids? And BTW, if Brian Bilbray supports the invasion and occupation of Iraq, I wonder if he’s encouraged his kids serving? I hear the military is short a few folks.
  • Words Have Power adds a fun fact: Bilbray sued the state of California to get in-state tuition for his kids, even though they are residents of Virginia (like Bilbray). Bilbray, however, opposes in-state tuition for the children of undocumented immigrants. It’s a Republican hypocrisy perfect storm: Bilbray engages in lawsuit abuse to change the rules in order to get a government handout of public education for his kids, even while denying the same thing to other children.
  • I’m not sure we want to get into a war of money attrition with the Republicans, but this post by Markos is interesting nonetheless.

15% Doolittle / CA-04

Paid-For Pombo / CA-11

Other Republican Paragons


Helping People

Reform / Miscellany

A SethInCA Project: Help engage Cynthia Rodriguez Matthews with the Netroots

(Warner’s loss was something of a shock, but now we go back to square one with Matthews. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

(Cross-posted at Daily Kos, SethInCA and MyDD)

The short version: I’m going to go interview Cynthia Rodriguez Matthews, the Democratic candidate for Congress who’s challenging David Dreier in CA-26. I’d like to encourage her to become involved with the netroots, and as a start I want to reach out to her with your questions. Please post any questions you’d like me to ask her in the comments section.

The long version: Two weeks ago, Cynthia Rodriguez Matthews pulled a major upset and won the Democratic nomination for Congress in the 26th District of California. Her primary opponent and the assumed favorite of the race was Russ Warner, who had made a decent show of fundraising and received the endorsement of Gen. Wesley Clark. But Matthews, who was also the nominee in 2004, pulled an upset and won.

I’ve speculated (dirty tricks?) about the reasons for Warner’s disappointing defeat, but the bottom line is that Matthews is the nominee this year. And if ever there was a year for a turning of the tide in Congress, this is that year. Even if she can’t quite win in this Republican district (46% R to 35% D), she’s still fighting the good fight, not to mention forcing Dreier to spend money defending his seat. Or at least, that’s the hope. In 2004 she came closer than any other challenger in California in her race to unseat closeted Republican David Dreier (54-42). She and two radio hosts gave Dreier hell on immigration, and during the campaign she publicly “came out” and challenged Dreier to do the same. Print media ignored the story, but it got some play on the radio and the web.

I called her office on Friday (guess who answered the phone? Matthews!) to ask for an interview, and her staff agreed. Later this week I hope to head over to campaign headquarters to take some pictures and ask her some questions. My hope isn’t just to ask her some questions, but to try to get her more involved with the netroots. So far, her website is a disaster, but hey, Russ Warner’s spiffy website didn’t win him the nomination.

This is where you come in: please post questions you’d like me to ask her in the comments. (Maybe some advice for her too.) I’ll bring some questions of my own, and we’ll see what happens. Watch SethInCA for the results.

CA-26: An Election Day Mystery

(Ah, the strange whims of voters. – promoted by SFBrianCL)

[cross-posted at SethInCA, Daily Kos, and MyDD]

A week ago, I wrote a diary here asking for suggestions for starting a new blog to cover the race in CA-26. Two nights ago, I watched and reloaded, slightly disbelieving the preliminary results in the Democratic primary in CA-26, David Dreier (R-Closet)’s district. Russ Warner, endorsed by Gen. Wesley Clark, ran on a moderate platform of “protecting the middle class, promoting small business, and supporting our troops, honoring our veterans.” Clark came to the district, raised money for Warner, and even recorded a robocall for him. Warner was supposed to be the best chance in awhile to defeat Dreier, a tough prospect considering Dreier’s power as Rules Committee chairman and the Republican registration advantage in the district (46% R to 35% D).

Meanwhile, Cynthia Rodriguez Matthews, who came out of the closet during the 2004 election and challenged Dreier to do the same ran again. Matthews gave Dreier the closest margin of any reelected congressman in California in 2004 (54-42), thanks in no small part to the anti-Dreier activism of two radio hosts surrounding immigration. Yet Matthews had raised only $516 as of mid-May and $5,361 as of June 1. Her website is a nightmare. Watching the election from afar, I pretty much wrote her off.

So what were the results on election day?

Cynthia Rodriguez Matthews                 12,836   47.0 
Russ Warner                                10,308   37.8 
Hoyt Hilsman                                4,172   15.2 

That was, to say the least, unexpected. So now I pose the question to you: what happened?

I’m trying to decide if a comparison with CA-50 makes sense (of course that was a special election, not a primary). In assessing Busby’s loss, Matt Stoller argues that Bilbray ran to the left of Busby, who ran as a moderate and highlighted the “Culture of Corruption,” but didn’t really motivate the base. Kos sounds the same message, writing:

As I travelled the country extensively on my book tour I heard the same points over and over again, in city after city. Regular activists out in the states understand these concepts. But the DC bubble politicians and consultants simply don’t get it.

The “culture of corruption” is a nice secondary theme to weave into our broader narrative, but it can’t be the message on which we pin our 2006 hopes.”We’re better managers” won’t inspire our troops to head to battle.

This will be a base election. Inspire and motivate.

See Montana Democrats like Gov. Brian Schweitzer and Jon Tester for a taste of how that’s done. The corruption message helped MT Dems take over the governor’s mansion and legislature in 2004, but that was just a sub-thread of their broader message.

They, and others like Paul Hackett would’ve won CA-50.

Maybe Warner lost because, despite his big name endorsement, he didn’t motivate the base. Or maybe it was just the low turnout due to other factors. Or an inexperienced campaign staff. Whatever the reason, it was quite an upset, and something of a mystery.

California Blog Roundup 6/5/06

Today’s California Blog Roundup is on the flip. Teasers: Angelides, Westly, Schwarzenegger, Paid-For Pombo, Francine Busby, Winograd v. Harman, new David Dreier blog, CA-42, Prop 82, Jerry Lewis / CA-41, immigration, minimum wage, and the economy.

Endorsements for Tuesday

State-Wide Races Generally

Paid-For Pombo / CA-11

Other Electoral




Legislative Action

Miscellany & Economy

Unseating David Dreier: Suggestions For a Blog to Cover CA-26?

[cross-posted at Daily Kos]

Hello calitics! I’m spending this summer in Claremont, CA and I thought, what better way to spend some of my time then to start a blog to cover the local congressional race. CA-26 is home to Rep. David Dreier, 13-term incumbent. His opponent looks to be Russ Warner, recently endorsed by Wesley Clark; the primary isn’t until next week, but no one else seems to be doing much fund-raising. I couldn’t find much blog coverage of the race, and Warner’s website, though nice, doesn’t have a blog. I’ve been very impressed by other blogs covering specific races, like the various Ned Lamont blogs. So I took the plunge:

Seth in CA (for the summer)

And now I’m looking for tips on getting this blog going. Specifically, does anyone have tips for:

  • Connecting up with other Warner supporters
  • Exposing Dreier’s various shenanigans
  • Letting other California blogs know I exist
  • Any other useful roles I can play?
