Tag Archives: Gerald Laird

When the Chamber Calls, Arnold always takes the call

To the tune of 12 for 12. 12 Vetoes for 12 Good Bills.  That kind of record would make even the Colorado Rockies smile. And it's sure making the Cal Chamber of Commerce smile

In recent years, the chamber has focused much of its lobbying firepower on an annual list of “job killer” bills. This year, Schwarzenegger complied with 12 out of 12 chamber requests for vetoes on those bills. In 2006, he vetoed nine of 11 bills that the chamber listed as job killers.

“The chamber has had more success than most in getting vetoes,” said Steve Blackledge, legislative director for the California Public Interest Research Group, a consumer advocate. “They draw a bright line in the sand and say, 'These bills have to be stopped.' They've got the governor as their backstop.”(LAT 10/16/07)

Some of those bills over the flip.

A bunch of these bills involve green building codes. You see, the California Chamber of Commerce didn't dig on the Global Warming Bill, AB32, and doesn't much dig on any implementation of that bill.  You see, they are into a “wait and see” approach on climate change. You know, “wait” until we have no water left, and then “see” if they can move to Canada to get their water. So, we get a raft of “job killers” on that front. AB 35 (Ruskin) would require new state construction to live up to the standards of the gold rating from the United States Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for buildings after 2010. AB 888 (Leiu): would require that standard for all buildings where planning ends after 2013. AB 1058 (Laird) would require the Dept. of Housing to issue green standards for housing. And somewhat related, the Governor vetoed SB 210 that would have created standards for alternative fuels.

The Chamber really hates workers comp. They think that if you get injured on the job, well, that's the risk you take. Suckas!  SO, the fact that an injured worker got only $45K for a amputated leg seems totally fair to them. Yay! But the Legislature insists on trying to make them pay injured workers, those meanies. So, more job killers like SB 936 (Perata) which would have revised the formula for computing those payments for injuries causing permanent disability. SB 942 (Migden) would have given permanently disabled workers a supplemental job displacement benefit, And a very important piece of legislation, SB 622 (Padilla) would prohibit willful misclassification, as defined, of employees as independent contractors. 

Of course, The Chamber hates when their workers organize, so they blast two Migden bills SB180 and SB650 which affect labor organization, and Asm. Swanson's AB 504 that would have punished fraud in bargaining.

And, of course, they hated the Perata-Nunez health care plan, AB 8.  So, 12 for 12. Good Work Chamber!