Tag Archives: breast cancer

Elizabeth Edwards at The Women’s Conference 2007: “Live Deliberately”

For the first time in history,  Presidential candidates’ wives from both parties sat on a panel together at the Women’s Conference 2007.  Democrats Elizabeth Edwards and Michelle Obama and Republicans Jeri Thompson, Ann Romney, and Cindy McCain shared their views and experiences of being a candidate’s wife with an audience of 14,000.

The  nonpartisan discussion was dominated by descriptions of the challenges of balancing family, work and a political campaign, all while remaining grounded. The participants generally agreed on the role of a candidate’s wife in a Presidential campaign. Elizabeth Edwards stated that the idea of candidates’ wives as “strategists is overplayed.”

Following the Candidates’ Wives Panel, Elizabeth delivered a moving speech in honor of women surviving breast cancer.  

Oh, and if you are wondering about Hillary’s spouse Bill,  yes he was invited. According to First Lady of California Maria Shriver, who hosted the Conference, he was asked to come and serve coffee, but declined.

Watch highlights of Elizabeth Edwards at the Women’s Conference 2007 here:

Elizabeth Edwards: “Live Deliberately”