Tag Archives: Gene Stillwell

December 20, 2007 Palm Springs Village Fest Voter Registration & Democratic Candidate Tabling

December 20, 2007 – Palm Springs Village Fest Voter Registration and Candidate Information Tabling at Palm Canyon & Arenas, Palm Springs, CA, Thursday nights from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. (Adult beverages enjoyed thereafter at the local pubs).

A chilly desert night became a cold desert night while proud, progressive, Democrats joined helped throngs of locals, visitors, and prospective voters understand the shift of the Coachella Valley from red to purple with blue in the offing.

The Democratic clubs were represented as usual with Desert Stonewall Democrats (DSD) staffing the tables thanks to George Zander, President of DSD, Bob Silverman, Treasurer of DSD, and Randy. Re full disclosure, BluePalmSpringsBoyz iz a member of DSD.  Eleanor Jackson staffed another table for the Democrats of the Desert.

More details about Palm Springs Village Fest Voter Registration and Democratic Presidential Candidate Tabling below the flip…

Gene Stillwell helped out at the Voter Registration and Candidate Information tabling for the John Edwards for President campaign. Stillwell is an activist with the John Edwards for President campaign and is the Captain of the Coachella Valley for John Edwards One Corps Chapter. Stillwell discussed aspects of the Edwards campaign and his expectations for the January 3, 2008 Iowa Democratic Caucuses.

Rob Simmons also made a visit to the Voter Registration and Candidate Information tabling. Simmons is a member of the Palm Springs Airport Commission and is an activist with the Barack Obama for President campaign. Simmons discussed the fact that the week was a good one for the John Edwards for President campaign given his upswing in the Iowa polls.

David Hunsicker, an announced candidate for the CA 45th Congressional District to replace Mary Bono, absentee Congresswoman, R-CA, discussed his congressional campaign and recent progress towards the party nomination.

Proud progressive Democrats discussed the recent announcement that the Coachella Valley Unified School District was at risk for state takeover due to the continued inability to meet academic standards. Consensus was that this would ultimately hurt the candidacy Victor Emanuel Perez, Vice-President of the CSUSD Board of Trustees, and who is a candidate for the CA 80th Assembly District to replace the termed-out State Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia (R-CA). Activists also discussed the fact that the State may levy sanctions against the Palm Springs Unified School District and its Board of Trustees, including Gary Jeandron, candidate for the Republican nomination for the CA 80th Assembly District. Seems that in one fell swoop, the State Department of Education may have affected the candidacies of Perez and Jeandron and may have determined both the Democratic and the Republican primary races for the CA 80th AD. (re full disclosure, BlueBeaumontBoyz is a supporter of Greg Pettis, Mayor Pro-Tem of Cathedral City and candidate for the 80th AD).

Back to Village Fest. Tracy Turner, Vets for Peace, helped stir the discussion concerning Mary Bono’s (R-CA) support for Pres. Bush’s failed Iraq occupation policies. He discussed the Vets for Peace plans for an uncoming holiday vigil. More on anti-occupation efforts as information becomes available.

Stillwell, Bob Morris, and yours truly, staffed the John Edwards for President table. We distributed position papers from the John Edwards for President campaign, provided campaign buttons and bumper stickers, signed up volunteers for the Edwards for President Campaign, and solicited voters to register to vote. We discussed Edward’s increasingly strong standing in the Iowa caucus polls. Of particular interest was the decision of Barack Obama to begin attacking Edwards in Iowa and New Hampshire, a sign of desperation. In addition, many hold that given Edwards strength in the rural counties, the weighting of the caucus results towards the rural counties, the presumed absence from Iowa of Obama’s college student voluteers and voters due to the holiday break, and Clinton’s probable tactical decision to throw support to Edwards in an attempt to short-circuit Obama’s campaign, Edwards should have a good night during the Iowa caucuses. Join representatives from Desert Stonewall Democrats, the Greg Pettis for 80th Assembly District, and the Edwards, Clinton, and Obama campaigns at Look Patio Bar and Restaurant in Palm Springs on January 3, 2008, to follow the Iowa Caucuses results on several big screen televisions.

Other Democratic Party activists staffed tables for the Hillary Clinton campaign (Wayne) and the Barack Obama campaign (Hunsicker, Simmons).

We registered seven voters last night, including additional changes of party affiliation. Moderate and progressive Republicans continue to express their distaste for the callous disregard for the truth of the Bush Administration, the failing occupation effort, the regressive social policies, and the drain on the Federal treasury as they funnel funds to their cronies in big business, especially to the oil and gas, insurance, defense, and pharmaceutical industies. Now Independents and Republicans are voting with their feet by moving quickly to the Democratic Party!

Zander, Silverman, Turner, Morris, and yours truly attended the Unofficial Drinking Liberally (UODL) after-party at Bongo Johnny’s! Ever celebrating the Coachella Valley and Palm Springs turning deeper shades of purple and blue! But, still, beware the dying beast.