Cross posted on Daily Kos
Last week we wrote a diary encouraging Democrats throughout the State of California to roll up their sleeves, get involved, and run for a seat on their local Democratic County Central Committees.
Since that time, a group of East Bay grassroots activists (a few of whom are Caliticians!) has put together a video talking about what motivates them to work through their local Democratic Party and why they think YOU should run for your Democratic County Central Committee.
Time is running short, though. The filing deadline to run for your County Central Committee is next Friday, March 7 at 5:00 p.m. To beat that deadline, you’ll need to go to your County Registrar of Voters, register as a candidate and get copies of petitions. Then you’ll need to gather 20 valid signatures from registered Democrats in your district. You MUST turn in your signed petitions by March 7.
For a complete guide to the process, please go to our website at
In this critically important election year of 2008, there’s no better way to get involved with other committed and hard-working Democrats throughout your community and across the state.
Online Organizing Director
California Democratic Party