Tag Archives: web 2.0

Congressional Twitter Town Hall Invitation: #AskDems Anything About the Budget

Democratic Members of Congress, through the Democratic Caucus New Media Working Group, will be participating in a Congressional Twitter Town Hall, Thursday (tomorrow), from noon-1 PM EST, and I wanted to personally invite you to join us. We’re taking questions with the #AskDems hashtag. You’ll be able to follow Democratic responses here.

We’re focusing on budget issues and spending priorities. Since we anticipate far more questions than we can possibly answer, we’re encouraging Twitter users to retweet the questions they’re most interested in seeing answered. Remember, if you don’t use the #AskDems hashtag, we won’t see it during the town hall.

The Twitter Town Hall is being ‘hosted’ by Rep. John Larson, chair of the House Democratic Caucus, Rep. Mike Honda, chair of the New Media Working Group, and me, Rep. John Garamendi. I’ll post a list of Members of Congress confirmed to participate on my Twitter feed soon. It would be great to see this community participate in the conversation.

We’re focused on the budget and job creation, because America’s highest priority is job creation. We are in the midst of a fragile recovery. Indeed, February was the twelfth straight month that the private sector job growth. According to nonpartisan estimates, over three million Americans are employed because of Democratic policies passed in the last two years, including the Recovery Act. These are good numbers, but far too many Americans are still out of work through no fault of their own.

Unfortunately, as we enter the tenth week of this 112th Congress, the Republican controlled House has not presented a single job creating bill. I’m a patient man and understand that with a caucus in disarray, House Republican leadership would be slow out of the gate to propose legislation that actually creates jobs and helps our economy grow.

Yet here we are, ten weeks into the new 112th Congress, and the two signature bills pushed through the House by the Republican Majority destroy 700,000 jobs and take away health care coverage from 33 million Americans respectively. That’s not what the American people sent us to Congress to accomplish. Ten weeks, zero jobs. Where are the jobs?

There are plenty of good ideas floating in Congress and across the country that would help more Americans secure the peace of mind and dignity that comes with having a good job. America is waiting for action by House Republican leadership. I, for one, am running out of patience. Millions of Americans facing skyrocketing credit card bills, mortgage and rent payments, school costs, and health expenses are running out of time. I hope you’ll join us tomorrow to talk about the jobs problem, and more importantly, the jobs solution.

Text Message the Governor on Healthcare

(Disclaimer: I am an online organizer with It’s OUR Healthcare!)

This Wednesday, the Legislature will be holding its first hearing on Governor Schwarzenegger’s proposal to require everyone to buy insurance, whether or not they can afford it and regardless of whether it actually protects them.

Healthcare advocates have engaged Governor Schwarzenegger ever since he declared this year to be “the year of healthcare reform.”

After months of talking to the Governor about the need for meaningful healthcare reform this year and the need for healthcare to be affordable, the Governor has stuck with a plan that’s just won’t work for regular people, who could be stuck with thousands of dollars in deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses.

The Governor needs more convincing and tomorrow It’s OUR Healthcare! will be in the Sacramento to lobby the Governor. We are asking Californians to text message the Governor on healthcare. We will park a giant jumbotron-type screen on the grounds of the State Capitol and display the messages sent in by thousands of Californians. Lobbying your Governor has never been so easy!

All you have to do is type the keyword IOH into the content section on your cell phone to the special code, 30644. That code functions like a phone number. Once your message is received, you will receive a confirmation. Tomorrow, you will receive a reminder message with instructions on how to send your message to the Governor.

You can also sign-up quick and easy via the web!

Can’t make it to Sacramento to see your message displayed? No problem. The live feed is back! We will broadcast the text message display across the internet!