Tag Archives: Common Cause

Common Cause Endorses Prop 93

(Brian’s Disclosure)

Today, in somewhat of a last-minute fashion, Common Cause of California endorsed Proposition 93, the term limits reform measure. Common Cause is one of many groups who are opposed to term limits in their current structure on principle grounds, but they wanted to get redistricting reform at the same time. Nonetheless, they have endorsed Prop 93, along with a heavy dose of pimping for their redistricting measure that has been endorsed by the Governor.

Check the press release over the flip.

(Los Angeles) – California Common Cause today announced its endorsement of Proposition 93, a measure that will reform California’s term limits.  “While we strongly condemn legislative leaders’ failure to adhere to their agreement to place a redistricting reform measure on the ballot along with the term limits proposition,” said California Common Cause Vice-Chair Roy Ulrich, “Common Cause has long believed that term limits arbitrarily limit the right of voters to elect their representatives from among the most qualified candidates while at the same time giving more power and influence to special interest lobbyists.”

Proposition 93 will give voters the ability to decide whether to keep their assemblymember or senator in office for up to 12 years.  Under existing law, assemblymembers are limited to three terms of two years, and senators are limited to two terms of four years, with the possibility that a person could serve a total of 14 years in the state legislature if elected to both houses.  If passed, Proposition 93 would allow legislators to serve a total of twelve years in the Assembly, the Senate, or both.

Although legislative leaders have failed to live up to their promise to place a redistricting reform measure on the ballot, California Common Cause has joined forces with the League of Women Voters, AARP, the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, and other groups and individuals to obtain the signatures necessary to place the California Voters FIRST Act on the November 2008 ballot.  Presently, California’s legislators draw their own districts behind closed doors, which creates a serious conflict between a legislator’s self-interest in drawing districts that ensure his or her safe reelection and the legislator’s responsibility to serve the interests of the communities he or she represents.  If passed, the California Voters FIRST Act would create an open and transparent 14-person independent citizens commission to draw district boundaries.